26th Chess Olympiad (women): Thessaloniki 1984

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. WIM Justo, Virginia 2050 Argentina 1 ARG 11 7 3 1 77.3 1918 2129 35. 2.
Slavotinek, Anne 1900 Australia 1 AUS 10 5 3 2 65.0 1939 2049 34. 12.
Mira, Helene Austria 1 AUT 14 8 3 3 67.9 1910 2043 30. 8.
Peeters, Simonne Belgium 1 BEL 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 1916 1791 37. 45.
Ribeiro, Regina 1905 Brazil 1 BRA 14 5 3 6 46.4 1996 1967 19. 31.
WFM Voiska, Margarita 2095 Bulgaria 1 BUL 12 7 3 2 70.8 2148 2306 2. 5.
WIM Shterenberg, Nava 2130 Canada 1 CAN 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 2016 2141 17. 9.
WGM Liu Shilan 2200 China 1 CHN 13 3 7 3 50.0 2187 2187 5. 25.
Salazar, Adriana 1895 Colombia 1 COL 8 14 8 0 6 57.1 2038 2088 22. 18.
Ramón Pita, Vivian 2045 Cuba 1 CUB 14 5 7 2 60.7 2070 2150 14. 13.
Haahr, Merete 1965 Denmark 1 DEN 11 2 1 8 22.7 1974 1763 24. 48.
Baez, S. Dominican Republic 1 DOM 11 4 3 4 50.0 1885 1885 25. 25.
Basta Sohair, Faridah 1885 Egypt 1 EGY 6 12 5 2 5 50.0 1849 1849 44. 25.
WGM Miles, Jana 2245 England 1 ENG 13 6 5 2 65.4 2111 2221 8. 11.
WIM García Vicente, Nieves 2160 Spain 1 ESP 11 5 5 1 68.2 2099 2232 10. 6.
Laitinen, Leena 1875 Finland 1 FIN 9 2 3 4 38.9 1921 1841 31. 42.
WFM Tagnon, Nicole 2030 France 1 FRA 13 4 3 6 42.3 1998 1941 18. 37.
WGM Hund, Barbara 2270 Germany 1 GER 11 3 7 1 59.1 2126 2191 4. 14.
WFM Kondou, Eva 2045 Greece 1 GRE 8 14 7 2 5 57.1 2059 2109 27. 18.
Mihailidou, K. 1810 Greece 1 GRE2 5 12 2 6 4 41.7 1858 1801 36. 40.
Mazariegos Kummerfeldt, Silvia Carolina Guatemala 1 GUA 13 3 5 5 42.3 1872 1815 45. 37.
Ho Yin Ping Hong Kong 1 HKG 13 5 1 7 42.3 1830 1773 47. 37.
WGM Verőci-Petronić, Zsuzsa 2295 Hungary 1 HUN 13 6 7 0 73.1 2122 2297 6. 3.
Wijayanti, Lindri Juni 1950 Indonesia 1 INA 4 11 2 4 5 36.4 1972 1870 33. 44.
WIM Khadilkar, Rohini 2115 India 1 IND 14 4 7 3 53.6 2160 2189 16. 23.
Cronin, April Ireland 1 IRL 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 1898 1869 38. 33.
Frmesk, W. Iraq 1 IRQ 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 1848 1877 43. 21.
Þorsteinsdóttir, Guðlaug 2015 Iceland 1 ISL 14 4 5 5 46.4 2003 1974 28. 31.
Widmer, Gail U.S. Virgin Islands 1 ISV 0 10 0 0 10 0.0 1815 1015 51.
Iacono, Rosaria 1880 Italy 1 ITA 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 1863 1820 29. 36.
Clarke, Claire Jamaica 1 JAM 13 2 1 10 19.2 1835 1584 49. 50.
Takemoto, Naoko 1935 Japan 1 JPN 4 12 3 2 7 33.3 1943 1818 41. 45.
Wong, Audrey Malaysia 1 MAS 14 4 7 3 53.6 1877 1906 32. 23.
Acevedo, Hilda 1835 Mexico 1 MEX 8 12 6 4 2 66.7 1945 2070 39. 9.
WGM Van der Mije, Alexandra 2115 Netherlands 1 NED 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 2123 2123 11. 25.
Dahl, Ingrid Norway 1 NOR 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 1861 1861 26. 25.
Foster, Fenella 1810 New Zealand 1 NZL 10 5 1 4 55.0 1886 1922 40. 20.
WGM Ereńska-Radzewska, Hanna 2240 Poland 1 POL 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 2195 2252 7. 15.
