18th Asian Cities Chess Campionship: Tagaytay 2013

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Best board results | Interesting games ]

Basic data

18th Asian Cities Chess Campionship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 20th - 26th October 2013
City: Tagaytay, The Philippines
Venue: Tagaytay International Convention Center
Organizers: National Chess Federation of The Philippines
Chief Arbiter: IA Casto Abundo (PHI)
Teams participating: 18 from 12 countries
Players participating: 87 (incl. 10 GMs, 9 IMs, 3 WGMs, 11 FMs, 1 WIM, 6 CMs and 1 WFM)
Games played: 324
Competition format: Four board nine round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Direct match result; 3. Game points
Time control: 90 minutes per game + 30 sec. increment per move starting from move 1
Other websites: Pre-tournament review from The Philippine Star
Two reports by Marlon Bernardino: round 4, round 7
Downloadable game file: 13asiancities.zip

Tournament review


Best board results

1st Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Salem, A. R. Saleh SHRJ 2731
2. GM Wei Yi WUXI 2696
3. GM Barbosa, Oliver TGTY 2680

2nd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. Lin Chen WUXI 2615
2. GM Bitoon, Richard MNLA 2527
3. WGM Ju Wenjun SHGH 2498

3rd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Gomez, John Paul TGTY 2599
2. IM Lou Yiping SHGH 2411
3. IM Batkhuyag, Munguntuul ULNB 2381

4th Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. IM Gombosuren, Munkhgal ULNB 2591
2. WGM Zhang Xiaowen SHGH 2503
3. GM Laylo, Darwin TGTY 2414

1st Reserve Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. FM Bilguun, Sumiya ULNB 2327
2. CM Ismael, Namir BGHD 2224
3. Cantonjos, Allan PSAY 2105

Interesting games


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