2nd World Youth U26 Team Chess Championship: Mexico City 1980

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Best board results | Interesting games ]

Basic data

2nd World Youth U26 Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 17nd August - 5th September 1980
City: Mexico City
Venue: Centro Asturiano
Organizers: CREA (Consejo Nacional de Cursos para la Atención de la Juventud) and FENAMAC (Mexican Chess Federation)
Technical Director: IA Carlos Encinas Ferrer (MEX)
Chief Arbiter: Mr. Gabriel Pérez Pantoja (MEX)
Deputy Arbiter: Mr. Raúl García Guerrero (MEX)
Teams participating: 25 (incl. Mexico "B"; Indonesia were seeded in group 5 but did not arrive)
Players participating: 143 (incl. 5 GMs, 12 IMs and 1 FM)
Games played: 640
Competition format: Two stage four board round robin.
Five preliminary groups of five teams each.
Results from preliminaries were not carried over to the finals.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Match points; 3. Sonneborn-Berger
Time control: N/A
Downloadable game file: 80wtch-u26.zip (only ca. 20% games are in there)
Special thanks to Carlos Encinas Ferrer for providing tournament bulletin.

Tournament review

Soviet Team
Soviet Team: A.Yusupov, S.Dolmatov, E.Kengis, A.Mikhalchishin, A.Ivanov, A.Kochiev, V.Tukmakov (coach)

Best board results

bd name flag code fin. pts gms %
1. Sisniega, Marcel Mexico MEX B 9 94.4
2. IM Dolmatov, Sergei Soviet Union URS A 8 9 88.9
3. Henley, Ronald United States USA A 9 11 81.8
4. GM Mikhalchishin, Adrian Soviet Union URS A 8 9 88.9
1 res. Ivanov, Alexander Soviet Union URS A 6 7 85.7
2 res. Ruíz, Guillermo Mexico MEX B 7 78.6

Interesting games


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