20th Chess Olympiad: Skopje 1972

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
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1. GM Browne, Walter Shawn 2530 Australia 1 AUS 17½ 22 15 5 2 79.5 2312 2552 32. 3.
2. GM Ljubojević, Ljubomir 2550 Yugoslavia 3 YUG 15½ 19 13 5 1 81.6 2381 2643 3. 1.
3. GM Hübner, Robert 2590 Germany 1 GER 15 18 12 6 0 83.3 2468 2741 5. 1.
4. GM Hort, Vlastimil 2600 Czechoslovakia 1 CSR 14½ 18 11 7 0 80.6 2467 2718 4. 2.
Giam Choo Kwee 2310 Singapore 3 SIN 14½ 21 12 5 4 69.0 2223 2364 49. 4.
GM Radulov, Ivan 2490 Bulgaria 3 BUL 14½ 21 10 9 2 69.0 2383 2524 6. 4.
7. GM Tal, Mikhail 2625 Soviet Union 4 URS 14 16 12 4 0 87.5 2409 2745 1. 1.
8. GM Matulović, Milan 2525 Yugoslavia 1 res. YUG 13½ 18 9 9 0 75.0 2342 2535 3. 7.
Tan Lian Ann 2340 Singapore 1 SIN 13½ 19 11 5 3 71.1 2290 2448 49. 4.
Durão, Joaquim Manuel 2295 Portugal 2 POR 13½ 20 10 7 3 67.5 2269 2386 37. 7.
Sheikh Harandi, Khosro 2270 Iran 1 IRI 13½ 22 8 11 3 61.4 2310 2390 35. 13.
12. GM Karpov, Anatoly 2630 Soviet Union 1 res. URS 13 15 12 2 1 86.7 2339 2661 1. 1.
Balshan, Amikam Israel 1 res. ISR 13 16 10 6 0 81.3 2319 2570 18. 2.
IM Ribli, Zoltán 2505 Hungary 4 HUN 13 17 9 8 0 76.5 2334 2536 2. 4.
Cuartas, Carlos Enrique 2330 Colombia 3 COL 13 18 9 8 1 72.2 2284 2450 25. 3.
IM Jansa, Vlastimil 2480 Czechoslovakia 4 CSR 13 18 9 8 1 72.2 2377 2543 4. 5.
17. Kaldor, Avraham Israel 4 ISR 12½ 16 10 5 1 78.1 2322 2542 18. 2.
Pritchett, Craig William 2340 Scotland 2 SCO 12½ 18 9 7 2 69.4 2273 2414 34. 4.
GM Smejkal, Jan 2545 Czechoslovakia 2 CSR 12½ 19 7 11 1 65.8 2424 2541 4. 10.
20. Rantanen, Yrjö Finland 1 res. FIN 12 15 11 2 2 80.0 2226 2466 33. 3.
Sawadkuhi, Massoud Amir Iran 1 res. IRI 12 15 11 2 2 80.0 2231 2471 35. 3.
Hartston, William Roland 2420 England 2 ENG 12 17 9 6 2 70.6 2350 2508 17. 3.
GM Portisch, Lajos 2640 Hungary 1 HUN 12 17 8 8 1 70.6 2493 2651 2. 5.
Littleton, Michael Flannan Ireland 3 IRL 12 18 7 10 1 66.7 2261 2386 39. 7.
GM Ivkov, Borislav 2520 Yugoslavia 2 YUG 12 18 6 12 0 66.7 2431 2556 3. 8.
IM German, Eugênio Brazil 1 BRA 12 20 8 8 4 60.0 2309 2381 36. 18.
Silva, Fernando 2295 Portugal 3 POR 12 20 8 8 4 60.0 2235 2292 37. 15.
28. IM Csom, István 2485 Hungary 1 res. HUN 11½ 15 9 5 1 76.7 2352 2563 2. 6.
IM Biyiasas, Peter 2390 Canada 4 CAN 11½ 15 8 7 0 76.7 2276 2487 19. 3.
GM Bilek, István 2485 Hungary 2 HUN 11½ 16 7 9 0 71.9 2438 2604 2. 2.
IM Cardoso, Radolfo Tan The Philippines 2 PHI 11½ 17 10 3 4 67.6 2337 2470 20. 6.
Vogt, Lothar 2390 East Germany 2 res. GDR 11½ 17 8 7 2 67.6 2335 2468 10. 4.
IM Kaplan, Julio 2470 Puerto Rico 1 PUR 11½ 17 7 9 1 67.6 2328 2461 40. 6.
GM Kavalek, Lubomir 2555 United States 1 USA 11½ 18 8 7 3 63.9 2472 2574 9. 10.
IM Malich, Burkhard 2490 East Germany 2 GDR 11½ 18 8 7 3 63.9 2428 2530 10. 14.
IM Kraidman, Yair 2455 Israel 2 ISR 11½ 18 7 9 2 63.9 2377 2479 18. 14.
GM Padevsky, Nikola 2430 Bulgaria 4 BUL 11½ 18 6 11 1 63.9 2399 2501 6. 9.
IM Cuéllar Gacharna, Miguel 2395 Colombia 1 COL 11½ 19 7 9 3 60.5 2379 2459 25. 16.
IM Ciocâltea, Victor 2470 Romania 2 ROM 11½ 19 7 9 3 60.5 2416 2496 7. 19.
GM Bobotsov, Milko 2455 Bulgaria 1 BUL 11½ 19 5 13 1 60.5 2470 2550 6. 16.
