- team - country code.
- mtch - total number of matches played vs selected team.
- pts - total number of points scored vs selected team.
- gms - total number of games played vs selected team.
- + = - - total number of games/matches won, drawn, lost respectively vs selected team.
- % - total percentage score vs selected team.
- 4 : 0, 3½ : ½ (and other scores) - total number of specific results scored vs selected team. A VERY useful tool. If the event saw different board formats (like women's Olympiads: 2 board competition until 1978, then enlarged to 3 boards) you will see the respective results being grouped and added together.
- URL - copy and paste it if you like to put direct link to this sub-page from your site. Useful as quick referrals for board discussions etc.