FIDE World Chess Championship cycle 2000-2001

[ Competition summary || European Championship | American Continental Championship | Asian Championship | African Championship |
| Zonal 2.1 | Zonal 2.2 | Zonal 2.3 | Zonal 2.4 | Zonal 2.5 | Zonal 3.1a | Zonal 3.1b | Zonal 3.2a | Zonal 3.2b | Zonal 3.3 | Zonal 3.4 || FIDE World Ch ]

Zonal 2.3 (Central America & Caribbean)


pos. name Elo flag pts
Q WGM Arribas Robaina, Maritza CUB


No info. Probably there was no zonal and Arribas Robaina qualified as runner-up of 2001 American Continental Championship
or as winner of the 2000 Pan-American Championship.

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Wojciech Bartelski & Co. (C) 2003-2023