31st Chess Olympiad (women): Moscow 1994

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Individual medals | Interesting games ]

Basic data

31st Chess Olympiad (women)
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 30th November - 15th December 1994
City: Moscow, Russia
Venue: Cosmos Hotel
Head of Organizing Committee: Mr. Andrei Makarov (RUS)
Chief Arbiter: IA Yury Averbakh (RUS)
Teams participating: 81 (incl. Russia "B")
Players participating: 321 (incl. 3 GMs, 5 IMs, 30 WGMs, 79 WIMs and 18 WFMs)
Games played: 1678
Competition format: Three board fourteen round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Buchholz; 3. Match points
Time control: 40 moves in 2 hours, then 1 hour for each next 20 moves
Official logo: MOSCOW 1994
Downloadable game file: 94olw.zip

Tournament review


Individual medals

Best Rating Performance
no. name flag code ELOp
1. IM Polgár, Zsófia HUN 2625
2. WIM Sedina, Elena UKR 2614
3. GM Polgár, Zsuzsa HUN 2571

1st Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. Zsiltzova-Lisenko, Lubov IBC 10½ 13 80.8
2. GM Polgár, Zsuzsa HUN 11 14 78.6
3. GM Chiburdanidze, Maia GEO 11 77.3

2nd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. IM Polgár, Zsófia HUN 12½ 14 89.3
2. IM Ioseliani, Nana GEO 11 77.3
3. WGM Hund, Barbara SUI 10 75.0

3rd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. WFM Hernández, Amelia VEN 9 94.4
2. WIM Peptan, Corina-Isabela ROM 12 79.2
3. IM Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan GEO 8 11 72.7

1st Reserve Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. WIM Sedina, Elena UKR 10½ 12 87.5
2. WGM Zhu Chen CHN 12 79.2
3. WGM Gurieli, Nino GEO 7 9 77.8

Interesting games


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