Santos, Isabel Pereira Portugal 1 POR 11 4 1 6 40.9 1847 1782 21. 41.
WGM Mureşan, Margareta 2195 Romania 1 ROM 13 2 11 0 57.7 2168 2225 3. 16.
Milligan, Helen 1970 Scotland 1 SCO 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 1968 1968 20. 25.
WGM Lematschko, Tatjana 2305 Switzerland 1 SUI 13 6 7 0 73.1 2050 2225 12. 3.
WGM Cramling, Pia 2405 Sweden 1 SWE 10½ 13 8 5 0 80.8 2085 2336 15. 2. + 1.
Moheni, Ayodele Trinidad & Tobago 1 TRI 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 1854 1825 48. 33.
Yılmaz, Gülümser 1920 Turkey 1 TUR 2 10 2 0 8 20.0 1959 1719 42. 49.
Saleh, N. United Arab Emirates 1 UAE 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 1827 1740 46. 43.
GM Chiburdanidze, Maia 2375 Soviet Union 1 URS 11 4 7 0 68.2 2164 2297 1. 6.
WIM Savereide, Diane 2230 United States 1 USA 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 2065 2094 13. 21.
Garwell, Jane 2100 Wales 1 WLS 13 5 5 3 57.7 1996 2053 23. 16.
WGM Lazarević, Milunka 2165 Yugoslavia 1 YUG 10 3 3 4 45.0 2187 2151 9. 35.
Brooke, C. Zimbabwe 1 ZIM 3 13 2 2 9 23.1 1835 1624 50. 47.
52. Rizzo, Marina 1900 Argentina 2 ARG 12 5 1 6 45.8 1928 1899 35. 29.
WIM Kellner, Narelle 1900 Australia 2 AUS 11 3 3 5 40.9 1882 1817 34. 36.
Horvath, Maria 1865 Austria 2 AUT 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 1887 1800 30. 42.
Maseyczik, Ilona Belgium 2 BEL 10 5 1 4 55.0 1871 1907 37. 14.
WIM Chaves, Joara 1985 Brazil 2 BRA 14 3 5 6 39.3 1934 1854 19. 40.
WIM Gocheva, Rumiana 2115 Bulgaria 2 BUL 5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2113 2156 2. 13.
Roos, Céline 2025 Canada 2 CAN 13 7 5 1 73.1 1927 2102 17. 1.
Wu Mingqian 2030 China 2 CHN 13 5 7 1 65.4 2077 2187 5. 5.
WIM Guggenberger, Ilse 1975 Colombia 2 COL 7 14 6 2 6 50.0 1965 1965 22. 21.
De Armas, Asela 2100 Cuba 2 CUB 11 2 5 4 40.9 1944 1879 14. 36.
Berg, Tine Denmark 2 DEN 11 7 1 3 68.2 1866 1999 24. 3.
García Portes, Ana Esther Dominican Republic 2 DOM 7 12 6 2 4 58.3 1845 1902 25. 11.
Samy Maha, A. Egypt 2 EGY 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 1838 1781 44. 33.
WIM Jackson, Sheila 2190 England 2 ENG 14 5 7 2 60.7 2046 2126 8. 8.
Cuevas Rodríguez, María Luisa 1965 Spain 2 ESP 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2142 2142 10. 21.
Kujasalo, Marjatta Finland 2 FIN 10 3 1 6 35.0 1929 1819 31. 44.
Lebel-Arias, Julia 1985 France 2 FRA 13 4 5 4 50.0 1938 1938 18. 21.
WIM Fischdick, Gisela 2195 Germany 2 GER 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2099 2171 4. 9.
Nika, Katerina 1985 Greece 2 GRE 9 3 1 5 38.9 1992 1912 27. 41.
Efremoglou, A. 1925 Greece 2 GRE2 7 1 1 5 21.4 1899 1669 36.
Juárez, Rosa María Guatemala 2 GUA 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 1838 1838 45. 21.
Tse Yue Ning Hong Kong 2 HKG 11 4 1 6 40.9 1810 1745 47. 36.
WGM Ivánka, Mária 2255 Hungary 2 HUN 10 2 3 5 35.0 2084 1974 6. 44.
Tamin, Darmayanti 1815 Indonesia 2 INA 14 6 7 1 67.9 1892 2025 33. 4.
Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe India 2 IND 8 4 3 1 68.8 1984 2125 16.
Connolly, Suzanne Ireland 2 IRL 7 13 3 8 2 53.8 1907 1936 38. 19.