41. Haïk, Aldo France 2 res. FRA 11 12 11 0 1 91.7 2216 2617 48. 1.
GM Smyslov, Vassily 2620 Soviet Union 3 URS 11 14 8 6 0 78.6 2415 2645 1. 2.
Kestler, Hans-Günther Germany 1 res. GER 11 15 9 4 2 73.3 2360 2535 5. 8.
Shaw, Terrey Ian 2390 Australia 2 res. AUS 11 15 9 4 2 73.3 2250 2425 32. 2.
GM Korchnoi, Viktor 2640 Soviet Union 2 URS 11 15 8 6 1 73.3 2407 2582 1. 1.
Onat, İlhan 2320 Turkey 3 TUR 11 16 7 8 1 68.8 2257 2398 38. 6.
IM Torre, Eugenio 2400 The Philippines 1 PHI 11 17 9 4 4 64.7 2389 2499 20. 9.
IM Tatai, Stefano 2460 Italy 1 ITA 11 18 7 8 3 61.1 2375 2455 27. 14.
Janetschek, Karl Austria 3 AUT 11 18 7 8 3 61.1 2335 2415 23. 13.
IM Keene, Raymond Dennis 2435 England 1 ENG 11 19 5 12 2 57.9 2389 2446 17. 21.
GM Gheorghiu, Florin 2520 Romania 1 ROM 11 20 5 12 3 55.0 2475 2511 7. 25.
Sharif, Mehrshad 2330 Iran 4 IRI 11 21 8 6 7 52.4 2220 2234 35. 21.
Belkadi, Ridha 2300 Tunisia 1 TUN 11 21 6 10 5 52.4 2300 2314 42. 28.
Trois, Francisco Brazil 2 BRA 11 21 6 10 5 52.4 2260 2274 36. 26.
55. Markland, Peter Richard 2420 England 4 ENG 10½ 15 6 9 0 70.0 2289 2438 17. 7.
IM Amos, Bruce 2415 Canada 1 res. CAN 10½ 15 6 9 0 70.0 2247 2396 19. 10.
IM Díez del Corral, Jesús 2470 Spain 2 ESP 10½ 16 8 5 3 65.6 2423 2540 11. 11.
Filipowicz, Andrzej 2405 Poland 1 res. POL 10½ 16 7 7 2 65.6 2330 2447 12. 13.
GM Petrosian, Tigran 2645 Soviet Union 1 URS 10½ 16 6 9 1 65.6 2483 2600 1. 8.
Nóbrega, Adaucto Brazil 3 BRA 10½ 17 9 3 5 61.8 2261 2348 36. 12.
Strobel, Ferdinand Austria 1 res. AUT 10½ 17 7 7 3 61.8 2310 2397 23. 17.
IM Ardiansyah 2340 Indonesia 2 INA 10½ 19 8 5 6 55.3 2366 2402 26. 21.
IM Schmidt, Włodzimierz 2450 Poland 1 POL 10½ 19 5 11 3 55.3 2469 2505 12. 24.
64. Toth, Peter Brazil 4 BRA 10 14 8 4 2 71.4 2241 2399 36. 6.
Campos López, Mario Mexico 1 MEX 10 15 7 6 2 66.7 2311 2436 41. 7.
Kristinsson, Jón 2365 Iceland 2 ISL 10 15 6 8 1 66.7 2338 2463 24. 8.
IM Pfleger, Helmut 2545 Germany 3 GER 10 15 5 10 0 66.7 2413 2538 5. 7.
Huguet, Bernard 2255 France 4 FRA 10 16 9 2 5 62.5 2214 2309 48. 11.
Bilyap, Siracettin 2280 Turkey 2 res. TUR 10 16 8 4 4 62.5 2238 2333 38. 5.
IM Ree, Hans 2480 Netherlands 2 NED 10 16 7 6 3 62.5 2438 2533 8. 16.
Jamieson, Peter Michael Scotland 4 SCO 10 16 7 6 3 62.5 2232 2327 34. 11.
IM Mariotti, Sergio 2470 Italy 2 ITA 10 16 6 8 2 62.5 2337 2432 27. 16.
IM Westerinen, Heikki 2450 Finland 1 FIN 10 17 8 4 5 58.8 2344 2409 33. 19.
Rodríguez, Ruben 2400 The Philippines 3 PHI 10 17 8 4 5 58.8 2315 2380 20. 17.
Bonner, Gerald Scotland 3 SCO 10 17 8 4 5 58.8 2254 2319 34. 17.
Sólmundarson, Magnús 2390 Iceland 4 ISL 10 17 8 4 5 58.8 2269 2334 24. 13.
Williams, Arthur Howard 2390 Wales 1 WLS 10 17 6 8 3 58.8 2324 2389 43. 19.
GM Filip, Miroslav 2510 Czechoslovakia 3 CSR 10 17 4 12 1 58.8 2397 2462 4. 17.
GM Uhlmann, Wolfgang 2530 East Germany 1 GDR 10 18 6 8 4 55.6 2500 2543 10. 23.
Hutchings, Stuart Wales 2 WLS 10 19 5 10 4 52.6 2263 2284 43. 25.
Lombard, Andre 2380 Switzerland 2 SUI 10 20 6 8 6 50.0 2440 2440 16. 27.
Krstic, Slobodan Hong Kong 1 HKG 10 20 5 10 5 50.0 2269 2269 51. 29.
83. Whiteley, Andrew Jonathan 2310 England 1 res. ENG 12 8 3 1 79.2 2295 2525 17. 5.
Sorri, Juhani Finland 4 FIN 14 7 5 2 67.9 2231 2364 33. 8.
GM Byrne, Robert 2560 United States 2 USA 14 6 7 1 67.9 2416 2549 9. 5.
