7th Asian Team Chess Championship (women): Zaozhuang 2012

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. Lei Tingjie 2154 China 4 CHN3 9 7 1 1 83.3 2164 2437 2.
Wang Jue 2364 China 4 CHN2 7 9 7 0 2 77.8 2204 2424 3.
3. WGM Huang Qian 2417 China 4 CHN 7 6 1 0 92.9 2228 2650 1. 1.
WGM Ju Wenjun 2529 China 2 CHN 8 6 1 1 81.3 2278 2529 1. 1.
5. GM Zhao Xue 2549 China 1 CHN 6 7 5 2 0 85.7 2389 2698 1. 1.
WGM Ding Yixin 2353 China res. CHN 6 7 5 2 0 85.7 2090 2399 1. 1.
WGM Shen Yang 2419 China 3 CHN 7 5 1 1 78.6 2158 2388 1. 1.
WGM Guo Qi 2360 China res. CHN2 8 5 1 2 68.8 2166 2307 3.
WGM Tan Zhongyi 2430 China 1 CHN2 9 5 3 1 72.2 2364 2530 2.
10. WGM Gomes, Mary Ann 2378 India 4 IND 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2205 2363 2. 4.
WGM Padmini, Rout 2345 India res. IND 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2049 2207 2. 2.
WFM Citra, Dewi Andhiani Anastasia 2112 Indonesia 4 INA 8 4 1 3 56.3 2222 2265 5. 7.
WIM Hejazipour, Mitra 2223 Iran 4 IRI 6 9 4 4 1 66.7 2153 2278 4. 5.
WIM Khegay, Anjela 2184 Singapore 1 SIN 9 4 1 4 50.0 2357 2357 8. 6.
WGM Sukandar, Irine Kharisma 2288 Indonesia 1 INA 4 9 4 0 5 44.4 2379 2336 5. 7.
16. WGM Zhang Xiaowen 2385 China 2 CHN2 6 3 3 0 75.0 2338 2531 2.
Ni Shiqun 2157 China 3 CHN3 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2288 2338 2.
WIM Nguyễn Thị Mai Hưng 2237 Vietnam 4 VIE 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2221 2271 3. 6.
WFM Aulia, Medina Warda 2172 Indonesia 2 INA 7 3 1 3 50.0 2271 2271 5. 5.
IM Batkhuyag, Munguntuul 2451 Mongolia 1 MGL 8 3 5 0 68.8 2383 2524 7. 3.
WIM Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat 2284 Iran 2 IRI 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2316 2411 4. 3.
WGM Nguyễn Thị Thanh An 2301 Vietnam 2 VIE 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2230 2325 3. 4.
GM Harika, Dronavalli 2508 India 1 IND 8 3 3 2 56.3 2376 2419 2. 4.
IM Tania, Sachdev 2417 India 3 IND 8 3 3 2 56.3 2265 2308 2. 3.
WIM Sihite, Chelsie Monica 2181 Indonesia 3 INA 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2233 2233 5. 4.
WGM Phạm Lê Thảo Nguyên 2390 Vietnam 1 VIE 9 3 3 3 50.0 2368 2368 3. 5.
27. IM Wang Yu A. 2375 China 3 CHN2 4 2 1 1 62.5 2242 2337
Ren Xiaoyi 2202 China 2 CHN3 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2249 2249 6.
Li Xueyi 2082 China res. CHN3 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2207 2207 4.
WIM Phạm Bích Ngọc 2176 Vietnam 3 VIE 7 2 1 4 35.7 2241 2139 3. 5.
Saikhanzaya, Ganbaatar 1868 Mongolia res. MGL 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2211 2053 7. 7.
Bayarmaa, Bayarjargal 2009 Mongolia 3 MGL 2 8 2 0 6 25.0 2248 2055 7. 7.
WIM Dauletova, Gulmira 2278 Kazakhstan 2 KAZ 9 2 3 4 38.9 2303 2223 6. 7.
WIM Ghaderpour, Shayesteh 2241 Iran 3 IRI 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 2222 2097 4. 6.
WGM Pourkashiyan, Atousa 2336 Iran 1 IRI 9 2 1 6 27.8 2374 2208 4. 9.
36. WIM Hoàng Thị Như Ý 2238 Vietnam res. VIE 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 2192 2120 3. 5.
WFM Ankudinova, Yelena 2137 Kazakhstan res. KAZ 5 1 1 3 30.0 2148 1999 6. 6.
IM Karavade, Eesha 2353 India 2 IND 2 6 1 2 3 33.3 2307 2182 2. 8.
WIM Davletbaeva, Madina 2183 Kazakhstan 3 KAZ 6 1 1 4 25.0 2223 2030 6. 8.
WFM Uuganbayar, Lkhamsuren 2139 Mongolia 4 MGL 1 6 1 0 5 16.7 2211 1938 7. 9.
WGM Batchimeg, Tuvshintogs 2363 Mongolia 2 MGL 7 1 1 5 21.4 2321 2091 7. 9.
WIM Saduakasova, Dinara 2219 Kazakhstan 4 KAZ 8 1 5 2 43.8 2206 2163 6. 8.
WFM Zhai Mo 2248 China 1 CHN3 8 1 3 4 31.3 2363 2222 8.
WFM Liu Yang, Hazel 2096 Singapore 2 SIN 9 1 1 7 16.7 2258 1985 8. 10.
WFM Chan Wei Yi, Victoria 1947 Singapore 4 SIN 1 9 1 0 8 11.1 2167 1816 8. 10.
46. WCM Derakhshani, Dorsa 2004 Iran res. IRI 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 1947 4.
Aulia, Virda Rizka 1769 Indonesia res. INA 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2269 1469 5.
WGM Khasanova, Fliura 2318 Kazakhstan 1 KAZ 2 8 0 4 4 25.0 2400 2207 6. 10.
WFM Tay Li Jin, Jeslin 2080 Singapore 3 SIN 1 9 0 2 7 11.1 2250 1899 8. 9.

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