4NCL Division 1 :: 2005/2006

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. -- empty board -- BRB2 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 12.
-- empty board -- CSOL 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 11.
3. WFM Grigoryan-Lyell, Meri 2053 Armenia BCOM ½ 4 0 1 3 12.5 2214 1892 9.
4. GM Rogers, Ian 2564 Australia TADS 3 0 3 0 50.0 2512 2512 10.
IM Wallace, John Paul 2392 Australia GUI2 10 5 3 2 65.0 2439 2549 6.
6. GM Dgebuadze, Alexandre 2535 Belgium NWEE 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2521 2646 8.
7. GM Lalić, Bogdan 2490 Croatia WGLO
5 9 1 8 0 55.6 2466 2509 4. + 1.
8. Černoušek, Lukáš 2379 Czech Republic TADS 7 1 1 5 21.4 2389 2159 10.
IM Jacková, Jana 2389 Czech Republic SLGH 2 1 1 0 75.0 2390 3.
IM Jirka, Jiří 2387 Czech Republic TADS 7 2 1 4 35.7 2411 2309 10.
GM Navara, David 2646 Czech Republic SLGH 6 6 6 0 0 100.0 2566 3366 3.
12. GM Nielsen, Peter Heine 2646 Denmark WGLO 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2628 1.
13. Abayasekera, Roger 2210 England GUI2 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2439 6.
GM Adams, Michael 2720 England WGLO 3 3 3 0 0 100.0 2571 3371 1.
CM Anderton, David 2267 England TADS 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2324 2274 10.
Anderton, Matthew 2205 England GUI2 2 1 1 0 75.0 2156 6.
IM Ansell, Simon 2383 England BCOM 4 11 2 4 5 36.4 2424 2322 9.
GM Arkell, Keith 2475 England HLSM 11 3 7 1 59.1 2429 2494 5.
Ashton, Adam 2331 England CSOL 4 11 1 6 4 36.4 2397 2295 11.
WGM Bellin, Jana 2170 England TADS 11 3 5 3 50.0 2171 2171 10.
Bentley, John 2244 England CSOL 7 2 3 2 50.0 2315 2315 11.
Bhatia, Kanwal 2091 England BRBC
3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2133 2046 12. + 7.
FM Britton, Richard 2297 England HLSM 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2238 5.
Broom, Mark 2189 England TADS 4 1 1 2 37.5 2377 2290 10.
Broomfield, Matthew 2288 England HLSM 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2169 2294 5.
IM Buckley, Graeme 2391 England GUI2 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2435 2242 6.
FM Cafferty, Bernard 2207 England TADS 4 1 1 2 37.5 2377 2290 10.
Carleton, John 2284 England NWEE 5 2 1 2 50.0 2376 2376 8.
GM Chandler, Murray Graham 2537 England TADS 4 9 1 6 2 44.4 2484 2441 10.
CM Coleman, David 2245 England BRB2 10 3 3 4 45.0 2384 2304 12.
FM Collinson, Adam 2385 England BRBC
6 0 5 1 41.7 2386 2329 12. + 7.
GM Conquest, Stuart 2505 England GUIL
9 6 3 0 83.3 2375 2648 6. + 2.
Cooksey, Paul 2253 England GUI2 ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2197 6.
IM Cooper, Lawrence 2303 England HLSM 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2373 5.
IM Cox, John 2384 England BRBC
9 2 3 4 38.9 2430 2350 12. + 7.
IM Crouch, Colin 2365 England HLSM 5 1 3 1 50.0 2345 2345 5.
GM Davies, Nigel 2521 England CSOL 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2496 2460 11.
FM Devereaux, Maxim 2344 England BRBC
5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2420 2384 12. + 7.
FM Duncan, Christopher 2332 England BCOM 9 1 3 5 27.8 2388 2222 9.
FM Eames, Robert 2320 England BCOM 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2364 2321 9.
GM Emms, John 2502 England WGLO
8 11 6 4 1 72.7 2324 2499 4. + 1.
IM Ferguson, Mark 2392 England BRBC 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2353 2396 7.
GM Flear, Glenn Curtis 2470 England GUIL
8 3 3 2 56.3 2351 2394 6. + 2.
IM Gordon, Stephen 2411 England CSOL 7 11 4 6 1 63.6 2419 2521 11.
GM Gormally, Daniel 2554 England WGLO
11 5 3 3 59.1 2377 2442 4. + 1.