GM Gligorić, Svetozar 2575 Yugoslavia 1 YUG 15 8 3 4 63.3 2496 2591 3. 11.
Letzelter, Jean-Claude France 3 FRA 15 8 3 4 63.3 2224 2357 48. 11.
Hamilton, Douglas Gibson 2280 Australia 1 res. AUS 15 8 3 4 63.3 2243 2338 32. 15.
Hernández, Román Cuba 4 CUB 15 6 7 2 63.3 2259 2354 22. 10.
Øgaard, Leif 2340 Norway 1 res. NOR 16 7 5 4 59.4 2248 2313 21. 19.
GM Benko, Pal 2515 United States 3 USA 16 6 7 3 59.4 2402 2467 9. 16.
IM Suttles, Duncan 2470 Canada 1 CAN 17 6 7 4 55.9 2387 2430 19. 22.
IM Timman, Jan 2480 Netherlands 4 NED 17 6 7 4 55.9 2389 2432 8. 16.
Kwan Nam Seng Hong Kong 3 HKG 18 7 5 6 52.8 2238 2259 51. 28.
Loheac-Ammoun, Frank Lebanon 2 LIB 19 6 7 6 50.0 2261 2261 52. 27.
Frey, Kenneth 2250 Mexico 2 MEX 19 6 7 6 50.0 2297 2297 41. 27.
Moles, John Ireland 1 IRL 19 5 9 5 50.0 2330 2330 39. 29.
Chan Mun Fye Malaysia 2 MAS 20 6 7 7 47.5 2237 2223 59. 36.
Drira, Ahmed Tunisia 3 TUN 20 6 7 7 47.5 2253 2239 42. 33.
IM García, Raimundo 2420 Argentina 2 ARG 21 5 9 7 45.2 2448 2412 14. 41.
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101. Kaderi, Mokhtar Morocco 2 MAR 21 5 9 7 45.2 2235 2199 57. 41.
102. Dueball, Jürgen 2425 Germany 2 res. GER 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 2339 2480 5. 3.
Todorcevic, Miodrag France 2 FRA 9 14 8 2 4 64.3 2259 2361 48. 12.
IM Johannessen, Svein 2440 Norway 3 NOR 9 14 7 4 3 64.3 2313 2415 21. 9.
Fuller, Maxwell 2280 Australia 2 AUS 9 14 6 6 2 64.3 2256 2358 32. 12.
IM Vranesic, Zvonko 2425 Canada 3 CAN 9 14 4 10 0 64.3 2316 2418 19. 9.
Pedersen, Karl 2370 Denmark 2 res. DEN 9 15 6 6 3 60.0 2382 2454 13. 6.
Zwaig, Arne 2425 Norway 2 res. NOR 9 15 5 8 2 60.0 2252 2324 21. 6.
GM Rossolimo, Nicolas 2450 France 1 FRA 9 17 7 4 6 52.9 2274 2317 48. 27.
IM Quiñones Carillo, Oscar 2310 Peru 2 PER 9 17 6 6 5 52.9 2334 2355 31. 23.
IM Bednarski, Jacek 2395 Poland 2 POL 9 17 5 8 4 52.9 2444 2465 12. 23.
Tumurbator, Purev 2270 Mongolia 3 MGL 9 17 5 8 4 52.9 2316 2337 28. 27.
IM Rodríguez Vargas, Orestes 2425 Peru 1 PER 9 18 6 6 6 50.0 2359 2359 31. 29.
McGrillen, Hugh Ireland 2 IRL 9 19 4 10 5 47.4 2268 2247 39. 37.
115. Raizman, Maurice France 1 res. FRA 10 8 1 1 85.0 2222 2518 48.
IM Sax, Gyula 2445 Hungary 2 res. HUN 10 8 1 1 85.0 2267 2563 2.
Hay, Trevor Australia 3 AUS 11 8 1 2 77.3 2209 2420 32.
Niamdorzi Mongolia 1 res. MGL 12 8 1 3 70.8 2256 2414 28. 9.
Bellón López, Juan Manuel 2385 Spain 1 res. ESP 13 7 3 3 65.4 2351 2461 11. 14.
Kristiansen, Erling 2360 Norway 1 NOR 14 6 5 3 60.7 2403 2483 21. 15.
IM Ghiţescu, Theodor 2450 Romania 3 ROM 14 6 5 3 60.7 2376 2456 7. 14.
IM Hartoch, Robert 2430 Netherlands 1 res. NED 14 5 7 2 60.7 2377 2457 8. 18.
Hase, Juan Carlos Argentina 2 res. ARG 15 6 5 4 56.7 2360 2410 14. 10.
Saren, Ilkka Finland 3 FIN 15 5 7 3 56.7 2262 2312 33. 22.
IM Cobo Arteaga, Eldis 2420 Cuba 3 CUB 16 4 9 3 53.1 2355 2376 22. 26.
Petersen, Hans Faroe Islands 1 FAI 17 7 3 7 50.0 2246 2225 54. 29.
Wirthensohn, Heinz 2315 Switzerland 1 res. SUI 17 7 3 7 50.0 2368 2368 16. 24.
Catalan, Mohamad Toufik Syria 2 SYR 17 6 5 6 50.0 2224 2224 55. 27.
GM Pomar Salamanca, Arturo 2460 Spain 1 ESP 17 5 7 5 50.0 2458 2458 11. 29.
IM Myagmarsuren, Lhamsuren 2380 Mongolia 2 MGL 17 5 7 5 50.0 2338 2338 28. 27.
