18th Chess Olympiad: Lugano 1968

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Individual statistics

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1.   Adamski, Jan Poland 1 res. POL 12 5 3 4 54.2 11. 16.
2.   Allan, Denis Canada 4 CAN 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 13. 23.
3.   Andujar, Miguel Dominican Republic 2 res. DOM 3 6 3 0 3 50.0 47.  
4.   Araiza Vázquez, José Joaquín Mexico 1 res. MEX 8 1 5 2 43.8 46.  
5.   Ásmundsson, Ingvar Iceland 2 res. ISL 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 22.  
6.   Augustin, Josef Czechoslovakia 1 res. CSR 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 9.  
7.   Avgousti, Petros Cyprus 3 CYP 4 15 3 2 10 26.7 51. 39.
8.   Badamgarav, G. Mongolia 1 res. MGL 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 27.  
9.   Badilles, Glicerio Hong Kong 1 res. HKG 11½ 14 9 5 0 82.1 48. 1.
10.   Bakali, Mustafa Ahmed Morocco 1 MAR 17 3 5 9 32.4 41. 44.
11.   Balinas, Rosendo Carrean The Philippines 2 PHI 15 4 5 6 43.3 14. 31.
12.   Bandal, Rosendo The Philippines 1 res. PHI 4 13 3 2 8 30.8 14. 25.
13. GM Barcza, Gedeon Hungary 1 res. HUN 10½ 14 7 7 0 75.0 6. 3.
14.   Basman, Michael John England 2 res. ENG 11 5 3 3 59.1 16.  
15.   Batres, Manuel Costa Rica 2 res. CRC 2 6 1 2 3 33.3 49.  
16. IM Bednarski, Jacek Poland 2 POL 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 11.  
17.   Bedros, Jacques Lebanon 2 LIB 4 16 3 2 11 25.0 50. 42.
18.   Belkadi, Ridha Tunisia 1 TUN 10½ 18 8 5 5 58.3 37. 17.
19.   Belliard Alonzo, Luis Dominican Republic 4 DOM 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 47. 30.
20.   Ben Rehouma, Hachemi Tunisia 1 res. TUN 10 3 3 4 45.0 37.  
21.   Benabud, Dris Morocco 2 res. MAR 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 41.  
22.   Benítez, Francisco Puerto Rico 2 res. PUR 3 13 1 4 8 23.1 40. 10.
23. GM Benko, Pal United States 3 USA 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 4. 21.
24.   Beyen, Roland Belgium 1 res. BEL 12 4 3 5 45.8 26. 19.
25. IM Bhend, Edwin Switzerland 4 SUI 8 12 5 6 1 66.7 21. 9.
26. GM Bilek, István Hungary 3 HUN 11 3 5 3 50.0 6.  
27.   Bilyap, Siracettin Turkey 1 res. TUR 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 33.  
28. IM Blau, Maximilian Switzerland 3 SUI 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 21. 20.
29. GM Bobotsov, Milko Bulgaria 1 BUL 11 17 6 10 1 64.7 3. 7.
30.   Boey, Josef Martin Belgium 2 BEL 15 5 5 5 50.0 26. 20.
31.   Bouaziz, Slim Tunisia 2 TUN 15 4 7 4 50.0 37. 20.
32.   Boutteville, César France 1 FRA 5 12 3 4 5 41.7 44. 38.
33. IM Bouwmeester, Hans Netherlands 4 NED 10 14 6 8 0 71.4 15. 5.
34.   Boysan, Mübin Turkey 4 TUR 13 3 7 3 50.0 33. 23.
35.   Brinck-Claussen, Bjørn Denmark 2 DEN 7 14 4 6 4 50.0 12. 20.
36.   Broström, Göran Sweden 4 SWE 10 2 3 5 35.0 24.  
37.   Budowski, Gerardo Venezuela 3 VEN 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 32. 21.
38. IM Byrne, Donald United States 2 res. USA 9 12 7 4 1 75.0 4. 3.
39. GM Byrne, Robert United States 4 USA 12 4 7 1 62.5 4. 12.
