Spanish Team Chess Championship: 1979 Segunda División

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Basic data

Spanish Team Chess Championship :: Segunda División 1979
(see all-time tournament summary)
Dates: 8th - 16th September 1979
City: Torre del Mar (Málaga)
Venue: N/A
Organizers: Málaga Chess Federation
Chief Arbiter: N/A
Teams participating: 10 (two teams relegated from Primera División, teams ranked 3rd-6th in Segunda División and four qualifiers)
Players participating: 51
Games played: 144
Competition format: Four board round robin.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Match points; 3. Direct match result
Time control: N/A


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no. team code flag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MP + = -
1. Círculo Mercantil Sevilla (Q) MCSV 2 2 3 3 4 3 24 14 6 2 0
2. CA Peret Alicante PEAL 2 3 2 3 3 21½ 14 6 2 0
3. Peña Oromana Sevilla ORSE 2 1 3 1 3 17½ 9 4 1 3
4. CE Espanyol Barcelona (Q) ESPB ½ 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 17½ 8 2 4 2
5. GE Seat Barcelona (R) SEAT 1 ½ 3 2 3 3 2 17 10 4 2 2
6. Braille/ONCE Santander (Q) BROS ½ 2 3 4 16½ 7 3 1 4
7. CA Centelles CTLL 1 1 2 1 3 15½ 7 3 1 4
8. SR La Peña Vélez-Málaga (Q) LPVM 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 7
9. CA Linares (Q) LNRS 1 1 ½ 0 2 0 ½ 1 6 1 0 1 7
10. CA Chardenet Madrid (R) SWMD Did not arrive.



Círculo Mercantil Sevilla: Rivas, Montecatine, Niehus, García Junco, García Almán, Alba
CA Peret Alicante: Sánchez Guirado, L.García, Verdú, G.Deltell, Burguero
Peña Oromana Sevilla: Romero Briones, Hidalgo, Sanabria, Moreno, Gata, García
CE Espanyol Barcelona: Bordell, Puig, Pérez, Franquet, Segura
GE Seat Barcelona: Lladó, Domínguez, Jiménez, Colomer, Galobart
Braille/ONCE Santander: C.Martínez, Revestido, Recio, Rubio, Sotorrio
CA Centelles: H.Pérez, A.Cabrero, J.Simón, L.Teulats, I.Camprubi
SR La Peña Vélez-Málaga: Cazorla, García Tore, Vázquez, Gómez Polo, Pérez Martín, López Ortiz, F.López Valverde
CA Linares: Sánchez Cobo, Visier, Martí, Pacheco, Espuny, Rentero, García Martín

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