Sloth, Jørn 2385 Denmark 3 DEN 17 5 7 5 50.0 2373 2373 13. 29.
Jones, Iolo Wales 4 WLS 17 5 7 5 50.0 2221 2221 43. 22.
Sutton, Richard John New Zealand 2 NZL 17 4 9 4 50.0 2295 2295 44. 27.
IM Levy, David Neil Lawrence 2350 Scotland 1 SCO 18 6 5 7 47.2 2304 2283 34. 34.
Le Marquand, Ian Guernsey 2 GCI 18 5 7 6 47.2 2232 2211 60. 38.
GM Andersson, Ulf 2535 Sweden 1 SWE 18 4 9 5 47.2 2474 2453 15. 34.
Sampouw, Jacobus Sawandar Indonesia 4 INA 19 6 5 8 44.7 2296 2260 26. 27.
IM Hamann, Svend 2490 Denmark 1 DEN 19 4 9 6 44.7 2462 2426 13. 38.
Miyasaki, Yukio 2280 Japan 1 JPN 20 7 3 10 42.5 2305 2255 47. 44.
Carvajal, Juan Bolivia 4 BOL 20 6 5 9 42.5 2247 2197 46. 32.
Ribeiro, João Mário 2300 Portugal 1 POR 20 3 11 6 42.5 2309 2229 37. 44.
142. Peev, Peicho 2425 Bulgaria 1 res. BUL 8 12 6 4 2 66.7 2275 2400 6. 11.
IM Ghizdavu, Dumitru 2385 Romania 1 res. ROM 8 12 6 4 2 66.7 2345 2470 7. 11.
IM Ojanen, Kaarle 2300 Finland 2 FIN 8 13 4 8 1 61.5 2293 2380 33. 18.
Attard, Wilfred Malta 3 MLT 8 14 7 2 5 57.1 2204 2254 50. 21.
Shirazi, Kamran Iran 2 IRI 8 14 6 4 4 57.1 2251 2301 35. 20.
IM Hecht, Hans-Joachim 2485 Germany 4 GER 8 14 5 6 3 57.1 2391 2441 5. 15.
Makropoulos, Georgios Greece 1 res. GRE 8 14 4 8 2 57.1 2289 2339 29. 20.
Schaufelberger, Heinz 2340 Switzerland 4 SUI 8 15 5 6 4 53.3 2330 2351 16. 18.
IM Sigurjónsson, Guðmundur 2480 Iceland 1 ISL 8 15 4 8 3 53.3 2376 2397 24. 26.
IM Torán Albero, Román 2420 Spain 4 ESP 8 15 4 8 3 53.3 2397 2418 11. 18.
Liljedahl, Lennart 2260 Sweden 4 SWE 8 15 4 8 3 53.3 2427 2448 15. 18.
Debarnot, Roberto Luis 2375 Argentina 1 res. ARG 8 15 4 8 3 53.3 2376 2397 14. 23.
Midjord, Jóan Pætur Faroe Islands 3 FAI 8 16 7 2 7 50.0 2228 2228 54. 29.
Þorsteinsson, Þorsteinn 2415 Iceland 3 ISL 8 16 6 4 6 50.0 2320 2320 24. 29.
IM García Martínez, Silvino 2335 Cuba 2 CUB 8 16 5 6 5 50.0 2383 2383 22. 27.
Jansson, Börje 2410 Sweden 2 SWE 8 16 4 8 4 50.0 2417 2417 15. 27.
IM De Greiff, Boris 2370 Colombia 4 COL 8 16 4 8 4 50.0 2284 2284 25. 22.
GM Bisguier, Arthur Bernard 2430 United States 4 USA 8 16 3 10 3 50.0 2368 2368 9. 22.
Belarbi, Mohamed 2220 Morocco 1 MAR 8 17 5 6 6 47.1 2270 2249 57. 36.
IM Ujtumen, Tudev 2400 Mongolia 1 MGL 8 19 4 8 7 42.1 2384 2327 28. 46.
Camilleri, Henry 2250 Malta 1 MLT 8 20 5 6 9 40.0 2290 2218 50. 48.
163. Friedman, Samuel Israel 2 res. ISR 10 6 3 1 75.0 2239 2432 18.
Hoen, Ragnar 2300 Norway 4 NOR 11 6 3 2 68.2 2275 2408 21.
Santos, Luís 2250 Portugal 4 POR 11 6 3 2 68.2 2238 2348 37.
Boey, Josef Martin 2390 Belgium 1 BEL 12 5 5 2 62.5 2387 2482 30. 12.
Martz, William 2420 United States 1 res. USA 12 4 7 1 62.5 2340 2435 9. 16.
IM Forintos, Győző 2495 Hungary 3 HUN 13 4 7 2 57.7 2372 2429 2. 20.
Stull, Norbert 2255 Luxembourg 3 LUX 14 5 5 4 53.6 2252 2281 53. 23.
IM Wade, Robert Graham 2375 England 3 ENG 14 4 7 3 53.6 2285 2314 17. 23.
IM Zuidema, Coenraad 2430 Netherlands 3 NED 14 4 7 3 53.6 2408 2437 8. 23.
Watzka, Horst Austria 4 AUT 15 5 5 5 50.0 2292 2292 23. 22.
IM Paoli, Enrico 2300 Italy 3 ITA 15 4 7 4 50.0 2292 2292 27. 29.
IM Kagan, Shimon 2425 Israel 1 ISR 17 5 5 7 44.1 2386 2343 18. 39.
Pesantes Carbajal, Carlos Peru 4 PER 17 5 5 7 44.1 2309 2266 31. 28.
