67th Polish Team Chess Championship: 2011

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Poland WASKO HetMaN Szopienice (HMNS)

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Stage: Ekstraliga RESULTS
Round: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th pts gms + = - % ELOav ELOp pos.
Score: 3 4 3 3 4 35 54 22 26 6 64.8 2437 2547 2.
1 GM Navara, David 2705 Czech Republic ½ ½ 1 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2645 2770
2 GM Soćko, Bartosz 2628 Poland ½ ½ 0 1 1 1 ½ ½ ½ 9 3 5 1 61.1 2560 2640 3.
3 GM Mitoń, Kamil 2628 Poland 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 8 1 7 0 56.3 2537 2580
4 GM Gdański, Jacek 2541 Poland ½ ½ ½ 0 1 5 1 3 1 50.0 2473 2473
5 GM Heberla, Bartłomiej 2539 Poland 1 ½ 1 0 0 ½ 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2428 2428
wom GM Soćko, Monika 2490 Poland 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2250 2470 1.
res. GM Babula, Vlastimil 2572 Czech Republic 0 ½ 1 3 1 1 1 50.0 2431 2431
res. GM Bobras, Piotr 2544 Poland ½ 1 0 1 1 5 3 1 1 70.0 2376 2525
res. IM Bulski, Krzysztof 2507 Poland 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 6 5 1 0 91.7 2329 2730 2.
2603 W D W W W D D W W 9 6 3 0 15 : 3
ELO Match results matches + = - MP's

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