9th All-Africa Games (chess - men): Algiers 2007

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. GM Amin, Bassem 2535 Egypt 2 EGY 8 7 1 0 93.8 2030 2474 1. 1.
2. IM El-Gindy, Essam 2507 Egypt 1 EGY 9 8 1 0 94.4 1853 2297 1. 1.
3. GM Adly, Ahmed 2488 Egypt 3 EGY 7 8 6 2 0 87.5 2136 2472 1. 1.
4. IM El-Taher, Fouad 2486 Egypt 4 EGY 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 1847 1972 1.
5. IM Abdelnabbi, Imed 2484 Egypt 1 res. EGY 6 7 5 2 0 85.7 1977 2286 1. 1.
6. IM Ezat, Mohamed 2438 Egypt 2 res. EGY 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 1915 2073 1. 1.
7. IM Gwaze, Robert 2413 Zimbabwe 1 ZIM 10 5 5 0 75.0 2034 2227 5.
8. IM Kobese, Watu 2389 Republic of South Africa 1 RSA 11 6 3 2 68.2 2028 2161 2.
9. FM Mandizha, Farai 2366 Zimbabwe 2 ZIM 7 9 6 2 1 77.8 2009 2229 5.
10. IM Solomon, Kenny 2344 Republic of South Africa 2 RSA 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 2039 2111 2.
11. Chumfwa, Stanley 2329 Zambia 1 ZAM 11 6 3 2 68.2 2023 2156 3.
12. IM Haddouche, Mohamed 2312 Algeria 4 ALG 8 7 1 0 93.8 2007 2451 6. 1.
13. IM Adérito, Pedro 2305 Angola 3 ANG 8 10 7 2 1 80.0 1991 2231 7.
14. IM Henni, Mohamed 2302 Algeria 3 ALG 11 5 3 3 59.1 2157 2222 6.
15. IM Sebih, Kamel 2295 Algeria 1 ALG 5 1 3 1 50.0 2072 2072 6.
16. IM Adu, Oladapo 2294 Nigeria 2 NGR 5 2 1 2 50.0 2153 2153 4.
17. IM Belouadah, Saad 2292 Algeria 2 ALG 7 8 7 0 1 87.5 1795 2131 6.
18. FM Chahrani, Ibrahim 2288 Libya 2 LBA 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2268 2075 8.
19. FM Lungu, Nase 2280 Zambia 2 ZAM 8 10 7 2 1 80.0 1996 2236 3.
20. Adebayo, Adegboyega 2266 Nigeria 4 NGR 11 5 3 3 59.1 1973 2038 4.
21. FM Van der Nat, Nicholas 2265 Republic of South Africa 3 RSA 11 7 3 1 77.3 2087 2298 2.
22. Olape, Bunmi 2263 Nigeria 1 res. NGR 6 8 6 0 2 75.0 1774 1967 4.
23. IM Aikhoje, Odion 2260 Nigeria 3 NGR 9 11 7 4 0 81.8 2071 2333 4.
24. IM Campos, Eugênio 2259 Angola 1 ANG 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 1972 2008 7.
25. El-Arbi, Abobker 2257 Libya 2 res. LBA 5 6 5 0 1 83.3 1761 2034 8.
26. FM Felizardo Viageiro Alice, Mateus 2255 Mozambique 3 MOZ 12 3 1 8 29.2 2044 1886 10.
27. Jere, Daniel 2240 Zambia 3 ZAM 8 11 8 0 3 72.7 2032 2207 3.
28. Domingos, Catarino 2238 Angola 4 ANG 8 3 1 4 43.8 2146 2103 7.
29. FM Asabri, Hussein 2228 Libya 1 res. LBA 5 8 5 0 3 62.5 1867 1962 8.
30. IM Sousa, Armindo 2210 Angola 2 res. ANG 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 2018 2018 7.
31. Kuwaza, Charles 2205 Zimbabwe 1 res. ZIM 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2079 1839 5.
32. FM Belachew, Yimam Abera 2201 Ethiopia 2 ETH 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 2037 1980 9.
33. Steel, Henry 2200 Republic of South Africa 1 res. RSA 6 6 6 0 0 100.0 1400 2200 2.
34. Domingos, Ediberto 2198 Angola 2 ANG 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 1963 1963 7.
35. Salem, Ali Maoloud 2188 Libya 3 LBA 8 4 1 3 56.3 1954 1997 8.
36. IM Mwali, Chitumbo 2163 Zambia 4 ZAM 7 8 7 0 1 87.5 1875 2211 3.
37. Magana, Ben 2151 Kenya 4 KEN 11 6 1 4 59.1 2142 2207 11.
Van den Heever, Donovan 2151 Republic of South Africa 4 RSA 10 6 1 3 65.0 1878 1988 2.