Graham, David 2224 England TADS 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 2399 2206 10.
Granat, Russell 2262 England GUI2 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 6.
IM Greet, Andrew 2428 England HLSM 11 5 3 3 59.1 2421 2486 5.
Hague, Ben 2300 England NWEE 3 10 1 4 5 30.0 2378 2229 8.
IM Haslinger, Stewart 2426 England CSOL 9 1 5 3 38.9 2479 2399 11.
GM Hebden, Mark 2523 England GUIL
8 11 6 4 1 72.7 2361 2536 6. + 2.
IM Hennigan, Michael 2400 England TADS 3 7 3 0 4 42.9 2444 2394 10.
Hodgson, John H. 2217 England BRB2 2 7 1 2 4 28.6 2331 2206 12.
IM Houska, Jovanka 2351 England HLSM 5 11 4 2 5 45.5 2258 2222 5.
IM Howell, David 2475 England GUIL
½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2416 2143 6. + 2.
Hughes, Howard 2194 England NWEE ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2314 8.
Hulmes, David 2206 England NWEE 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2378 8.
IM Hunt, Adam 2431 England BCOM 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 2433 2505 9.
Ignácz, Rózsa 1955 England SLGH 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2416 3.
Jackson, Adrian 2226 England GUI2 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2252 6.
James, Dale 2199 England CSOL ½ 4 0 1 3 12.5 2313 1991 11.
Jaunooby, Ali Reza 2160 England CSOL 2 1 1 0 75.0 2047 11.
IM Jones, Gawain 2444 England SLGH 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 2383 2485 3.
FM Kennaugh, Charles 2274 England NWEE 11 2 5 4 40.9 2367 2302 8.
GM King, Daniel John 2522 England GUIL
11 8 3 0 86.4 2390 2699 6. + 2.
IM Knott, Simon 2378 England BRBC 11 3 5 3 50.0 2360 2360 7.
IM Lalic, Susan 2356 England GUIL
6 11 2 8 1 54.5 2278 2314 6. + 2.
WIM Lauterbach, Ingrid 2131 England BRBC 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2294 2244 7.
FM Law, Andrew 2303 England WGL2 2 1 1 0 75.0 2151 4.
IM Ledger, Andrew 2438 England BCOM 11 3 5 3 50.0 2475 2475 9.
FM Ledger, David 2278 England BCOM 11 2 5 4 40.9 2345 2280 9.
Ledger, Stephen 2171 England BCOM 2 8 0 4 4 25.0 2369 2176 9.
GM Levitt, Jonathan 2448 England WGL2 10 1 5 4 35.0 2437 2327 4.
FM Littlewood, John Eric 2275 England NWEE 2 6 2 0 4 33.3 2411 2286 8.
IM Littlewood, Paul Edwin 2366 England WGL2 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 2406 2213 4.
Longson, Alexander 2264 England CSOL 8 1 3 4 31.3 2335 2194 11.
Lund, Brett 2231 England NWEE 5 2 1 2 50.0 2405 2405 8.
FM Lyell, Mark 2203 England NWEE ½ 5 0 1 4 10.0 2370 2004 8.
Manley, Jon 2188 England BRB2 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2422 12.
Marlow, Michael 2275 England SLGH 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2343 3.
IM Martin, Andrew D. 2433 England WGLO
8 4 1 3 56.3 2352 2395 4. + 1.
Martin, Katie 1956 England CSOL 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2237 1437 11.
FM Martyn, Rafe 2323 England SLGH 9 2 1 6 27.8 2296 2130 3.
GM McDonald, Neil R. 2374 England WGL2 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2303 2428 4.
GM McShane, Luke 2609 England WGLO 6 5 1 0 91.7 2409 2810 1.
GM Mestel, Andrew Jonathan 2491 England TADS 6 1 3 2 41.7 2487 2430 10.
Moore, John C. 2048 England BRB2 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2291 12.
Naylor, John 2235 England BCOM 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2412 9.
IM Palliser, Richard 2389 England BRBC
5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2444 2487 12. + 7.
GM Parker, Jonathan 2515 England BRBC 6 10 2 8 0 60.0 2473 2545 7.
IM Pein, Malcolm 2403 England WGL2 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2375 4.
GM Pert, Nicholas 2500 England SLGH 7 11 4 6 1 63.6 2448 2550 3.
IM Pert, Richard 2429 England WGLO
8 11 6 4 1 72.7 2352 2527 4. + 1.