Peyman, J. Iraq 2 IRQ 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 1834 1863 43. 19.
Þráinsdóttir, Ólöf Iceland 2 ISL 14 5 3 6 46.4 1935 1906 28. 27.
Hasson, Francis U.S. Virgin Islands 2 ISV 1 8 1 0 7 12.5 1813 1491 51.
Gramignani, Rita 1925 Italy 2 ITA 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 1875 1911 29. 16.
Powell, M. Jamaica 2 JAM 1 12 0 2 10 8.3 1833 1432 49. 48.
Watai, Miyoko 1905 Japan 2 JPN 6 13 2 8 3 46.2 1857 1828 41. 28.
Seto Wai Ling Malaysia 2 MAS 5 12 2 6 4 41.7 1840 1783 32. 33.
Carvajal, Norma 1825 Mexico 2 MEX 11 2 5 4 40.9 1849 1784 39. 36.
WFM Bruinenberg, Carla 2050 Netherlands 2 NED 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2074 2110 11. 16.
Klingen, Mary Norway 2 NOR 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 1859 1859 26. 21.
Stretch, Winsome New Zealand 2 NZL 2 10 2 0 8 20.0 1859 1619 40. 46.
WIM Brustman, Agnieszka 2315 Poland 2 POL 13 5 7 1 65.4 2044 2154 7. 5.
Ferreira, Aida Portugal 2 POR 11 4 3 4 50.0 1826 1826 21. 21.
WGM Polihroniade, Elisabeta 2165 Romania 2 ROM 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 2084 2225 3. 2.
Coull, Alison Scotland 2 SCO 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 1930 2032 20. 7.
Baumann, Claude 1900 Switzerland 2 SUI 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 1962 1905 12. 33.
WIM Borisova-Ornstein, Borislava 1925 Sweden 2 SWE 10 4 3 3 55.0 2047 2083 15. 14.
Geofroy, Marylin 1905 Trinidad & Tobago 2 TRI 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 1828 1741 48. 42.
Yılmaz, Gülsevil 1845 Turkey 2 TUR 10 3 3 4 45.0 1902 1866 42. 30.
Karim, Fraidah A. United Arab Emirates 2 UAE 13 4 3 6 42.3 1832 1775 46. 32.
WGM Levitina, Irina 2295 Soviet Union 2 URS 11 3 7 1 59.1 2127 2192 1. 10.
Izrailov, Inna 1855 United States 2 USA 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 1996 1953 13. 31.
Evans, Deborah 1855 Wales 2 WLS 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 1927 1963 23. 16.
no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
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101. WIM Petrović, Marija 2130 Yugoslavia 2 YUG 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2079 2136 9. 11.
Patton, O. Zimbabwe 2 ZIM 2 13 1 2 10 15.4 1846 1550 50. 47.
103. Cazón, Matilde 1915 Argentina 3 ARG 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 1853 1781 35. 33.
WIM Mott-McGrath, Marion 1975 Australia 3 AUS 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 1845 1773 34. 33.
Hausner, Alfreda 1965 Austria 3 AUT 13 2 7 4 42.3 1863 1806 30. 30.
Vandevoort, Chantal Belgium 3 BEL 10 2 5 3 45.0 1874 1838 37. 29.
WIM Chaves, Jussara 2000 Brazil 3 BRA 9 10 9 0 1 90.0 1889 2255 19. 1.
WIM Chilingirova, Pavlina 2060 Bulgaria 3 BUL 12 5 7 0 70.8 2068 2226 2. 6.
Baltgailis, Vesma 1895 Canada 3 CAN 4 10 4 0 6 40.0 1939 1867 17. 33.
WIM An Yangfeng 2065 China 3 CHN 8 11 8 0 3 72.7 2011 2186 5. 4.
Rendón, Marta Colombia 3 COL 13 5 1 7 42.3 1943 1886 22. 30.
Frometa, Zirka 2130 Cuba 3 CUB 11 6 1 4 59.1 1972 2037 14. 14.
Sørensen, P. Denmark 3 DEN 10 2 7 1 55.0 1846 1882 24. 19.
Cortorreal, J. Dominican Republic 3 DOM 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 1833 1833 25.
Ibrahim, Hala Egypt 3 EGY 11 3 3 5 40.9 1838 1773 44. 32.
WIM Whitehead, Clare 1975 England 3 ENG 6 2 1 3 41.7 1968 1911 8.
WIM Ferrer Lucas, Pepita 2040 Spain 3 ESP 12 5 3 4 54.2 1976 2005 10. 22.
