2nd Telechess Olympiad: 1981/1982

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[ Standings | Crosstable | Round of 16 | Quarterfinals | Semifinals | The Final ]

21st November 1982
GDR GDR East Germany 2426 4 : 4 2491 Soviet Union URS URS
GM Uhlmann 2510 ½ - ½ 2555 GM Yusupov
GM Vogt 2490 0 - 1 2555 GM Balashov
GM Knaak 2505 1 - 0 2575 GM Tseshkovsky
GM Malich 2435 ½ - ½ 2530 GM Kupreichik
IM Bönsch 2450 ½ - ½ 2510 GM Taimanov
IM Espig 2425 ½ - ½ 2530 Agzamov
Burchardt 2230 ½ - ½ 2240 WGM Levitina
Tischbierek 2365 ½ - ½ 2435 Sokolov

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