Vásquez, Julio 2275 Peru 3 PER 17 4 7 6 44.1 2283 2240 31. 36.
Avgousti, Petros Cyprus 3 CYP 18 5 5 8 41.7 2244 2187 56. 40.
IM Medina García, Antonio Ángel 2380 Spain 3 ESP 18 4 7 7 41.7 2401 2344 11. 40.
Shorbagay Syria 1 SYR 19 5 5 9 39.5 2280 2200 55. 49.
Bedros, Jacques Lebanon 4 LIB 19 3 9 7 39.5 2237 2157 52. 39.
IM Hug, Werner 2475 Switzerland 1 SUI 19 2 11 6 39.5 2490 2410 16. 49.
182. Díaz, Joaquín Carlos 2305 Cuba 2 res. CUB 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2259 2408 22.
Magnússon, Ólafur 2380 Iceland 2 res. ISL 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 2261 2363 24.
Holaszek, Hans 2400 Austria 2 res. AUT 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2272 2329 23. 8.
Enklaar, Bertus 2410 Netherlands 2 res. NED 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2318 2375 8. 8.
GM Matanović, Aleksandar 2515 Yugoslavia 4 YUG 7 12 3 8 1 58.3 2381 2438 3. 14.
Carpinter, Bernard Alan New Zealand 4 NZL 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 2221 2250 44. 17.
Van Riemsdijk, Herman Claudius 2345 Brazil 1 res. BRA 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 2233 2262 36. 22.
GM Darga, Klaus 2540 Germany 2 GER 7 13 3 8 2 53.8 2385 2414 5. 22.
Wibe, Terje 2390 Norway 2 NOR 7 14 6 2 6 50.0 2347 2347 21. 27.
Minaya Molano, Juan Colombia 1 res. COL 7 14 4 6 4 50.0 2273 2273 25. 24.
Simon, Bernard Luxembourg 1 res. LUX 7 14 4 6 4 50.0 2260 2260 53. 24.
Clua Ballague, Miguel Andorra 1 AND 7 15 5 4 6 46.7 2269 2248 58. 37.
Ornstein, Axel Sweden 3 SWE 7 15 4 6 5 46.7 2419 2398 15. 34.
Pytel, Krzysztof 2380 Poland 3 POL 7 15 2 10 3 46.7 2406 2385 12. 34.
Martidis, Alkis Cyprus 4 CYP 7 16 6 2 8 43.8 2237 2194 56. 29.
Potter, H. Virgin Islands 3 VIR 7 16 4 6 6 43.8 2200 2157 62. 37.
IM Sarapu, Ortvin 2340 New Zealand 1 NZL 7 16 3 8 5 43.8 2323 2280 44. 40.
Bachtiar, Arovah 2400 Indonesia 3 INA 7 17 5 4 8 41.2 2305 2240 26. 42.
Jakobsen, Ole 2440 Denmark 2 DEN 7 17 3 8 6 41.2 2425 2360 13. 45.
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201. GM Tringov, Georgi 2460 Bulgaria 2 BUL 7 18 3 8 7 38.9 2439 2359 6. 47.
Lim Kok Ann Singapore 2 SIN 7 18 3 8 7 38.9 2267 2187 49. 47.
Loh Chee Hoong Malaysia 1 res. MAS 7 18 3 8 7 38.9 2217 2137 59. 38.
Martínez Buitrago, Fernando Puerto Rico 2 PUR 7 20 5 4 11 35.0 2246 2113 40. 51.
Alvarez, U. Bolivia 3 BOL 7 20 5 4 11 35.0 2245 2135 46. 47.
206. Lobigas, Julian 2340 The Philippines 2 res. PHI 10 6 1 3 65.0 2230 2340 20.
Partoş, Carol 2425 Romania 2 res. ROM 10 5 3 2 65.0 2339 2449 7.
Lagha, Khelil Tunisia 2 res. TUN 10 5 3 2 65.0 2222 2332 42.
Sacarello, Félix Puerto Rico 1 res. PUR 12 4 5 3 54.2 2228 2257 40. 21.
Schöneberg, Manfred 2470 East Germany 1 res. GDR 13 4 5 4 50.0 2354 2354 10. 24.
Ungureanu, Emil 2410 Romania 4 ROM 13 3 7 3 50.0 2379 2379 7. 22.
Weber, Raymond Luxembourg 2 LUX 14 4 5 5 46.4 2259 2230 53. 39.
Van Seters, Frits Belgium 2 BEL 15 5 3 7 43.3 2409 2359 30. 43.
GM Donner, Jan 2470 Netherlands 1 NED 15 1 11 3 43.3 2494 2444 8. 41.
Belliard Alonzo, Luís Dominican Republic 1 DOM 16 6 1 9 40.6 2322 2257 45. 47.
Kong, V. Hong Kong 1 res. HKG 16 6 1 9 40.6 2247 2182 51. 34.
IM Vizantiadis, Lazaros 2260 Greece 2 GRE 16 4 5 7 40.6 2319 2254 29. 46.
Gómez Abad, Antonio Andorra 4 AND 16 4 5 7 40.6 2221 2156 58. 36.
Trikaliotis, Georgios Greece 4 GRE 16 4 5 7 40.6 2275 2210 29. 36.
De la Casa, Ángel Andorra 3 AND 17 3 7 7 38.2 2244 2157 58. 43.
Abbou, Mohamed Morocco 3 MAR 20 5 3 12 32.5 2244 2119 57. 48.
222. Trapl, Jindřich 2315 Czechoslovakia 2 res. CSR 6 8 4 4 0 75.0 2304 2497 4.
Badilles, Glicerio 2270 The Philippines 1 res. PHI 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2259 2384 20.
