2nd European Chess Club Cup: 1977/1979

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[ Standings | Crosstable | Round of 32 | Round of 16 | Quarterfinals | Semifinals | The final ]


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no. team code flag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + = -
1 Burevestnik BURE Soviet Union 10 7 8 4 0 0
2 Volmac Rotterdam VOLM Netherlands 8 7 6 4 0 1
3 SG Solingen SLNG Germany 2 0 1
4 Spartacus Budapest SPAB Hungary 5 2 0 1
5 ŠK Partizan Belgrade PTBE Yugoslavia 5 ? ? 2 0 1
6 Crvena Zvezda Belgrade CZBE Yugoslavia 6 10½ 1 0 1
7 Slavia Sofia SVSF Bulgaria 1 0 1
8 GS Banco di Roma BNCR Italy 7 2 0 1
9 MTK Vörös Meteor Budapest MTKB Hungary 4 1 0 1
10 Tel-Aviv University TAVU Israel 0 0 1
11 Gambiitti Helsinki GMBH Finland 8 1 0 1
12 SC 1868 Bamberg BMBR Germany ? 1 0 1
13 unknown English team ENGx England ? 0 0 1
14 SG Biel BIBE Switzerland 6 1 0 1
15 KS Maraton Warsaw MWAR Poland 0 0 1
16 TJ Slavia Hradec Králové SHKR Czechoslovakia 5 0 0 1
17 Bridgend Chess Club BRDG Wales 0 0 1
18 unknown Greek team GREx Greece ? 0 0 1
19 CA La Caja de Canarias CANR Spain 0 0 1
20 Kampklubben Copenhagen KMKC Denmark 0 0 1
21 Lund ASK LUND Sweden 4 0 0 1
22 Koninklijke Antwerpse OSK KANT Belgium ? 0 0 1
23 SK Vöest Linz VLNZ Austria 5 0 0 1

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