20th European Chess Club Cup (women): Skopje 2015

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. GM Stefanova, Antoaneta 2500 Bulgaria 1 GBSK 5 4 1 0 90.0 2435 2801 2. 1.
2. GM Dzagnidze, Nana 2573 Georgia 1 NONB 7 4 3 0 78.6 2431 2661 1. 2.
3. GM Ushenina, Anna 2426 Ukraine 1 YUGR 6 2 3 1 58.3 2447 2504 3. 3.
4. GM Soćko, Monika 2443 Poland 1 RFCH 7 4 1 2 64.3 2331 2433 6. 4.
5. GM Gunina, Valentina 2529 Russia 1 RGSU 6 2 1 3 41.7 2427 2370 4. 5.
6. IM Bodnaruk, Anastasia 2459 Russia 1 SPET 6 2 1 3 41.7 2420 2363 7. 6.
7. FM Stetsko, Lanita 2278 Belarus 1 BNOV 7 2 3 2 50.0 2321 2321 5. 7.
8. WGM Haast, Anne 2384 Netherlands 1 STKJ 7 2 1 4 35.7 2368 2266 8. 8.
9. WGM Srebrnič, Ana 2234 Slovenia 1 MMON 3 7 1 4 2 42.9 2313 2263 10. 9.
10. WIM Efroimski, Marsel 2255 Israel 1 HRIL 3 7 1 4 2 42.9 2304 2254 9. 10.
11. WGM Dolzhikova, Olga 2143 Norway 1 OSLS 2 6 1 2 3 33.3 2287 2162 11. 11.
12. WFM Len, Irina 2127 Israel 1 HERZ 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2295 2137 12. 12.
13. GM Kosteniuk, Alexandra 2525 Russia 2 RGSU 5 6 5 0 1 83.3 2402 2675 4. 1.
14. GM Khotenashvili, Bela 2502 Georgia 2 NONB 7 5 1 1 78.6 2388 2618 1. 2.
15. WGM Goriachkina, Alexandra 2480 Russia 2 GBSK 7 3 3 1 64.3 2336 2438 2. 3.
16. WGM Pogonina, Natalia 2445 Russia 2 YUGR 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 2410 2338 3. 4.
17. IM Ovod, Evgenia 2328 Russia 2 SPET 3 7 3 0 4 42.9 2351 2301 7. 5.
18. WIM Chevannes, Sabrina 2081 England 2 MMON 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 2212 2284 10. 6.
19. WGM De Jong-Muhren, Bianca 2300 Netherlands 2 STKJ 3 7 1 4 2 42.9 2309 2259 8. 7.
20. IM Zimina, Olga 2378 Italy 2 RFCH 7 3 1 3 50.0 2210 2210 6. 8.
21. WIM Popova, Natalia 2257 Belarus 2 BNOV 7 2 3 2 50.0 2198 2198 5. 9.
22.   Reppen, Ellisiv 2050 Norway 2 OSLS 6 2 1 3 41.7 2191 2134 11. 10.
23.   Lahav, Michal 2015 Israel 2 HRIL 6 1 1 4 25.0 2265 2072 9. 11.
24.   Yakovleva, Tatiana 1966 Israel 2 HERZ 1 7 0 2 5 14.3 2205 1896 12. 12.
25. IM Shen Yang 2460 China 3 GBSK 5 6 4 2 0 83.3 2336 2609 2. 1.
26. IM Javakhishvili, Lela 2463 Georgia 3 NONB 5 7 3 4 0 71.4 2310 2468 1. 2.
27. WGM Girya, Olga 2464 Russia 3 RGSU 4 6 2 4 0 66.7 2296 2421 4. 3.
28. IM Mkrtchian, Lilit 2445 Armenia 3 YUGR 4 7 2 4 1 57.1 2297 2347 3. 4.
29. WFM Belenkaya, Dina 2352 Russia 3 SPET 7 2 3 2 50.0 2259 2259 7. 5.
30. IM Lanchava, Tea 2276 Netherlands 3 STKJ 7 3 1 3 50.0 2242 2242 8. 6.
31.   Reprun, Nadejda 1969 Israel 3 HRIL 5 2 1 2 50.0 2115 2115 9. 7.
32.   Haitovich, Avital 1929 Israel 3 HERZ 7 3 1 3 50.0 2109 2109 12. 8.
33.   Bogdan, Ekaterina 2064 Belarus 3 BNOV 3 7 3 0 4 42.9 2146 2096 5. 9.
34. WFM Gueci, Tea 2110 Italy 3 RFCH 5 0 3 2 30.0 2157 2008 6. 10.
35. WFM Johnsen, Sylvia 1999 Norway 3 OSLS 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2122 1882 11. 11.
36. WFM Dengler, Dijana 2075 Bosnia & Herzegovina 3 MMON 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2251 1451 10.  
37. IM Batsiashvili, Nino 2500 Georgia 4 NONB 6 5 1 0 91.7 2250 2651 1. 1.
38. IM Guseva, Marina 2411 Russia 4 YUGR 5 4 1 0 90.0 2207 2573 3. 2.
39. WGM Saduakasova, Dinara 2402 Kazakhstan 4 GBSK 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2262 2420 2. 4.
40. WIM Balaian, Alina 2269 Russia 4 SPET 5 2 1 2 50.0 2243 2243 7. 6.
41.   Manelidou, Maria 2074 Greece 4 MMON 7 3 1 3 50.0 2126 2126 10. 7.
42.   Kaliadzich, Maryia 2096 Belarus 4 BNOV 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2064 2114 5. 8.
43. WIM Jap Tjoen San, Linda 2183 Netherlands 4 STKJ 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2202 2044 8. 9.
44.   Gueci, Laura 2023 Italy 4 RFCH 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2244 2004 6. 10.
45.   Federovski, Adi 1913 Israel 4 HRIL 5 1 1 3 30.0 2121 1972 9. 11.
46.   Tangelder, Yonne 1904 Norway 4 OSLS 6 1 1 4 25.0 2090 1897 11. 13.
47.   Lian, Marina 1858 Israel 4 HERZ 2 7 0 4 3 28.6 1988 1830 12. 15.
48. IM Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 2462 Russia 4 RGSU 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 2397 2397 4.  
49. WGM Kovanova, Baira 2376 Russia 1 res. YUGR 4 5 3 2 0 80.0 2185 2425 3. 3.
50. IM Kashlinskaya, Alina 2448 Russia 1 res. RGSU 6 3 3 0 75.0 2218 2411 4. 5.
51.   Vardi, Shlomit 1906 Israel 1 res. HRIL 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2005 1933 9. 12.
52.   Edakina, Anastasia 1736 Norway 1 res. OSLS 5 1 1 3 30.0 2019 1870 11. 14.
53.   Keen, Cosima 1986 England 1 res. MMON ½ 5 0 1 4 10.0 1990 1624 10. 16.
54. WIM Davletbaeva, Madina 2257 Kazakhstan 1 res. GBSK 3 2 1 0 83.3 2089 2362 2.  
    Azimova, Karina 2054 Russia 1 res. SPET 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2031 2156 7.  
    Di Primio, Eugenia 1948 Italy 1 res. RFCH 2 4 1 2 1 50.0 2029 2029 6.  
  WIM Mikadze, Miranda 2245 Georgia 1 res. NONB ½ 1 0 1 0 50.0 2096   1.  

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