40.   Cababe, Ismini Cyprus 1 res. CYP 0 7 0 0 7 0.0 51.  
41.   Cabbouche, Khalil Lebanon 1 res. LIB 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 50.  
42.   Calvo Mínguez, Ricardo Spain 1 res. ESP 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 19. 11.
43.   Câmara, Hélder Brazil 3 BRA 8 16 7 2 7 50.0 25. 21.
44.   Cantero, Ronaldo Paraguay 1 res. PAR 3 7 0 6 1 42.9 45.  
45.   Cappello, Guido Italy 2 ITA 15 5 3 7 43.3 31. 31.
46.   Caro, Alberto Venezuela 1 VEN 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 32. 34.
47.   Casa, Alexander Monaco 1 MNC 8 17 4 8 5 47.1 42. 28.
48.   Castro Aguilar, Morelos Mexico 1 MEX 0 6 0 0 6 0.0 46.  
49.   Choong Liong On Singapore 2 res. SIN 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 43.  
50. IM Ciocâltea, Victor Romania 2 ROM 10½ 17 8 5 4 61.8 8. 8.
51. GM Čirić, Dragoljub Yugoslavia 2 res. YUG 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2.  
52.   Clarke, Peter Hugh England 3 ENG 8 0 7 1 43.8 16.  
53. IM Cobo Arteaga, Eldis Cuba 3 CUB 9 15 6 6 3 60.0 20. 14.
54.   Colón Romero, Arturo Puerto Rico 3 PUR 16 6 3 7 46.9 40. 29.
55.   Constantinou, Agathoclis Cyprus 1 CYP 4 13 2 4 7 30.8 51. 47.
56.   Cordovil, João Maria Portugal 1 POR 18 3 7 8 36.1 35. 42.
57.   Cornelis, Frans Belgium 4 BEL 5 13 2 6 5 38.5 26. 31.
58.   Corominas, Francesc Andorra 3 AND 2 10 1 2 7 20.0 53.  
59. IM Csom, István Hungary 2 res. HUN 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 6. 6.
60. IM Czerniak, Moshe Israel 1 ISR 5 13 4 2 7 38.5 18. 41.
61. GM Darga, Klaus Germany 3 GER 9 12 6 6 0 75.0 5. 4.
62.   Davie, Alexander Munroe Scotland 2 SCO 6 16 2 8 6 37.5 28. 38.
63.   Day, Lawrence Canada 1 res. CAN 12 3 1 8 29.2 13. 26.
64.   De Castro, Edgar The Philippines 3 PHI 12 4 3 5 45.8 14. 31.
65.   De Lange, Daan Norway 2 res. NOR 10 7 1 2 75.0 30.  
66.   De Loughrey, Desmond Ireland 2 res. IRL 9 0 3 6 16.7 38.  
67.   De la Casa, Ángel Andorra 2 AND 1 12 1 0 11 8.3 53. 47.
68.   Delgado, Simón Mexico 3 MEX 15 5 1 9 36.7 46. 35.
69.   Díaz, Joaquín Carlos Cuba 2 res. CUB 3 7 1 4 2 42.9 20.  
70.   Díaz, Salvador Venezuela 1 res. VEN 10½ 15 9 3 3 70.0 32. 6.
71.   Dietrich, Norbert Luxembourg 4 LUX 13 4 5 4 50.0 39. 23.
72. IM Doda, Zbigniew Poland 3 POL 8 13 5 6 2 61.5 11. 11.
73.   Domnitz, Zadok Israel 1 res. ISR 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 18. 14.
74.   Donné, Pol Monaco 3 MNC 16 2 3 11 21.9 42. 40.
75. GM Donner, Jan Netherlands 1 NED 9 15 6 6 3 60.0 15. 14.
76. IM Drimer, Dolfi Romania 4 ROM 10 6 1 3 65.0 8.  
77. IM Dückstein, Andreas Austria 1 AUT 12 5 5 2 62.5 17. 10.
78. IM Dunkelblum, Arthur Belgium 2 res. BEL 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 26.  
79.   Durão, Joaquim Manuel Portugal 3 POR 13 18 12 2 4 72.2 35. 7.
80.   Edwards, Alan Virgin Islands 4 VIR ½ 9 0 1 8 5.6 52.  
81. GM Evans, Larry Melvyn United States 2 USA 12 4 5 3 54.2 4. 17.
82. IM Fairhurst, William Albert Scotland 1 SCO 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 28.  
83.   Feller, Joseph Luxembourg 1 LUX 14 2 5 7 32.1 39. 45.
