OlimpBase Help Federation Ranking List

/ excerpts from ECU rules /

7. Federation ranking list

7.1 After the European Club Cup each club is attributed a number of points corresponding to its place in the final ranking:

pos points pos points pos points pos points pos points pos points pos points
1. 100 11. 58 21. 43 31. 33 41. 23 51. 13 61. 3
2. 90 12. 56 22. 42 32. 32 42. 22 52. 12 62. 2
3. 85 13. 54 23. 41 33. 31 43. 21 53. 11 63. 1
4. 80 14. 52 24. 40 34. 30 44. 20 54. 10 64.
5. 75 15. 50 25. 39 35. 29 45. 19 55. 9 65.
6. 72 16. 48 26. 38 36. 28 46. 18 56. 8 66.
7. 69 17. 47 27. 37 37. 27 47. 17 57. 7 67.
8. 66 18. 46 28. 36 38. 26 48. 16 58. 6 68.
9. 63 19. 45 29. 35 39. 25 49. 15 59. 5 69.
10. 60 20. 44 30. 34 40. 24 50. 14 60. 4 70.

7.2 The sum of the points attributed according to 5.7.1 is made for each federation and divided by the number of participating clubs for that federation.

7.3 The scores obtained according to 5.7.2 for the last three European Club Cups are added for each federation.

7.4 The federation ranking list is obtained by ranking the scores obtained according to 5.7.3

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