WIM Landry, Sirkka-Liisa 1920 Finland 3 FIN 7 12 3 8 1 58.3 1893 1950 31. 15.
Kientzler, Isabelle France 3 FRA 9 3 3 3 50.0 1930 1930 18. 24.
WIM Vokralova, Stepanka 2230 Germany 3 GER 11 5 5 1 68.2 2035 2168 4. 9.
Kasioura, Froso 1935 Greece 3 GRE 12 6 3 3 62.5 1960 2055 27. 12.
Mihailidou, M. 1825 Greece 3 GRE2 12 5 3 4 54.2 1856 1885 36. 22.
Roldán, U. Guatemala 3 GUA 8 1 3 4 31.3 1853 1712 45.
Au Yeung Suk, Lan Hong Kong 3 HKG 11 2 3 6 31.8 1811 1678 47. 41.
WIM Mádl, Ildikó 2060 Hungary 3 HUN 8 11 7 2 2 72.7 2033 2208 6. 4.
Wijaya, Nanik Indonesia 3 INA 13 3 7 3 50.0 1895 1895 33. 24.
WIM Khadilkar, Vasanti 1970 India 3 IND 8 3 1 4 43.8 2064 2021 16.
O'Siochrú, Máiréad Ireland 3 IRL 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 1842 1813 38. 27.
Jamal, Joanne Iraq 3 IRQ 4 13 2 4 7 30.8 1828 1687 43. 42.
Friðþjófsdóttir, Sigurlaug 1805 Iceland 3 ISL 8 14 7 2 5 57.1 1918 1968 28. 17.
Warlick, Diane U.S. Virgin Islands 3 ISV ½ 10 0 1 9 5.0 1820 1350 51. 45.
Deghenghi, Annamaria 1905 Italy 3 ITA 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 1919 1883 29. 28.
Anderson, Hope Jamaica 3 JAM 5 13 4 2 7 38.5 1824 1737 49. 38.
Nakagawa, Emiko 1905 Japan 3 JPN 8 14 4 8 2 57.1 1854 1904 41. 17.
Vimalavathy, K. Malaysia 3 MAS 13 6 3 4 57.7 1822 1879 32. 16.
Fuentes, Margarita Mexico 3 MEX 2 8 0 4 4 25.0 1889 1696 39.
WFM De Greef, Heleen 1945 Netherlands 3 NED 7 10 6 2 2 70.0 2041 2190 11. 7.
De Linde, Anne Norway 3 NOR 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 1892 1994 26. 11.
Smith, Vivian New Zealand 3 NZL 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 1841 2061 40. 3.
WIM Wiese, Małgorzata 2125 Poland 3 POL 11 4 3 4 50.0 2015 2015 7. 24.
Vilas Boas, Luz Portugal 3 POR 7 10 6 2 2 70.0 1841 1990 21. 7.
WGM Nuţu, Daniela 2180 Romania 3 ROM 14 8 3 3 67.9 2035 2168 3. 10.
Condie, Alison 1955 Scotland 3 SCO 10 3 5 2 55.0 1853 1889 20. 19.
Bilinski, Vanda 1955 Switzerland 3 SUI 7 0 3 4 21.4 1951 1721 12.
WIM Dahlin, Jolanta 2100 Sweden 3 SWE 3 9 1 4 4 33.3 2009 1884 15. 39.
Lezama, A. Trinidad & Tobago 3 TRI 11 2 1 8 22.7 1800 1589 48. 43.
Arbil, Joan 1865 Turkey 3 TUR 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 1933 2005 42. 13.
Karim, Amal United Arab Emirates 3 UAE 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 1812 1687 46. 39.
GM Gaprindashvili, Nona 2335 Soviet Union 3 URS 10 7 3 0 85.0 2030 2326 1. 3. + 2.
Jezierska, Ivona 1970 United States 3 USA 9 3 1 5 38.9 1987 1907 13. 36.
Powell, Lynda Wales 3 WLS 9 3 1 5 38.9 1824 1744 23. 36.
WIM Maksimović, Suzana 2150 Yugoslavia 3 YUG 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2045 2081 9. 21.
Narsing, Prashilla Zimbabwe 3 ZIM 2 13 1 2 10 15.4 1825 1529 50. 44.
154. Vaschetti, Ada 1860 Argentina res. ARG 9 0 5 4 27.8 1846 1680 35. 30.
Martin, Anne 1905 Australia res. AUS 11 3 5 3 50.0 1850 1850 34. 16.
Kattinger, Ingeborg 1850 Austria res. AUT 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 1800 30.