84.   Ferry, Roger France 2 res. FRA 8 4 3 1 68.8 44.  
85. GM Filip, Miroslav Czechoslovakia 2 CSR 9 16 4 10 2 56.3 9. 16.
86.   Flatow, Alfred Australia 4 AUS 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 29. 7.
87.   Flores Soto, Eduardo Mexico 4 MEX 7 15 5 4 6 46.7 46. 28.
88.   Freeman, Michael Scotland 1 res. SCO 13 2 5 6 34.6 28. 24.
89.   Friedgood, David Republic of South Africa 1 RSA 7 15 5 4 6 46.7 36. 32.
90.   Fuller, Maxwell Australia 2 AUS 15 5 9 1 63.3 29. 7.
91.   Galeb, Antoine Lebanon 3 LIB 16 4 1 11 28.1 50. 38.
92.   García Martínez, Silvino Cuba 2 CUB 9 15 7 4 4 60.0 20. 12.
93. IM García, Raimundo Argentina 2 res. ARG 7 2 3 2 50.0 7.  
94.   Garrison, Lionel Virgin Islands 2 res. VIR 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 52.  
95. GM Geller, Efim Soviet Union 4 URS 12 7 5 0 79.2 1. 2.
96. IM German, Eugênio Brazil 2 BRA 15 5 3 7 43.3 25. 31.
97. GM Gheorghiu, Florin Romania 1 ROM 10 17 3 14 0 58.8 8. 16.
98. IM Ghiţescu, Theodor Romania 3 ROM 14 4 9 1 60.7 8. 13.
99.   Giam Choo Kwee Singapore 4 SIN 9 15 6 6 3 60.0 43. 15.
100.   Gibbs, Glen Hong Kong 2 HKG 13 4 3 6 42.3 48. 35.
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101. IM Giustolisi, Alberto Italy 1 ITA 16 6 5 5 53.1 31. 22.
102.   Glauser, Hansruedi Switzerland 2 res. SUI 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 21. 7.
103. GM Gligorić, Svetozar Yugoslavia 1 YUG 15 5 9 1 63.3 2. 9.
104.   Gómez Abad, Antonio Andorra 4 AND 2 12 1 2 9 16.7 53. 39.
105.   Gonzáles, Juan Paraguay 4 PAR 10 4 3 3 55.0 45.  
106.   Grąbczewski, Romuald Poland 2 res. POL 4 7 2 4 1 57.1 11.  
107.   Griffiths, Robert Republic of South Africa 1 res. RSA 11 5 1 5 50.0 36.  
108.   Hadri, Ahmed Morocco 2 MAR 12 1 3 8 20.8 41. 44.
109. IM Hamann, Svend Denmark 3 DEN 9 15 5 8 2 60.0 12. 14.
110.   Hamilton, Douglas Gibson Australia 1 AUS 15 5 5 5 50.0 29. 24.
111.   Hangelbroek, Peter Republic of South Africa 2 res. RSA 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 36.  
112.   Hardt, Gustav Hong Kong 3 HKG 12 1 1 10 12.5 48. 41.
113.   Havansi, Erkki Finland 3 FIN 13 1 7 5 34.6 23. 37.
114.   Hecht, Hans-Joachim Germany 2 res. GER 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 5.  
115.   Heidenfeld, Wolfgang Ireland 1 IRL 6 15 1 10 4 40.0 38. 39.
116. IM Hennings, Artur East Germany 2 res. GDR 4 8 2 4 2 50.0 10.  
117.   Hentati, Ahmed Tunisia 2 res. TUN 4 7 4 0 3 57.1 37.  
118.   Heyns, Anthony Republic of South Africa 3 RSA 8 13 7 2 4 61.5 36. 11.
119.   Hobson, Ronald Hong Kong 4 HKG 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 48.  
120.   Hoen, Ragnar Norway 2 NOR 10 3 3 4 45.0 30.  
121.   Holm, Sejer Denmark 4 DEN 11 2 7 2 50.0 12.  
122.   Hook, William Virgin Islands 1 VIR 16 7 3 6 53.1 52. 22.
123. GM Hort, Vlastimil Czechoslovakia 1 CSR 11 17 7 8 2 64.7 9. 7.
124.   Hoyt, Walter Virgin Islands 2 VIR 15 3 1 11 23.3 52. 43.
125.   Hübner, Robert Germany 1 res. GER 8 12 5 6 1 66.7 5. 8.
126.   Huguet, Bernard France 3 FRA 10 13 9 2 2 76.9 44. 3.
127.   İbrahimoğlu, İsmet Turkey 2 TUR 11 18 9 4 5 61.1 33. 9.
