5th Cuatro Naciones Team Tournament: Caldes de Malavella 2007

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. GM Romero Holmes, Alfonso 2523 Spain 3 CATA 3 2 1 0 83.3 2361 2634 1. 1.
GM Oms Pallise, Josep 2475 Spain 4 CATA 3 2 1 0 83.3 2357 2630 1. 1.
3. GM Narciso Dublan, Marc 2536 Spain 2 CATA 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2417 2542 1. 1.
FM Navarro Cía, Miguel 2329 Spain 4 EUSK 2 3 1 2 0 66.7 2406 2531 3.
5. GM López Martínez, Josep Manuel 2540 Spain 1 CATA 3 0 3 0 50.0 2485 2485 1. 1.
GM Gómez Esteban, Juan Mario 2467 Spain 1 EUSK 3 0 3 0 50.0 2509 2509 3. 1.
GM Galego, Luís 2541 Portugal 1 POR 3 0 3 0 50.0 2484 2484 2. 1.
GM Shaw, John 2446 Scotland 1 SCO 3 0 3 0 50.0 2516 2516 4. 1.
GM McNab, Colin Anderson 2427 Scotland 2 SCO 3 0 3 0 50.0 2453 2453 4.
IM Fernando, Diogo 2444 Portugal 2 POR 3 1 1 1 50.0 2448 2448 2.
GM Fernandes, António 2411 Portugal 3 POR 3 1 1 1 50.0 2398 2398 2.
12. IM Argandoña Riveiro, Iñigo 2380 Spain 2 EUSK 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2469 2344 3.
IM Santos, Luís 2393 Portugal 4 POR 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2384 2259 2.
FM González de la Torre, Santiago 2358 Spain 3 EUSK 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 2416 2291 3.
FM Ruxton, Keith 2314 Scotland 3 SCO 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 2431 2306 4.
16. FM Gourlay, Iain 2349 Scotland 4 SCO ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2399 2126 4.

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