Caels, Viviane Belgium res. BEL 6 10 3 6 1 60.0 1836 1908 37. 10.
Snitkowsky, Norma Brazil res. BRA 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 2065 1872 19.
WIM Savova, Stefka 2105 Bulgaria res. BUL 9 4 3 2 61.1 2027 2107 2. 8.
WIM Mongeau, Diane 1905 Canada res. CAN ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 1962 1540 17. 31.
Zhao Lan China res. CHN 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 2025 2097 5.
Maya de Alzate, Gloria Ines 1870 Colombia res. COL 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 1800 22.
Hernández, Tania 1960 Cuba res. CUB 4 6 4 0 2 66.7 1824 1949 14.
Theander, Maj Denmark res. DEN 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 1852 1924 24. 10.
Pérez de Lücke, Eneida Dominican Republic res. DOM 5 11 4 2 5 45.5 1820 1784 25. 23.
Farag, Nagwa Egypt res. EGY 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 1813 1763 44. 24.
Walker, Susan 1945 England res. ENG 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2012 2055 8. 14.
Canela, Teresa Spain res. ESP 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2001 2051 10. 13.
Pihlajamäki, Pirkko 1905 Finland res. FIN 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 1871 1973 31. 7.
Ruck-Petit, Monique 1940 France res. FRA 7 5 1 1 78.6 1844 2074 18. 3.
WIM Feustel, Petra 2150 Germany res. GER 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2002 2074 4. 10.
Petraki, Maria 1910 Greece res. GRE 2 7 1 2 4 28.6 1869 1711 27. 29.
Limbertou, M. Greece res. GRE2 11 6 3 2 68.2 1823 1956 36. 6.
Sarazua, D. Guatemala res. GUA 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 1835 1835 45.
Loignon, J. Hong Kong res. HKG ½ 4 0 1 3 12.5 1869 1547 47.
WIM Kas, Rita 2105 Hungary res. HUN 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 1968 1968 6. 16.
Nurjanah, R. Indonesia res. INA ½ 4 0 1 3 12.5 1934 1612 33.
WIM Khadilkar, Jayshree 1970 India res. IND 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 2070 2070 16. 16.
Murphy, Moira Ireland res. IRL 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Turner, K. U.S. Virgin Islands res. ISV ½ 11 0 1 10 4.5 1825 1355 51. 32.
Fittante, Giuliana Italy res. ITA 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 1871 1907 29. 15.
Anderson, K. Jamaica res. JAM 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 1800 49.
Matsui, Y. Japan res. JPN 3 0 3 0 50.0 1800 1800 41.
Ong Y. M. Malaysia res. MAS 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 1882 1757 32.
Bedolla Luz, María Mexico res. MEX 11 4 3 4 50.0 1822 1822 39. 16.
WIM Belle, Erika 2060 Netherlands res. NED 9 3 3 3 50.0 2071 2071 11. 16.
Johnsen, Sylvia Norway res. NOR 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 1904 1817 26. 28.
Parlane, Lynn New Zealand res. NZL 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 1843 1771 40. 25.
WIM Szmacińska, Grażyna 2120 Poland res. POL 6 3 1 2 58.3 2042 2099 7.
Núñez Guzmán, M. Portugal res. POR 7 3 1 3 50.0 1807 1807 21. 16.
Olăraşu, Gabriela 2100 Romania res. ROM 1 2 0 2 0 50.0 2115 3.
McLure, Alison Scotland res. SCO 9 1 5 3 38.9 1872 1792 20. 27.
Vogel, Erika 1955 Switzerland res. SUI 10 7 1 2 75.0 1938 2131 12. 4.
Johansson, Eva Sweden res. SWE 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 1999 1927 15. 25.
Alexander, L. Trinidad & Tobago res. TRI 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 1800 48.
Öney, N. 1890 Turkey res. TUR 9 3 5 1 61.1 1867 1947 42. 8.
Said, L. United Arab Emirates res. UAE 4 1 1 2 37.5 1800 1713 46.
WGM Semenova, Lidia 2225 Soviet Union res. URS 10 9 1 0 95.0 2035 2505 1. 1. + 1.
WIM Crotto, Rachel 2030 United States res. USA 9 11 8 2 1 81.8 1925 2187 13. 2.
James, Diane 1905 Wales res. WLS 9 3 3 3 50.0 1863 1863 23. 16.
no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
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201. WIM Marković, Gordana 2170 Yugoslavia res. YUG 9 5 3 1 72.2 2028 2194 9. 5.
Katz, R. Zimbabwe res. ZIM 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

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