[ Team Record | Team vs Team Record | Individual Record ]

OSG Baden-Baden
(OSBB, Germany)

EUROPEAN MEN'S CHESS CLUB CUP See context-sensitive help
ap years pts gms MP mtch games matches % medals won
+ = - + = - team individual
6 2007-2012 173 252 64 42 121 104 27 28 8 6 68.7 0 - 1 - 0 3 - 2 - 6

year pos. final code Elo pts gms MP mtch games matches % Eloav Elop individual
+ = - + = -
2012 8. OSBB 2690 28 42 9 7 20 16 6 4 1 2 66.7 2514 2639 0 - 0 - 0
2011 6. OSBB 2697 29 42 11 7 21 16 5 5 1 1 69.0 2574 2715 0 - 2 - 1
2010 5. OSBB 2683 27 42 11 7 16 22 4 5 1 1 64.3 2540 2642 1 - 0 - 0
2009 5. OSBB 2691 33 42 10 7 28 10 4 5 0 2 78.6 2498 2728 1 - 0 - 3
2008 2. OSBB 2686 27½ 42 12 7 15 25 2 5 2 0 65.5 2573 2683 1 - 0 - 1
2007 4. OSBB 2713 28½ 42 11 7 21 15 6 4 3 0 67.9 2550 2683 0 - 0 - 1

OSG Baden-Baden at Google Search Wikipedia article   FIDE Federations Ranking

URL: http://www.olimpbase.org/teamsc/osbb_tea.html
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Wojciech Bartelski & Co. (C) 2003-2023