41st Chess Olympiad: Tromsø 2014

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Basic data

41st Chess Olympiad
(see all-time tournament summary)
Dates: 1st - 14th August 2014
City: Tromsø, Norway
Venue: Mackhallen
Tournament Director: Mr. Ignatius Leong (SIN)
Mr. Morten Sand (NOR) - deputy
Chief Arbiter: IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos (GRE)
Teams participating: 176 (Turkmenistan, Mali, Congo and Timor Leste did not arrive; Norway fielded three teams)
Players participating: 877 (incl. 256 GMs, 140 IMs, 1 WGM, 113 FMs, 2 WIMs and 77 CMs)
Games played: 3,776 (60 games were forfeited)
Competition format: Four board eleven round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Deducted Berger; 3. Game points; 4. Deducted sum of match points (see explanations)
Time control: 40 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game; 30 sec. increment from move 1
Official logo: Olympiad logo
Website: https://chess24.com/en/olympiad2014
Other websites:
Downloadable game file: 14olm.zip

Tournament review


Individual medals

1st Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Topalov, Veselin Bulgaria BUL 2872
2. GM Adams, Michael England ENG 2839
3. GM Giri, Anish Netherlands NED 2836

2nd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Nguyễn Ngọc Trường Sơn Vietnam VIE 2843
2. GM Balogh, Csaba Hungary HUN 2839
3. GM Ding Liren China CHN 2831

3rd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Yu Yangyi China CHN 2912
2. GM Sasikiran, Krishnan India IND 2753
3. GM Eljanov, Pavel Ukraine UKR 2745

4th Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Sedlak, Nikola Serbia SRB 2773
2. GM Ortiz Suárez, Isán Reynaldo Cuba CUB 2766
3. GM Ni Hua China CHN 2723

Reserve Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Shankland, Samuel United States USA 2831
2. GM Moiseenko, Olexandr Ukraine UKR 2714
3. GM Nepomnyaschy, Yan Russia RUS 2650

Interesting games




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