16th Asian Cities Chess Campionship: Beirut 2009

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Basic data

16th Asian Cities Chess Campionship for Dubai Cup
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 15th - 23rd April 2009
City: Beirut, Furn El Chebak area, Lebanon
Venue: Meridian Hotel
Tournament Director: IO Elias Kheiroolah (LIB)
Chief Arbiter: IA Casto Abundo (PHI)
Teams participating: 20 from 10 countries
Players participating: 99 (incl. 3 GMs, 7 IMs, 1 WGM, 18 FMs, 2 WIMs, 2 CMs and 3 WFMs)
Games played: 360
Competition format: Four board nine round Swiss
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Deducted Berger; 3. Deducted sum of match points (see explanations)
Time control: N/A
Other websites: ChessBase report
Downloadable game file: 09asiancities.zip

Tournament review

The Tehran chess team won the Asian Cities Team Championship for the Dubai Cup, followed by runner-up Bangalore, India and Damascus, Syria who prevailed in the tie for third over the Furn El Chebak Team A of Lebanon. Twenty teams competed in the nine-round Swiss tournament organized by the Lebanese Chess Federation under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation, from 15-23 April 2009 in Furn El Chebak, Lebanon. The revelation of the tournament was the strong showing of newcomer Kathmandu team from Nepal, which placed an impressive fifth place.

Best board results

1st Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. IM Hassan, Abdullah SHRJ 9 83.3
2. GM Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan TEHR 7 78.6
3. Thejkumar, M. S. BNGL 7 9 77.8

2nd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. CM Shamieh, Mahmoud BEIR 9 83.3
2. GM Moradiabadi, Elshan TEHR 7 9 77.8
3. FM Mohannad, Farhan AMMN 6 8 75.0

3rd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Mahjoob, Morteza TEHR 7 8 87.5
2. FM Faraj, Yahya Saleh SANA 7 78.6
3. Sanjay, N. BNGL 9 72.2

4th Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. El-Jawich, Amro CHAH 6 7 85.7
2. Ihsan, Jawad QUDS 7 78.6
3. Al-Bonni, Asaad DMSC 9 72.2
3. Sriram, Sarja BNGL 9 72.2

1st Reserve Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. Ibrahim, Ismail M. ABDH 8 81.3
2. FM Ali, Laith BGHD 7 78.6
3. Abbas, Talal HZMH 5 7 71.4

Interesting games


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