Kasparov was lucky to extricate from a dead-lost position.
Širovs, Aleksejs (LAT) - Kasparov, Garry (RUS) 0 - 1
Sweet revenge for Dortmund '92 loss.
Kamsky, Gata (USA) - Kasparov, Garry (RUS) 0 - 1
A stunning Queen sacrifice that exposed clumsy position of White pieces.
Hsu Li Yang (SIN) - Nunn, John (ENG) 0 - 1
Kramnik was by far the strongest FM ever seen at the Olympiads.
Costa, Jean Luc (SUI) - Kramnik, Vladimir (RUS) 0 - 1
Simple but spectacular punch.
Hjartarson, Jóhann (ISL) - Piket, Jeroen (NED) 1 - 0
Black piece left en prise since White had better plan.
Granda Zuñiga, Julio (PER) - Schandorff, Lars (DEN) 1 - 0
White's 52nd move was quite nasty trick...
Landenbergue, Claude (SUI) - Gómez Esteban, Juan Mario (ESP) 1 - 0
Black pieces were so cramped that it must have exploded at last.
Beliavsky, Alexander (UKR) - Xu Jun (CHN) 1 - 0
The final shot worked because black piece
were overloaded with defensive tasks.
Prasad, Devaki (IND) - Hurelbaatar, Chultemjamc (MGL) 1 - 0
It is not particularly hard to beat the Seychellian players
but it is always nice to learn new trick.
Bryson, Douglas (SCO) - Pothin, Victor (SEY) 1 - 0
Black sacrificed all they had -- enough only for perpetual check.
Vyzmanavin, Alexei (RUS) - Minasian, Artashes (ARM) ½ - ½
Vicious counter-attack coming from Stonewall pawns storm.
Širovs, Aleksejs (LAT) - Ivanchuk, Vasyl (UKR) 0 - 1
Black quickly proved White's sacrifice was vague.
Timman, Jan (NED) - Akopian, Vladimir (ARM) 0 - 1
Sometimes victories come from nothing.
That's the subtle difference between 2450 and 2700.
Garcia Palermo, Carlos (ITA) - Anand, Viswanathan (IND) 0 - 1
The Pakistani fought hard to stay in the game
but finally he turned up in a blind alley leading him to zugzwang.
Sarwar, Tauseef (PAK) - Hort, Vlastimil (GER) 0 - 1
White hoped Black's positional dominance would be ethereal
but it proved lasting until the very end.
Beliavsky, Alexander (UKR) - Timman, Jan (NED) 0 - 1
The white Knight was the hero of the day.
Cámpora, Daniel Hugo (ARG) - Ye Jiangchuan (CHN) 1 - 0
Beautiful mating attack was sort of consolation for Milos for Rogers debacle..
Milos, Gilberto (BRA) - Atalik, Suat (TUR) 1 - 0
Once you face Anand it seems suicidal to adopt such aggressive strategy.
Anand, Viswanathan (IND) - Robatsch, Karl (AUT) 1 - 0
Excellent, old fashioned game conducted in Motwani's favourite opening line.
Motwani, Paul (SCO) - Antunes, António (POR) 1 - 0
You can always expect IM Day to produce joyful, creative game
-- this one was no exception.
Day, Lawrence (CAN) - Costa, Jean Luc (SUI) 0 - 1
White conducted rocky attack so perhaps it would be safer
to nullify Black's material advantage once there was a chance.
Haque, Nazmul (BAN) - Midjord, Jóan Pætur (FAI) 0 - 1
Shortest decisive game.
Imanaliev, Taalaibek (KGZ) - Xuereb, Joe (MLT) 1 - 0