2nd Telechess Olympiad: 1981/1982

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[ Standings | Crosstable | Round of 16 | Quarterfinals | Semifinals | The Final ]


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no. team code flag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + = -
1 Soviet Union URS Soviet Union 4 3 0 0
2 East Germany GDR East Germany 4 2 0 1
3 England ENG England 5 2 0 1
4 Sweden SWE Sweden 1 0 1
5 Scotland SCO Scotland 1 0 1
6 Poland POL Poland 0 0 1
7 Iceland ISL Iceland 0 0 1
8 Finland FIN Finland 4 1 0 1
9 Israel ISR Israel 3 0 0 1
10 Norway NOR Norway 0 0 1
11 West Germany GER Germany 4 0 0 1

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