11th Soviet Team Chess Championship: Grozny 1969

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The lower group



Tashkent (Uzbek SSR), 18th - 30th November 1969 See context-sensitive help
no. team code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + = -
1. Armenian SSR ARM 7 6 7 10 8 52 5 1 1
2. Uzbek SSR UZB 5 7 9 7 8 52 6 0 1
3. Estonian SSR EST 6 8 8 8 49½ 5 1 1
4. Moldavian SSR MDA 5 5 6 9 7 47 3 1 3
5. Kyrgyz SSR KGZ 3 4 6 6 35½ 1 2 4
6. Lithuanian SSR LTU 2 5 3 35 3 0 4
7. Turkmen SSR TKM 4 4 4 6 7 33 1 1 5
8. Tajik SSR TJK 4 5 5 32 1 0 6


Best board results

bd name code pts gms %
1 Kudriashov, Anatoly TKM
2 Borisenko, Grigory UZB
3 Mukhin, Evgeny UZB
4 Kärner, Hillar EST
5 Garibian, N. ARM
6 Popov, Nikolai MDA
res. Shusterman, Leonid MDA
1 jun Agzamov, Grigory UZB 6 7 85.7
2 jun
3 jun
1 wom Borisenko, Valentina UZB
2 wom Agababean, Naira MDA
girl Mkrtychan, Alla UZB 7 7 100.0

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