Ee, Andrew Singapore 1 res. SIN 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2214 2339 49.
Denman, Brian Scotland 1 res. SCO 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2236 2279 34.
Choong Liong On Singapore 4 SIN 6 11 6 0 5 54.5 2245 2281 49.
Knaak, Rainer 2470 East Germany 3 GDR 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2349 2385 10.
Tabba, Manakly Syria 2 res. SYR 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2213 2249 55.
IM Sydor, Andrzej 2390 Poland 2 res. POL 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 2323 2323 12. 11.
GM Yanofsky, Daniel Abraham 2460 Canada 2 CAN 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 2322 2293 19. 40.
Thomsen, Jákup Faroe Islands 1 res. FAI 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 2239 2182 54. 28.
Wostyn, Hendrik Belgium 2 res. BEL 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 2281 2252 30. 12.
Olsen, Henry Faroe Islands 2 res. FAI 6 13 3 6 4 46.2 2236 2207 54. 12.
Emma, Jaime Argentina 4 ARG 6 14 5 2 7 42.9 2388 2338 14. 30.
Sursock, Samir Lebanon 1 LIB 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2280 2230 52. 42.
IM Rubinetti, Jorge Alberto 2410 Argentina 3 ARG 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2410 2360 14. 38.
De Castro, Edgar 2320 The Philippines 4 PHI 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2327 2277 20. 30.
Kerr, Alan Grant New Zealand 2 res. NZL 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2234 2184 44. 15.
Escondrillas, Carlos Mexico 3 MEX 6 14 3 6 5 42.9 2270 2241 41. 38.
Rodríguez Cordoba, Jesús 2390 Cuba 1 CUB 6 14 1 10 3 42.9 2409 2359 22. 42.
Röhrl, Karl 2380 Austria 2 AUT 6 14 1 10 3 42.9 2357 2307 23. 44.
Beyen, Roland 2280 Belgium 4 BEL 6 15 3 6 6 40.0 2314 2242 30. 38.
Galeb, Antoine Lebanon 1 res. LIB 6 15 1 10 4 40.0 2216 2144 52. 35.
Shahsavar, Khosro Iran 3 IRI 6 16 4 4 8 37.5 2252 2165 35. 44.
Kchouk, Bechir Tunisia 2 TUN 6 16 3 6 7 37.5 2229 2142 42. 49.
Taha, Abdul-Razzaq Ahmed Iraq 1 IRQ 6 17 4 4 9 35.3 2293 2183 61. 52.
Maalouf, Carlos Lebanon 3 LIB 6 17 4 4 9 35.3 2247 2137 52. 46.
Gouder, Adriano Malta 2 MLT 6 17 2 8 7 35.3 2250 2140 50. 50.
Palmer, Eric Guernsey 1 GCI 6 21 3 6 12 28.6 2295 2137 60. 55.
250. Muço, Fatos Albania 4 ALB 7 5 1 1 78.6 2289 2519
Kanko, Ilkka Finland 2 res. FIN 10 3 5 2 55.0 2261 2297 33.
Flatow, Alfred Australia 4 AUS 11 3 5 3 50.0 2237 2237 32.
IM Liebert, Heinz 2400 East Germany 4 GDR 11 3 5 3 50.0 2381 2381 10.
Uddenfeldt, Dan 2270 Sweden 2 res. SWE 11 3 5 3 50.0 2372 2372 15.
Cappello, Guido Italy 1 res. ITA 12 3 5 4 45.8 2302 2273 27. 29.
Salim, Khalid Iraq 2 res. IRQ 12 3 5 4 45.8 2233 2204 61. 14.
Saliba, Michael Malta 4 MLT 13 4 3 6 42.3 2253 2196 50. 33.
Olsson, Åke 2380 Sweden 1 res. SWE 13 3 5 5 42.3 2358 2301 15. 30.
IM Gereben, Erno 2335 Switzerland 2 res. SUI 13 3 5 5 42.3 2362 2305 16. 16.
Coldrick, Arthur Ireland 1 res. IRL 13 2 7 4 42.3 2209 2152 39. 30.
Vassiades, Christos Cyprus 1 res. CYP 14 5 1 8 39.3 2252 2172 56. 36.
Uzman, Cavit Turkey 1 res. TUR 14 5 1 8 39.3 2223 2143 38. 36.
IM Siaperas, Triantafyllos 2385 Greece 1 GRE 15 4 3 8 36.7 2384 2289 29. 51.
Süer, Nevzat 2245 Turkey 1 TUR 16 3 5 8 34.4 2311 2194 38. 53.
Hadjittofis, Yianakis Cyprus 2 res. CYP 16 2 7 7 34.4 2242 2125 56. 19.
Stuart, Peter New Zealand 3 NZL 17 2 7 8 32.4 2239 2106 44. 49.
Gonda, Gentaro Japan 3 JPN 18 0 11 7 30.6 2259 2118 47. 50.
Nashed, Mohamad Kamal Syria 3 SYR 19 3 5 11 28.9 2240 2082 55. 52.
Foo Lum Choon Malaysia 1 MAS 21 2 7 12 26.2 2277 2093 59. 56.
270. Littlewood, John Eric 2340 England 2 res. ENG 5 7 3 4 0 71.4 2210 2368 17.
IM Wotulo, Max Arie 2330 Indonesia 1 INA 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2327 2370 26.
Suradiradja, Herman Indonesia 1 res. INA 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2298 2298 26.
Turalakey, Frans M. Indonesia 2 res. INA 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2319 2319 26.
