FIDE World Chess Championship cycle 1969-1972

[ Competition summary || European zonal 1 | European zonal 2 | European zonal 3 | Soviet zonal | US zonal | Canadian zonal | Central American zonal | South American zonal | West Asian zonal | South-East Asian zonal || Interzonal || Candidates QF | Candidates SF | Candidates F || WCh match ]

West Asian zonal :: Singapore 1969



pos. name flag pts
1.-2. Kagan, Shimon ISR 8
1.-2. IM Ujtumen, Tudev MGL 8
3. Peretz, Malkiel ISR
4.-5. IM Aaron, Manuel IND
4.-5. Tumurbator, Purev MGL
6.-7. Hemmasi, Naser IRI 5
6.-7. Nasir Ali, Syed IND 5
8. Hemmasian, Morteza IRI

Play-off for interzonal spot: Ujtumen-Kagan 3—0. Ujtumen qualified to the interzonal.


West Asian zonal
Dates: 3rd - 17th November 1969
City: Singapore (Singapore)
Venue: King Edward VII Hall
Tournament Director: Mr. Lim Kok Ann (SIN)
Chief Arbiter:
Players participating: 8 (incl. 2 IMs)
Games played: 48
Competition format: Unknown. Possibly two preliminary groups and two final roups (all groups double round robin).
Tie-breaks: none
Time control:
PGN game file: none

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