1st Asian Team Chess Championship (women): Singapore 1995

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Individual medals | Interesting games ]

Basic data

1st Asian Team Chess Championship (women)
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 14th - 22nd December 1995
City: Singapore city
Venue: Kent Ridge Guild House
Chairman of Organizing Committee: Dr. Goh Cheng Hang (SIN)
Organizing Secretary: Mr. Ignatius Leong (SIN)
Chief Arbiter: IA Hamid Majid (MAS)
Teams participating: 12 (incl. Singapore "B" and "C")
Players participating: 46 (incl. 1 GM, 4 WGMs, 8 WIMs and 2 WFMs)
Games played: 159
Competition format: Three board nine round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Buchholz; 3. Match points
Time control: N/A
Official logo: SINGAPORE 1995
Downloadable game file: 95asiatchw.zip

Tournament review


Individual medals

1st Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. WGM Hoàng Thanh Trang Vietnam VIE 7 9 77.8
2. WGM Sakhatova, Elvira Kazakhstan KAZ 6 8 75.0
3. Wahiduddin, Khairunnisa Malaysia MAS 6 8 75.0

2nd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. WGM Zhu Chen China CHN 7 8 87.5
2. Navabi, Shirin Iran IRI 5 6 83.3
3. WFM Mai Thị Thanh Hương Vietnam VIE 7 78.6

3rd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. Kling, Tamara Kazakhstan KAZ 7 8 87.5
2. WGM Qin Kanying China CHN 8 81.3
3. Khegai, Angela Uzbekistan UZB 6 9 66.7

Reserve Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. WIM Xu Yuhua China CHN 6 91.7
2. Trihoni Nalesti, Dewi Indonesia INA 4 5 80.0
3. WIM Nguyễn Thị Thuận Hóa Vietnam VIE 3 5 60.0

Interesting games


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