5th Polish Women's Team Chess Championship: Wrocław 2012

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Team statistics

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no. team Elo flag code pos. MP pts gms matches games % Eloav Elop ind.
+ = - + = -
1. JKSz MCKiS Jaworzno 2192 JWRZ 1. 7 10½ 16 3 1 0 8 5 3 65.6 2027 2144 2 - 0 - 0
2. KS AZS Politechnika Wrocław 2126 PTWR 4. 3 16 1 1 2 5 5 6 46.9 2050 2029 0 - 2 - 0
3. KSz Polonia Wrocław 2136 PLWR 3. 5 16 2 1 1 7 5 4 59.4 2049 2114 1 - 1 - 2
4. LKSz Drakon "SKOK Chmielewskiego" Lublin 2258 DRLU 2. 5 10½ 16 2 1 1 8 5 3 65.6 2020 2137 1 - 3 - 0
5. MUKS MDK Śródmieście Wrocław 1709 MDKW 5. 0 2 16 0 0 4 0 4 12 12.5 2158 1836 0 - 0 - 0

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