128. GM Ivkov, Borislav Yugoslavia 2 YUG 9 14 5 8 1 64.3 2. 6.
129.   Janata, Michal Czechoslovakia 2 res. CSR 8 4 3 1 68.8 9.  
130.   Janetschek, Karl Austria 4 AUT 7 14 5 4 5 50.0 17. 23.
131. IM Jansa, Vlastimil Czechoslovakia 4 CSR 10 17 6 8 3 58.8 9. 17.
132.   Jansson, Börje Sweden 1 SWE 4 12 1 6 5 33.3 24. 43.
133.   Jean, Claude France 4 FRA 9 4 1 4 50.0 44.  
134. IM Jiménez Zerquera, Eleazar Cuba 1 CUB 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 20. 24.
135.   Jiménez, José Andorra 1 AND 11 0 3 8 13.6 53.  
136. IM Johannessen, Svein Norway 1 NOR 10 13 8 4 1 76.9 30. 3.
137. IM Jóhannsson, Ingi Randver Iceland 1 ISL 8 15 6 4 5 53.3 22. 20.
138.   Johansson, Martin Sweden 3 SWE 6 13 3 6 4 46.2 24. 30.
139.   Kaderi, Mokhtar Morocco 3 MAR 17 4 5 8 38.2 41. 33.
140.   Kagan, Shimon Israel 4 ISR 10½ 13 9 3 1 80.8 18. 1.
141.   Kajan, Seppo Finland 1 res. FIN 11 2 7 2 50.0 23.  
142.   Kann, Ernest Monaco 1 res. MNC 0 5 0 0 5 0.0 42.  
143. IM Kaplan, Julio Puerto Rico 1 PUR 3 6 1 4 1 50.0 40.  
144.   Kazanski, Boris Hong Kong 1 HKG 14 2 5 7 32.1 48. 45.
145.   Kchouk, Bechir Tunisia 3 TUN 5 14 3 4 7 35.7 37. 36.
146.   Keene, Raymond Dennis England 4 ENG 13 17 9 8 0 76.5 16. 3.
147. IM Keller, Dieter Switzerland 1 SUI 14 4 7 3 53.6 21. 19.
148.   Kinzel, Anton Austria 1 res. AUT 12 4 7 1 62.5 17. 10.
149.   Kleopas, Georgios Cyprus 2 CYP 3 15 2 2 11 20.0 51. 45.
150.   Kokkoris, Hristos Greece 1 res. GRE 9 16 7 4 5 56.3 34. 15.
151. IM Kolarov, Atanas Bulgaria 4 BUL 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 3.  
152. GM Korchnoi, Viktor Soviet Union 3 URS 11 13 9 4 0 84.6 1. 1.
153.   Koshnitsky, Gregory Simon Australia 3 AUS 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 29.  
154.   Koskinen, Heikki Finland 4 FIN 14 3 9 2 53.6 23. 22.
155.   Kostjoerin, Anatole Monaco 4 MNC 16 1 7 8 28.1 42. 37.
156.   Kostro, Jerzy Poland 1 POL 8 15 4 8 3 53.3 11. 20.
157. IM Kottnauer, Cenek England 2 ENG 12 3 5 4 45.8 16. 30.
158. IM Kraidman, Yair Israel 3 ISR 11 14 9 4 1 78.6 18. 2.
159.   Kristinsson, Jón Iceland 4 ISL 15 6 7 2 63.3 22. 11.
160.   Kristjánsson, Bragi Iceland 3 ISL 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 22. 21.
161.   Kroon, Piet Republic of South Africa 2 RSA 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 36. 37.
162. IM Kuijpers, Franciscus Netherlands 1 res. NED 9 4 5 0 72.2 15.  
163.   Külür, Coşkun Turkey 2 res. TUR 4 8 4 0 4 50.0 33.  
164. IM Kupper, Josef Switzerland 2 SUI 7 14 5 4 5 50.0 21. 20.
165.   Lagha, Khelil Tunisia 4 TUN 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 37. 23.
166. IM Langeweg, Christian Netherlands 3 NED 12 5 3 4 54.2 15. 18.
167.   Lantsias, Andreas Cyprus 4 CYP 4 14 2 4 8 28.6 51. 36.
168. GM Larsen, Bent Denmark 1 DEN 10½ 18 8 5 5 58.3 12. 17.
169.   Lee Chee Seng Singapore 1 res. SIN 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 43.  
170.   Lee, Peter Nicholas England 1 res. ENG 9 13 7 4 2 69.2 16. 7.
171. GM Lengyel, Levente Hungary 4 HUN 14 4 9 1 60.7 6. 13.
