FIDE World Chess Championship cycle 2000-2001 |
[ Competition summary || European Championship | American Continental Championship | Asian Championship | African Championship |
| Zonal 2.1 | Zonal 2.2 | Zonal 2.3 | Zonal 2.4 | Zonal 2.5 | Zonal 3.1a | Zonal 3.1b | Zonal 3.2a | Zonal 3.2b | Zonal 3.3 | Zonal 3.4 || FIDE World Ch ]
Zonal 2.4 (South America) :: São Paulo 2001 |
<< [ Crosstable || 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th || Information ] >>
Round by round results
1st round — 28th August 2001 |
Farhat, Barbára |
0 - 1 |
2112 |
Chang, Suzana |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
2095 |
0 - 1 |
2050 |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
1.-2. Chaves, Chang — 1; 3.-4. Farhat, Ribeiro — 0; |
2nd round — 29th August 2001 |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
2050 |
½ - ½ |
2112 |
Chang, Suzana |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
2095 |
0 - 1 |
Farhat, Barbára |
1.-2. Chaves, Chang — 1½; 3. Farhat — 1; 4. Ribeiro — 0; |
3rd round — 30th August 2001 |
Chang, Suzana |
2112 |
1 - 0 |
2095 |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
Farhat, Barbára |
1 - 0 |
2050 |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
1. Chang — 2½; 2. Farhat — 2; 3. Chaves — 1½; 4. Ribeiro — 0; |
4th round — 31st August 2001 |
Chang, Suzana |
2112 |
1 - 0 |
Farhat, Barbára |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
2050 |
1 - 0 |
2095 |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
1. Chang — 3½; 2. Chaves — 2½; 3. Farhat — 2; 4. Ribeiro — 0; |
5th round — 1st September 2001 |
Chang, Suzana |
2112 |
0 - 1 |
2050 |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
Farhat, Barbára |
1 - 0 |
2095 |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
1.-2. Chaves, Chang — 3½; 3. Farhat — 3; 4. Ribeiro — 0; |
6th round — 2nd September 2001 |
WIM Chaves, Joara |
2050 |
1 - 0 |
Farhat, Barbára |
WIM Ribeiro, Regina |
2095 |
½ - ½ |
2112 |
Chang, Suzana |
1. Chaves — 4½; 2. Chang — 4; 3. Farhat — 3; 4. Ribeiro — ½; |
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