18th Asian Cities Chess Campionship: Tagaytay 2013

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. Abdul Aziz, Abdulla 1626 United Arab Emirates 1 res. DBAI 7 2 1 4 35.7 1906 1804 17.
2. Abdul Aziz, Ali 1708 United Arab Emirates 3 DBAI 7 2 1 4 35.7 2028 1926 17.
3. FM Ahmed, Abdul Sattar Wahab 2244 Iraq 2 BGHD 5 8 4 2 2 62.5 2203 2298 6.
4. Ahmed, Farid 1737 United Arab Emirates 2 DBAI 8 3 1 4 43.8 2007 1964 17.
5. Al-Awadhi, Walid 2034 Kuwait 1 KUWT 0 8 0 0 8 0.0 2179 1379 18.
6. Al-Hamed, Zayed Ali 1949 United Arab Emirates 3 ABDH 3 8 3 0 5 37.5 2016 1929 15.
7. FM Al-Huwar, Jasem 2256 United Arab Emirates 4 SHRJ 9 4 3 2 61.1 2198 2278 12.
8. Al-Khaldi, Bader 1950 Kuwait 4 KUWT 7 2 1 4 35.7 1949 1847 18.
9. Al-Khatib, Taher 1984 Kuwait 3 KUWT 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 1955 1868 18.
10. Al-Shourfa, Hazaa 1776 Kuwait 1 res. KUWT 0 6 0 0 6 0.0 1970 1170 18.
11. Al-Tahir, Abdulla 1967 United Arab Emirates 1 res. SHRJ ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 2130 1708 12.
12. Al-Zaabi, Sultan 1551 United Arab Emirates 1 res. ABDH 4 1 1 2 37.5 1840 1567 15.
13. Alahakoon, Isuru Dhananjaya 2052 Sri Lanka 4 CLMB 6 2 1 3 41.7 2027 1970 11.
14. Ali, Abdulkhaleq 2074 United Arab Emirates 2 ABDH 3 9 3 0 6 33.3 2021 1896 15.
15. FM Ali, Laith 2288 Iraq 4 BGHD 8 3 1 4 43.8 2203 2160 6.
16. GM Antonio, Rogelio jr 2518 The Philippines 1 MNLA 8 4 1 3 56.3 2430 2473 4.
17. CM Anuruddha, Galappaththi Chinthaka 2175 Sri Lanka 2 CLMB 3 8 3 0 5 37.5 2094 2007 11.
18. Azman Hisham, Nur Nabila 2012 Malaysia 1 res. SHAL 4 1 1 2 37.5 2091 2004 8.
19. GM Barbosa, Oliver 2567 The Philippines 1 TGTY 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2460 2680 1. 3.
20. IM Batkhuyag, Munguntuul 2440 Mongolia 3 ULNB 9 4 3 2 61.1 2301 2381 5. 3.
21. IM Battulga, Namhai 2396 Mongolia 1 ERDN 8 5 1 2 68.8 2269 2410 14.
22. Bayarsaikhan, Yondon 2022 Mongolia 1 res. ERDN 4 1 1 2 37.5 1739 1652 14.
23. Bilegsaikhan, Oyunbold 2071 Mongolia 2 ERDN 9 1 3 5 27.8 2151 1985 14.
24. FM Bilguun, Sumiya 2284 Mongolia 1 res. ULNB 5 3 1 1 70.0 2178 2327 5. 1.
25. GM Bitoon, Richard 2407 The Philippines 2 MNLA 8 5 1 2 68.8 2386 2527 4. 2.
26. Cantonjos, Allan 2191 The Philippines 1 res. PSAY 5 3 1 1 70.0 2114 2263 7. 2.
27. Capel, Evan Timothy 2085 Malaysia 4 SHAL 4 7 4 0 3 57.1 2107 2157 8.
28. FM Chan, Nicholas 2378 Malaysia 1 SHAL 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2305 2348 8.
29. Chen I Chen 1676 Chinese Taipei 3 TPEI 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 1902 1709 16.
30. Edirisinghe, Dulan 2022 Sri Lanka 1 res. CLMB 7 4 1 2 64.3 1937 2039 11.
31. Espiritu, Onofre 2332 The Philippines 2 PSAY 8 4 3 1 68.8 2194 2335 7.
32. CM Faisal, Abdulla 2264 United Arab Emirates 1 ABDH 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2201 2158 15.
33. Fong Yit San 2118 Malaysia 3 SHAL 7 4 1 2 64.3 2156 2258 8.
34. WFM Frayna, Janelle Mae 2121 The Philippines 1 res. MNLA 3 3 3 0 0 100.0 1952 2752 4.
35. Ganbold, Choidog 2171 Mongolia 3 ERDN 4 8 4 0 4 50.0 2114 2114 14.
36. IM García, Jan Emmanuel 2396 The Philippines 4 MNLA 8 4 1 3 56.3 2275 2318 4.
37. IM Gombosuren, Munkhgal 2400 Mongolia 4 ULNB 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2318 2591 5. 1.
38. GM Gomez, John Paul 2511 The Philippines 3 TGTY 9 6 3 0 83.3 2326 2599 1. 1.
39. FM Gunbayar, Myagmarsuren 2389 Mongolia 2 ULNB 2 6 2 0 4 33.3 2309 2184 5.
40. GM Gundavaa, Bayarsaihan 2500 Mongolia 1 ULNB 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2424 2381 5.
41. CM Hashem, Khaled 1997 Kuwait 2 KUWT 7 3 1 3 50.0 1977 1977 18.
42. Hassan, Sarhan 2051 United Arab Emirates 2 SHRJ 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2224 12.
43. Hj Azahari, Mohammadd Aliuddin 2069 Brunei 3 BSBN 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 1978 1853 10.
