47th Spanish Team Chess Championship: Lanzarote 2003

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Team statistics

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no. team Elo flag code pos. pts MP gms matches games % Eloav Elop ind.
+ = - + = -
1. CA Alzira-Hilaturas Presencia 2472 LLAZ 8. 15 7 36 3 1 5 8 14 14 41.7 2500 2443 0 - 0 - 0
2. CA La Caja Las Palmas 2479 CANR 6. 17½ 10 36 3 4 2 9 17 10 48.6 2475 2468 1 - 1 - 0
3. CA Marcote Mondariz 2558 EIKM 1. 25 15 36 6 3 0 17 16 3 69.4 2485 2626 1 - 2 - 0
4. CA Tiendas UPI Mancha Real 2643 MNRE 2. 22½ 13 36 5 3 1 12 21 3 62.5 2474 2569 0 - 0 - 0
5. CA Valencia-Grupo Bali 2572 VLNC 3. 21 14 36 6 2 1 11 20 5 58.3 2476 2533 2 - 0 - 0
6. CA iberCaja Zaragoza 2485 ICZZ 5. 18 8 36 2 4 3 10 16 10 50.0 2476 2476 0 - 1 - 1
7. CCA CajaCanarias Santa Cruz 2495 CCSC 4. 18½ 7 36 2 3 4 9 19 8 51.4 2487 2494 0 - 1 - 1
8. CE Vulcà Barcelona 2432 VBCN 10. 13 5 36 1 3 5 4 18 14 36.1 2489 2387 0 - 0 - 1
9. RC Labradores-Pub Magia Sevilla 2399 CLBR 9. 13½ 4 36 0 4 5 5 17 14 37.5 2490 2403 0 - 0 - 0
10. UE Foment Martinenc Barcelona 2475 FMBC 7. 16 7 36 2 3 4 8 16 12 44.4 2488 2445 0 - 1 - 0

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Wojciech Bartelski & Co. (C) 2003-2023