GM Plaskett, Harold James 2485 England GUIL
11 2 5 4 40.9 2469 2404 6. + 2.
IM Povah, Nigel Edward 2353 England GUI2 8 4 1 3 56.3 2355 2398 6.
Quillan, Gary 2356 England NWEE 6 1 1 4 25.0 2465 2272 8.
FM Richardson, John 2356 England TADS 1 7 1 0 6 14.3 2420 2111 10.
FM Rogers, Jonathan 2340 England BRBC
10 2 5 3 45.0 2459 2423 12. + 7.
Smith, Lucy England BRB2 ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2102 1829 12.
Snape, Ian 2258 England TADS 7 1 3 3 35.7 2393 2291 10.
101. FM Sowray, Peter 2352 England WGL2 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2393 2393 4.
GM Speelman, Jonathan Simon 2539 England WGLO 10 5 5 0 75.0 2421 2614 1.
Spence, David 2221 England NWEE ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2327 8.
FM Taylor, Martin 2299 England BRBC
4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2411 2368 12. + 7.
Taylor, Peter 2241 England BRB2 2 11 0 4 7 18.2 2391 2129 12.
WFM Tidman, Sophie 2106 England BCOM 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2269 2111 9.
IM Trent, Lawrence 2423 England HLSM 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2375 2411 5.
GM Turner, Matthew 2495 England WGLO
9 5 1 3 61.1 2357 2437 4. + 1.
CM Walton, Alan 2197 England CSOL 11 1 7 3 40.9 2346 2281 11.
GM Ward, Christopher 2475 England WGLO
5 9 2 6 1 55.6 2317 2360 4. + 1.
FM Webb, Laurence 2336 England BCOM 6 1 1 4 25.0 2401 2208 9.
IM Webster, Andrew 2411 England BRBC ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2260 7.
GM Wells, Peter 2513 England HLSM 9 2 5 2 50.0 2475 2475 5.
Wheeler, Darren 2239 England TADS 5 1 1 3 30.0 2368 2219 10.
IM Williams, Simon 2452 England HLSM 9 4 1 4 50.0 2443 2443 5.
Williamson, Paul 2139 England BRB2 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2228 12.
WFM Yurenok, Maria 2072 England GUI2 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2306 6.
118. GM Bellón López, Juan Manuel 2440 Spain WGL2 2 1 1 0 75.0 2284 4.
GM Shirov, Alexei 2710 Spain WGLO 4 4 4 0 0 100.0 2490 3290 1.
120. IM Collas, Didier 2443 France GUIL
4 2 1 1 62.5 2372 2467 6. + 2.
WGM Collas, Silvia 2373 France GUIL
½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2394 6. + 2.
GM Fressinet, Laurent 2624 France GUIL 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2683 2.
GM Kosten, Anthony Cornelius 2504 France GUIL
3 4 2 2 0 75.0 2325 2518 6. + 2.
GM Lautier, Joël 2682 France GUIL 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2662 2.
IM Le Roux, Jean-Pierre 2497 France SLGH 4 3 1 0 87.5 2460 2796 3.
GM Prié, Eric 2475 France GUI2 2 1 1 0 75.0 2376 6.
IM Sebag, Marie 2434 France NWEE 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2466 2591 8.
128. IM Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan 2426 Georgia WGLO
11 6 3 2 68.2 2361 2494 4. + 1.
129. IM Rechel, Bernd 2416 Germany WGLO
9 4 3 2 61.1 2248 2328 4. + 1.
IM Schenk, Andreas 2497 Germany SLGH 5 0 5 0 50.0 2449 2449 3.
131. GM Berkes, Ferenc 2596 Hungary SLGH ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2700 3.
IM Dembo, Yelena 2461 Hungary WGLO
2 2 2 0 0 100.0 2271 4. + 1.
IM Erdős, Viktor 2522 Hungary SLGH ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2488 3.
Ignácz, Mária 2238 Hungary SLGH 3 7 3 0 4 42.9 2218 2168 3.
GM Polgár, Judit 2711 Hungary WGLO ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2680 1.
WIM Rudolf, Anna 2219 Hungary SLGH 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 1956 3.
137. GM Harikrishna, Penteala 2680 India GUIL 3 2 1 0 83.3 2534 2807 2.
138. GM Baburin, Alexander 2519 Ireland WGLO
9 11 7 4 0 81.8 2338 2600 4. + 1.
FM Collins, Sam 2408 Ireland BRBC 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2452 2416 7.