44. Hj Azahari, Siti Nur Fatimah 1985 Brunei 1 BSBN 9 3 1 5 38.9 2131 2051 10.
45. Hj Sulaiman, Amir Fakhri 2049 Brunei 4 BSBN 9 2 1 6 27.8 1911 1745 10.
46. Ho Meng Wei 1619 Chinese Taipei 4 TPEI 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 1870 1827 16.
47. CM Ismael, Namir 2200 Iraq 1 res. BGHD 4 6 3 2 1 66.7 2099 2224 6. 3.
48. Ji Dan 2374 China 4 WUXI 9 5 3 1 72.2 2196 2362 3.
49. WGM Ju Wenjun 2535 China 2 SHGH 9 5 3 1 72.2 2332 2498 2. 3.
50. Kamis, Kamarunsalehin 1882 Brunei 2 BSBN 9 3 3 3 50.0 2025 2025 10.
51. Kavinda, Akhila 2017 Sri Lanka 1 CLMB ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 2238 1816 11.
52. Kim Changhoon 1790 South Korea 3 SEUL 9 1 3 5 27.8 1981 1815 9.
53. CM Kim Inguh 1805 South Korea 2 SEUL 9 2 1 6 27.8 2041 1875 9.
54. FM Kurukulasooriya, Prasanna 2064 Sri Lanka 3 CLMB 5 8 4 2 2 62.5 2041 2136 11.
55. GM Laylo, Darwin 2497 The Philippines 4 TGTY 9 4 5 0 72.2 2248 2414 1. 3.
56. Lee Qing Aun 1772 Singapore 4 SING 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2073 2030 13.
57. FM Lee Sanghoon 2171 South Korea 1 SEUL 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2141 2184 9.
58. Liao Jo Kai Chinese Taipei 1 res. TPEI 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2033 1793 16.
59. Lin Chen 2466 China 2 WUXI 9 7 1 1 83.3 2342 2615 3. 1.
60. Liu Yeh Yang 1892 Chinese Taipei 2 TPEI 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2044 2001 16.
61. Llavanes, Ronald 2239 The Philippines 3 PSAY 6 2 1 3 41.7 2152 2095 7.
62. IM Lou Yiping 2489 China 3 SHGH 9 5 1 3 61.1 2331 2411 2. 2.
63. Majed, Ali Abdouli 1637 United Arab Emirates 4 DBAI 1 5 0 2 3 20.0 1947 1707 17.
64. Mansour, Abbas 1944 United Arab Emirates 4 ABDH 6 1 1 4 25.0 1896 1703 15.
65. IM Nadera, Barlo 2362 The Philippines 1 PSAY 3 9 3 0 6 33.3 2272 2147 7.
66. IM Noaman, Omar 2388 United Arab Emirates 3 SHRJ 9 3 1 5 38.9 2279 2199 12.
67. IM Nolte, Rolando 2447 The Philippines 3 MNLA 9 4 3 2 61.1 2279 2359 4.
68. GM Paragua, Mark 2571 The Philippines 2 TGTY 9 4 3 2 61.1 2365 2445 1.
69. WIM Perena, Catherine 2158 The Philippines 1 res. TGTY 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
70. Salcedo, Raymond 2313 The Philippines 4 PSAY 5 8 5 0 3 62.5 2218 2313 7.
71. GM Salem, A. R. Saleh 2567 United Arab Emirates 1 SHRJ 8 9 7 2 0 88.9 2380 2731 12. 1.
72. FM Salih Akar, Ali 2330 Iraq 3 BGHD 7 2 1 4 35.7 2245 2143 6.
73. Sivakumar, Ashvin 1797 Singapore 2 SING 9 2 1 6 27.8 2110 1944 13.
74. FM Song Jinwoo 1940 South Korea 1 res. SEUL 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
75. Sultan, Ibrahim 1931 United Arab Emirates 1 DBAI 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2130 2087 17.
76. FM Tin Jingyao 2160 Singapore 1 SING 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2264 2307 13.
77. Turbat, Shagdarsuren 2035 Mongolia 4 ERDN 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2063 1905 14.
78. Wang Chengjia 1934 South Korea 4 SEUL 9 6 1 2 72.2 1923 2089 9.
79. IM Wang Li 2415 China 3 WUXI 9 2 5 2 50.0 2282 2282 3.
80. WGM Wang Pin 2394 China 1 res. SHGH 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
81. GM Wei Yi 2580 China 1 WUXI 9 6 3 0 83.3 2423 2696 3. 2.
82. Woong Zhi Wei, William 1794 Singapore 3 SING 9 4 1 4 50.0 2097 2097 13.
83. Yang Ching Wei, Austin 1782 Chinese Taipei 1 TPEI 9 1 3 5 27.8 2114 1948 16.
84. Yeoh Li Tian 2270 Malaysia 2 SHAL 9 7 1 1 83.3 2172 2445 8.
85. WGM Zhang Xiaowen 2377 China 4 SHGH 7 9 6 2 1 77.8 2283 2503 2. 2.
86. GM Zhou Jianchao 2587 China 1 SHGH 9 4 3 2 61.1 2435 2515 2.
87. CM Zozek, Salah Mohammed 2255 Iraq 1 BGHD 7 3 1 3 50.0 2307 2307 6.

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