Capece, Adolivio Italy 2 res. ITA 5 11 4 2 5 45.5 2254 2218 27.
Barrientos, Ventura Mexico 2 res. MEX 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2235 2199 41.
Malagón, Alberto Dominican Republic 1 res. DOM 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 2231 2195 45. 32.
Takahashi, Takayoshi Japan 4 JPN 5 12 3 4 5 41.7 2252 2195 47. 34.
Jigjidsuren, Purev Mongolia 4 MGL 5 12 3 4 5 41.7 2289 2232 28. 34.
Cilia Vincenti, Victor Malta 1 res. MLT 5 12 2 6 4 41.7 2255 2198 50. 32.
Al-Mawla Iraq 1 res. IRQ 5 13 2 6 5 38.5 2225 2138 61. 39.
Skalkotas, Nikolaos 2245 Greece 3 GRE 5 14 3 4 7 35.7 2288 2186 29. 45.
Erözbek, Akdoğan Turkey 4 TUR 5 14 1 8 5 35.7 2246 2144 38. 40.
Calderon, D. Andorra 2 AND 5 15 3 4 8 33.3 2290 2165 58. 52.
Holm, Sejer 2395 Denmark 4 DEN 5 15 2 6 7 33.3 2412 2287 13. 43.
Benítez, Francisco Puerto Rico 4 PUR 5 16 0 10 6 31.3 2238 2097 40. 45.
Chávez Chávez, Romelio Bolivia 2 BOL 5 20 3 4 13 25.0 2290 2097 46. 56.
287. Pang Kwok Leong Singapore 2 res. SIN 6 4 1 1 75.0 2200 2393 49.
Adhami, Vangjel 2250 Albania 3 ALB 6 3 3 0 75.0 2315 2508
Constantinou, Agathoclis Cyprus 2 CYP 7 3 3 1 64.3 2236 2338 56.
Pustina, Ylvi 2280 Albania 1 ALB 7 2 5 0 64.3 2389 2491
Colón Romero, Miguel Puerto Rico 2 res. PUR 8 3 3 2 56.3 2273 2316 40.
IM Savon, Vladimir 2595 Soviet Union 2 res. URS 8 3 3 2 56.3 2339 2382 1.
GM Robatsch, Karl 2460 Austria 1 AUT 8 2 5 1 56.3 2392 2435 23.
Villasante, Andrés Peru 1 res. PER 10 2 5 3 45.0 2305 2269 31.
IM Day, Lawrence 2345 Canada 2 res. CAN 10 2 5 3 45.0 2287 2251 19.
Cornelis, Frans 2320 Belgium 3 BEL 11 3 3 5 40.9 2340 2275 30.
Van Dijk, Bram New Zealand 1 res. NZL 11 3 3 5 40.9 2245 2180 44.
Álvarez, Franklin Dominican Republic 2 res. DOM 11 3 3 5 40.9 2266 2230 45.
Krouk, Efim Hong Kong 2 res. HKG 12 2 5 5 37.5 2214 2127 51. 17.
Kane, George Francis United States 2 res. USA 12 2 5 5 37.5 2333 2246 9. 17.
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301. Ahmed, K. Iraq 4 IRQ 13 3 3 7 34.6 2216 2106 61. 41.
Chami, Abdesselam Morocco 4 MAR 13 3 3 7 34.6 2226 2116 57. 41.
Mendivil, Ismael Bolivia 1 res. BOL 13 2 5 6 34.6 2240 2130 46. 40.
Schammo, Jean Luxembourg 4 LUX 14 2 5 7 32.1 2231 2098 53. 44.
Berríos Pagán, Ángel 2250 Puerto Rico 3 PUR 15 2 5 8 30.0 2272 2123 40. 51.
Delgado, Alberto Dominican Republic 2 DOM 16 2 5 9 28.1 2275 2109 45. 55.
Gonzáles, Eliseo Dominican Republic 3 DOM 16 1 7 8 28.1 2261 2112 45. 54.
308. Vila, Floran 2250 Albania 2 ALB 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2314 2364
IM Estevez Morales, Guillermo 2395 Cuba 1 res. CUB 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2301 2258 22.
Asfary Syria 4 SYR 4 11 2 4 5 36.4 2249 2147 55.
Figueiredo, Mário Portugal 2 res. POR 4 11 2 4 5 36.4 2245 2143 37.
Hasan, Hasibul Hong Kong 2 HKG 4 12 2 4 6 33.3 2267 2142 51. 52.
Külür, Coşkun Turkey 2 TUR 4 12 0 8 4 33.3 2280 2155 38. 52.
Mikkelsen, Poul Helvig Faroe Islands 4 FAI 4 13 2 4 7 30.8 2262 2121 54. 46.
Sbia, Bachir Morocco 1 res. MAR 4 13 2 4 7 30.8 2233 2092 57. 41.
Verstraeten, Roeland Belgium 1 res. BEL 4 14 2 4 8 28.6 2295 2137 30. 42.
Gavrilovic, Mikhail Wales 3 WLS 4 14 0 8 6 28.6 2267 2109 43. 53.
Kao Yin Keat Malaysia 3 MAS 4 17 4 0 13 23.5 2231 2029 59. 55.
319. Balaskas, Panagiotis Greece 2 res. GRE 9 3 1 5 38.9 2284 2204 29.
Sznapik, Aleksander Poland 4 POL 9 2 3 4 38.9 2388 2308 12.
Aitken, James Macrae Scotland 2 res. SCO 9 1 5 3 38.9 2275 2195 34.
Najar, C. Tunisia 1 res. TUN 10 3 1 6 35.0 2277 2167 42.
