40th Chess Olympiad (women): Istanbul 2012

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Zambia Zambia (ZAM)

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Stage: The final group RESULTS
Round: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th pts gms + = - % ELOav ELOp pos.
Score: 3 2 3 ½ 3 0 3 17½ 36 15 5 16 48.6 1469 1462 98.
1 WCM Tembo, Epah 1927 Zambia ½ 1 1 1 ½ 0 1 0 1 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 1531 1656 98.
2 Mtine, Joy 2050 Zambia 0 1 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 0 0 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 1473 1348 107.
3 Mbatha, Constance Chileshe 1746 Zambia 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 1 7 1 1 5 21.4 1570 1340
4 Mwango, Makumba Lorita Zambia 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 9 7 0 2 77.8 1357 1577 77.
res. Hamoonga, Linda Banti Zambia 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 1320
1681 L W D W L L W L W 9 4 1 4 9 : 9
ELO Match results matches + = - MP's

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