39. Bouhaddad, Abdelkrim 2144 Algeria 1 res. ALG 1 7 0 2 5 14.3 1989 1680 6.
40. Masango, Spencer 2140 Zimbabwe 3 ZIM 12 5 1 6 45.8 1987 1958 5.
41. Andrade, Ivan Sales 2134 Mozambique 1 MOZ 5 12 5 0 7 41.7 2071 2014 10.
42. Hanchour, Baroudi 2121 Algeria 2 res. ALG 9 4 1 4 50.0 1764 1764 6.
43. Pascoal, Eduardo 2086 Angola 1 res. ANG 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 1856 2014 7.
44. CM Nakapunda, Otto 2083 Namibia 4 NAM 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2063 1870 12.
Tjipueja, Werner 2083 Namibia 2 NAM 2 11 1 2 8 18.2 2046 1784 12.
46. Gebregziabher, Berhane 2073 Ethiopia 4 ETH 10 7 1 2 75.0 1787 1980 9.
47. Eichab, Charles 2062 Namibia 1 NAM 11 3 3 5 40.9 1984 1919 12.
48. Madi, Emad 2054 Libya 1 LBA 0 6 0 0 6 0.0 2362 1562 8.
49. Homrana, Mustafa 1983 Libya 4 LBA 12 3 1 8 29.2 1946 1788 8.
50. Onabogun, Kolade 1890 Nigeria 2 res. NGR 4 6 4 0 2 66.7 1650 1775 4.
51. Andrade, Leonel Mozambique 1 res. MOZ 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Atwoli, Joseph Akello Kenya 1 KEN 10 1 1 8 15.0 2106 1810 11.
Da Castro, Jose Manuel São Tomé e Principe 4 STP 2 12 1 2 9 16.7 2019 1746 13.
Dennis, Frans Namibia 3 NAM 0 7 0 0 7 0.0 2094 1294 12.
Dos Santos Lima, Osvaldo São Tomé e Principe 3 STP 2 12 2 0 10 16.7 2076 1803 13.
Espirito Santo, Silvério São Tomé e Principe 2 STP 10 0 3 7 15.0 2073 1777 13.
Kagambi, Lawrence Kenya 1 res. KEN 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 1888 1695 11.
Kiros, Nesa Ethiopia 1 res. ETH 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2161 9.
Makoto, Rodwell Zimbabwe 4 ZIM 12 8 1 3 70.8 1976 2134 5.
Mucongoma Macone, Miguel Mozambique 2 MOZ 12 5 1 6 45.8 2094 2065 10.
Nangula, Toivo Namibia 2 res. NAM 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2087 1287 12.
Nguku, Namale Ben Kenya 3 KEN 4 10 2 4 4 40.0 1894 1822 11.
Nitzborn, Josef Namibia 1 res. NAM 1 7 1 0 6 14.3 1822 1513 12.
Omatoso, Ademola Nigeria 1 NGR 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2177 2127 4.
Ouma, Stephen Kenya 2 KEN 1 9 0 2 7 11.1 2173 1822 11.
Phiri, Richmond Zambia 1 res. ZAM 8 3 1 4 43.8 1918 1875 3.
Riopo, Antonio São Tomé e Principe 1 STP 2 12 2 0 10 16.7 2061 1788 13.
Sisay, Leykun Ethiopia 1 ETH 2 12 2 0 10 16.7 2132 1859 9.
Tavares Da Costa, Marcelino São Tomé e Principe 1 res. STP 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 1761 13.
Tefera, Zelalam Ethiopia 3 ETH 3 12 2 2 8 25.0 2085 1892 9.
Tesoura De Maia, Mariano Mozambique 4 MOZ 2 12 1 2 9 16.7 1985 1712 10.

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