Þorvaldsson, Jónas 2390 Iceland 1 res. ISL 10 2 3 5 35.0 2263 2153 24.
Teboudi, K. Tunisia 4 TUN 11 2 3 6 31.8 2237 2104 42.
Philippe, Georges Luxembourg 1 LUX 12 2 3 7 29.2 2281 2123 53. 54.
De la Cruz, Germán Mexico 4 MEX 14 2 3 9 25.0 2227 2034 41. 47.
Padilla, Felipe Mexico 1 res. MEX 15 3 1 11 23.3 2230 2037 41. 43.
IM Gutiérrez, José Antonio 2350 Colombia 2 COL 17 1 5 11 20.6 2316 2086 25. 58.
329. IM Rukavina, Josip 2480 Yugoslavia 2 res. YUG 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2289 2289 3.
Zorigt, Damdzinhav 2270 Mongolia 2 res. MGL 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2294 2244 28.
IM Přibyl, Josef 2435 Czechoslovakia 1 res. CSR 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2333 2246 4.
GM Rossetto, Héctor Decio 2465 Argentina 1 ARG 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 2445 2320 14.
Keeshan, M. Ireland 2 res. IRL 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 2242 2117 39.
Haigh, Geoff Wales 1 res. WLS 3 10 3 0 7 30.0 2258 2109 43.
Gavey, Hedley Guernsey 2 res. GCI 3 11 1 4 6 27.3 2216 2041 60.
Kirsch, Gérard Luxembourg 2 res. LUX 3 12 2 2 8 25.0 2233 2040 53. 20.
Joensen, Helgi Faroe Islands 2 FAI 3 12 1 4 7 25.0 2235 2042 54. 56.
Micheli, Carlo Italy 4 ITA 3 12 1 4 7 25.0 2318 2125 27. 47.
Al-Jassani Iraq 3 IRQ 3 14 3 0 11 21.4 2259 2029 61. 56.
340. Casha, Alex Malta 2 res. MLT 8 2 1 5 31.3 2253 2112 50.
Visier Segovia, Fernando 2365 Spain 2 res. ESP 9 1 3 5 27.8 2388 2222 11.
James, David Wales 2 res. WLS 11 0 5 6 22.7 2255 2044 43.
Moriarty, Tom Guernsey 4 GCI 12 1 3 8 20.8 2229 1999 60. 49.
Peña, Gustavo Dominican Republic 4 DOM 13 1 3 9 19.2 2239 2009 45. 50.
Matsumoto, Yasuji Japan 2 JPN 17 2 1 14 14.7 2248 1952 47. 59.
346. Cassidy, Paul Ireland 4 IRL 2 10 1 2 7 20.0 2243 2003 39.
Pantebre Martínez, Benet Andorra 1 res. AND 2 11 1 2 8 18.2 2230 1968 58.
Kleopas, Georgios Cyprus 1 CYP 2 13 1 2 10 15.4 2268 1972 56. 57.
Nakamori Japan 2 res. JPN 2 13 0 4 9 15.4 2240 1944 47. 21.
Martínez Vaca, Gustavo Bolivia 1 BOL 2 15 1 2 12 13.3 2280 1958 46. 58.
Al-Hamani Iraq 2 IRQ 2 15 1 2 12 13.3 2252 1930 61. 60.
Abraham, Larrie Virgin Islands 1 VIR 2 21 0 4 17 9.5 2266 1900 62. 59.
353. Hobson, Ronald Hong Kong 4 HKG 6 1 1 4 25.0 2252 2059 51.
Geller, Uzi 2330 Israel 3 ISR 7 1 1 5 21.4 2269 2039 18.
Sayed, M. Syria 1 res. SYR 7 1 1 5 21.4 2240 2010 55.
Wallbridge, Walter Guernsey 1 res. GCI 11 0 3 8 13.6 2236 1927 60.
Grumer, Eugene Virgin Islands 2 VIR 21 1 1 19 7.1 2241 1819 62. 61.
358. Omari, Fatos Albania 1 res. ALB 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2200
IM Bhend, Edwin 2325 Switzerland 3 SUI 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 2391 2198 16.
Iglesias, Diego Andorra 2 res. AND 1 10 0 2 8 10.0 2231 1865 58.
Bisson, John Guernsey 3 GCI 1 11 0 2 9 9.1 2231 1848 60.
Edwards, Francis Paul Virgin Islands 4 VIR 1 21 1 0 20 4.8 2234 1764 62. 51.
363. Alves dos Santos, Francisco Brazil 2 res. BRA ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2200 1927 36.
García Toledo, Pedro Peru 2 res. PER ½ 5 0 1 4 10.0 2279 1913 31.
Cardoso, Dagoberto Portugal 1 res. POR ½ 6 0 1 5 8.3 2261 1860 37.
366. Zadrima, Aldo Albania 2 res. ALB 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Bohosjan, Sarkis 2425 Bulgaria 2 res. BUL 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Castro Rojas, Oscar Humberto Colombia 2 res. COL 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Saloor, Hossein Gholi Iran 2 res. IRI 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Abdelmalek Morocco 2 res. MAR 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
IM Enevoldsen, Jens 2350 Denmark 1 res. DEN 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2630 13.
Ariff, A. Malaysia 2 res. MAS 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2200 1400 59.
Fang Ewe Churh Malaysia 4 MAS 0 5 0 0 5 0.0 2219 1419 59.
Grumer, Susan Virgin Islands 1 res. VIR 0 5 0 0 5 0.0 2256 1456 62.
Otami, K. Japan 1 res. JPN 0 8 0 0 8 0.0 2224 1424 47.

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