55th Spanish Team Chess Championship: Melilla 2011

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Team statistics

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no. team Elo flag code pos. MP pts gms matches games % Eloav Elop ind.
+ = - + = -
1. CA Colegio Marcote-EIKM Mondariz 2695 EIKM 3. 9 19 36 4 1 1 12 14 10 52.8 2574 2595 1 - 2 - 0
2. CA Linex-Magic Mérida 2550 MMER 5. 4 15½ 36 2 0 4 8 15 13 43.1 2600 2550 0 - 1 - 2
3. CA Reverté Albox 2580 RABX 4. 4 17 36 2 0 4 8 18 10 47.2 2605 2584 0 - 2 - 1
4. CA Solvay Torrelavega 2584 SVTR 6. 4 15 36 2 0 4 10 10 16 41.7 2610 2553 2 - 1 - 2
5. CCA CajaCanarias Santa Cruz 2596 CCSC 7. 1 12 36 0 1 5 5 14 17 33.3 2607 2482 0 - 0 - 1
6. Gros XT 2691 GXTA 1. 10 24½ 36 5 0 1 18 13 5 68.1 2575 2708 4 - 0 - 2
7. Sestao Naturgas Energia XT 2705 STAO 2. 10 23 36 4 2 0 16 14 6 63.9 2590 2692 4 - 0 - 2

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