FIDE World Chess Championship cycle 1999-2000

[ Competition summary || Zonal 1.1 | Zonal 1.2 | Zonal 1.3 | Zonal 1.4 | Zonal 1.5 | Zonal 1.6 | Zonal 1.7 | Zonal 1.8 | Zonal 1.9 |
| Zonal 2.1 | Zonal 2.2 | Zonal 2.3 | Zonal 2.4 | Zonal 2.5 | Zonal 3.1a | Zonal 3.1b | Zonal 3.2a | Zonal 3.2b | Zonal 3.3 | Zonal 3.4 | Zonal 4.1 | Zonal 4.2 | Zonal 4.3 || FIDE World Ch ]

Zonal 1.7 (Baltic states) :: Vilnius 1998

<< [ Crosstable || 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th || Information ] >>


pos. name Elo flag pts
1. WFM Čmilytė, Viktorija 2210 LTU 7
2. WFM Reizniece, Dana 2170 LAT 6
3. WIM Laesson, Tuulikki 2255 EST
4. Domarkaitė, Laima 2145 LTU 5
5.-7. WIM Pärnpuu, Leili 2275 EST
5.-7. WIM Čiukšytė, Dagnė 2240 LTU
5.-7. Bērziņa, Ilze 2100 LAT
8. WFM Stasiūnaitė, Lina 2145 LTU 3
9.-10. WIM Tsõganova, Monika 2335 EST
9.-10. Čiukšytė, Živilė 2120 LTU


Zonal 1.7 (Baltic states)
Dates: August 1998
City: Vilnius (Lithuania)
Chief Arbiter:
Players participating: 10 (incl. 4 WIMs, 3 WFMs)
Games played: 45
Competition format: Round Robin
Tie-breaks: none
Time control:
PGN game file: wwc2000-zonal17.pgn

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