FIDE World Chess Championship cycle 1999-2000

[ Competition summary || Zonal 1.1 | Zonal 1.2 | Zonal 1.3 | Zonal 1.4 | Zonal 1.5 | Zonal 1.6 | Zonal 1.7 | Zonal 1.8 | Zonal 1.9 |
| Zonal 2.1 | Zonal 2.2 | Zonal 2.3 | Zonal 2.4 | Zonal 2.5 | Zonal 3.1a | Zonal 3.1b | Zonal 3.2a | Zonal 3.2b | Zonal 3.3 | Zonal 3.4 | Zonal 4.1 | Zonal 4.2 | Zonal 4.3 || FIDE World Ch ]

Zonal 1.8 (South-East Europe) :: Minsk 1999

<< [ Crosstable || 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th || Information ] >>


pos. name Elo flag pts
1. WIM Lagvilava, Genrieta 2264 BLR
2. WGM Eidelson, Rakhil 2267 BLR 9
3.-5. WGM Susterman, Anja 2241 MDA 8
3.-5. Popova, Natalia 2170 BLR 8
3.-5. Babaeva, Fanara 2060 AZE 8
6.-8. WGM Agababean, Naira 2352 MDA
6.-8. WIM Petrenko, Svetlana 2227 MDA
6.-8. Mamedyarova, Zeinab 2000 AZE
9. WFM Alieva Elmira 2148 AZE 6
10.-11. Tetenkina, Irina 2085 BLR
10.-11. Stotskaya, Elena 2025 BLR
12. Pârțac, Elena 2088 MDA
13. Mamedova, Nargis 2000 AZE
14. Barașianț, Marianna 2057 MDA 2


Zonal 1.8 (South-East Europe)
Dates: 17th - 30th May 1999
City: Minsk (Belarus)
Chief Arbiter: IA Tamara Golovey (BLR)
Players participating: 14 (incl. 3 WGMs, 2 WIMs, 1 WFM)
Games played: 91
Competition format: Round Robin
Tie-breaks: none
Time control:
Source: TWIC 239
PGN game file: wwc2000-zonal18.pgn

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