The Spanish Team Championships are being played in Salamanca, Spain. Many strong players including Alexei Shirov, Joel Lautier, Jon Speelman, Ian Rogers, Miguel Illescas. Full coverage next week. The winners were Epic Barcino (Shirov, Movsisian, Ilundain, Mellado etc) ahead of Unio Gracienca (Illescas, Magem etc). C.A. Labradores won the second division event. Internet coverage was at: Final Standings. 1st Division Group 1 EPIC- BARCINO 24,0 2 UNIO GRACIENCA 22,5 3 FOMENT MARTINENC 21,0 4 C.A. MARCOTE 21,0 5 CAJA INSULAR 18,5 6 C.E. TERRASSA 17,5 7 C.A. ENDESA 17,0 8 VULCA - SPEED SOUND 14,0 9 E.M. EL OLIVAR 13,0 10 GOYA-VILLA TEROR 10,5