Jessel, Stephen 2313 Ireland SLGH 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2355 3.
IM Kelly, Brian 2496 Ireland BRBC 6 2 1 3 41.7 2404 2347 7.
142. GM Kogan, Artur 2574 Israel SLGH 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2710 3.
GM Smirin, Ilia 2662 Israel WGLO 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2682 1.
GM Sutovsky, Emil 2628 Israel GUIL 3 2 1 0 83.3 2474 2747 2.
145. IM Sedina, Elena 2390 Italy WGLO
1 2 0 2 0 50.0 2184 4. + 1.
146. IM Bērziņš, Rolands 2447 Latvia HLSM 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 2382 2418 5.
147. IM Čiukšytė, Dagnė 2370 Lithuania GUIL
11 8 1 2 77.3 2271 2464 6. + 2.
IM Čmilytė, Viktorija 2480 Lithuania WGLO 2 1 1 0 75.0 2430 1.
149. GM Bologan, Viorel 2682 Moldova WGLO 4 2 1 1 62.5 2532 2627 1.
150. WIM Hamelink, Desiree 2181 Netherlands CSOL 5 1 3 1 50.0 2339 2339 11.
GM Jonkman, Harmen 2454 Netherlands CSOL ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2478 2205 11.
GM Sokolov, Ivan 2676 Netherlands WGLO ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2650 1.
GM Tiviakov, Sergei 2700 Netherlands WGLO 1 2 0 2 0 50.0 2511 1.
IM Van Delft, Merijn 2372 Netherlands GUI2 2 2 2 0 0 100.0 2326 6.
Van Weersel, Arlette 2169 Netherlands CSOL 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2270 11.
Van der Linden, Lukas 2281 Netherlands NWEE 7 2 1 4 35.7 2360 2258 8.
157. Adelaja, Abimbola 2225 Nigeria BCOM 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2265 9.
158. GM Johannessen, Leif Erlend 2559 Norway BCOM 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2579 2704 9.
IM Tiller, Bjørn 2346 Norway WGL2 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2502 4.
160. IM Czakon, Jakub 2477 Poland SLGH 3 4 2 2 0 75.0 2402 2595 3.
GM Krasenkow, Michał 2650 Poland GUIL 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2495 2620 2.
GM Mitoń, Kamil 2646 Poland HLSM ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2574 5.
IM Radziewicz, Iweta 2453 Poland SLGH 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2514 3.
GM Wojtaszek, Radosław 2606 Poland SLGH 2 1 1 0 75.0 2461 3.
165. GM Cherniaev, Alexander 2472 Russia GUIL
11 6 5 0 77.3 2347 2558 6. + 2.
GM Dreev, Alexei 2673 Russia WGLO ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2643 1.
167. Berry, Neil 2289 Scotland BRB2 11 4 5 2 59.1 2416 2481 12.
FM Gourlay, Iain 2363 Scotland SLGH 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2322 2417 3.
GM McNab, Colin Anderson 2456 Scotland SLGH 8 4 3 1 68.8 2371 2512 3.
WFM Milligan, Helen 2045 Scotland NWEE 2 6 1 2 3 33.3 2089 1964 8.
FM Morrison, Graham 2326 Scotland NWEE 4 11 1 6 4 36.4 2487 2385 8.
Morrison, Lynne 2003 Scotland NWEE 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2265 8.
IM Muir, Andrew 2325 Scotland GUI2 3 1 1 1 50.0 2313 2313 6.
IM Pritchett, Craig William 2291 Scotland BRB2 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2431 2344 12.
GM Rowson, Jonathan 2599 Scotland GUIL 11 6 3 2 68.2 2446 2579 2.
IM Shaw, John 2432 Scotland GUI2 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2454 2603 6.
177. GM Gallagher, Joseph 2550 Switzerland GUIL 4 1 3 0 62.5 2421 2516 2.
178. Mačák, Štefan 2343 Slovakia NWEE 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 2423 2298 8.
179. GM Andersson, Ulf 2545 Sweden HLSM 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2485 2610 5.
GM Cramling, Pia 2520 Sweden WGLO
5 2 3 0 70.0 2252 2401 4. + 1.
181. GM Gurevich, Mikhail 2643 Turkey GUIL ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2673 2.
182. Flower, David 2106 Wales BRB2 ½ 2 0 1 1 25.0 2194 12.
CM Rees, Ioan 2237 Wales SLGH 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2199 3.

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