172.   Letzelter, Jean-Claude France 2 FRA 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 44. 18.
173.   Levy, David Neil Lawrence Scotland 4 SCO 13 2 7 4 42.3 28. 29.
174.   Levy, Mauricio Paraguay 2 res. PAR 5 2 1 2 50.0 45.  
175.   Lhagva, Jambaldoo Mongolia 3 MGL 15 4 5 6 43.3 27. 32.
176. IM Liebert, Heinz East Germany 1 res. GDR 9 12 6 6 0 75.0 10. 3.
177.   Lim Kok Ann Singapore 2 SIN 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 43. 28.
178.   Littleton, Michael Flannan Ireland 2 IRL 7 15 3 8 4 46.7 38. 27.
179. GM Lombardy, William James United States 1 res. USA 11 5 5 1 68.2 4.  
180.   Macskasy, Elod Canada 3 CAN 13 4 5 4 50.0 13. 21.
181.   Magrin, Antonio Italy 1 res. ITA 3 8 3 0 5 37.5 31.  
182.   Malagón, Alberto Dominican Republic 2 DOM 12 4 1 7 37.5 47. 38.
183.   Malagón, César Dominican Republic 3 DOM 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 47.  
184. IM Malich, Burkhard East Germany 4 GDR 13 5 5 3 57.7 10. 18.
185.   Martínez Buitrago, Fernando Puerto Rico 2 PUR 3 15 3 0 12 20.0 40. 45.
186. GM Matanović, Aleksandar Yugoslavia 3 YUG 9 13 5 8 0 69.2 2. 9.
187. GM Matulović, Milan Yugoslavia 4 YUG 10½ 15 8 5 2 70.0 2. 6.
188.   McAlpine, Kenneth Scotland 3 SCO 1 9 0 2 7 11.1 28.  
189.   McCurdy, Gerald Ireland 1 res. IRL 13 2 7 4 42.3 38. 21.
190.   McKay, Roderick McIntosh Scotland 2 res. SCO 11½ 16 9 5 2 71.9 28. 5.
191. IM Mecking, Henrique Brazil 1 BRA 11½ 17 7 9 1 67.6 25. 6.
192. IM Medina García, Antonio Ángel Spain 2 ESP 10½ 16 8 5 3 65.6 19. 5.
193.   Miranda, Márcio Brazil 1 res. BRA 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 25.  
194.   Morschel, Dieter Republic of South Africa 4 RSA 3 10 2 2 6 30.0 36.  
195.   Muziole, Charles Monaco 2 res. MNC 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 42.  
196. IM Myagmarsuren, Lhamsuren Mongolia 2 MGL 11 18 7 8 3 61.1 27. 9.
197.   Myers, Hugh Edward Dominican Republic 1 DOM 15 4 5 6 43.3 47. 35.
198. GM Najdorf, Miguel Argentina 1 ARG 6 12 1 10 1 50.0 7. 24.
199.   Naranja, Renato The Philippines 4 PHI 9 15 7 4 4 60.0 14. 15.
200.   Nejjar, Abderrahman Morocco 4 MAR 17 4 3 10 32.4 41. 33.
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201.   Niedermayr, Horst Austria 2 res. AUT 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 17.  
202.   Nilsson, Zandor Sweden 2 SWE 11 3 3 5 40.9 24.  
203.   Nørby, Peter Denmark 2 res. DEN 7 0 3 4 21.4 12.  
204. GM O'Kelly de Galway, Alberic Belgium 1 BEL 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 26. 24.
205.   O'Riordan, Kenneth Ireland 4 IRL 12 2 3 7 29.2 38. 35.
206. IM Ojanen, Kaarle Finland 2 FIN 6 3 3 0 75.0 23.  
207.   Olsson, Åke Sweden 1 res. SWE 14 6 5 3 60.7 24. 12.
208.   Ornithopoulos, Nikolaos Greece 4 GRE 9 1 3 5 27.8 34.  
209.   Ortega, Rogelio Cuba 1 res. CUB 13 6 5 2 65.4 20. 9.
210. GM Padevsky, Nikola Bulgaria 3 BUL 15 4 9 2 56.7 3. 17.
211.   Palacios de la Prida, Ernesto Spain 2 res. ESP 4 1 1 2 37.5 19.  
212. GM Panno, Oscar Argentina 2 ARG 9 17 3 12 2 52.9 7. 19.
213.   Pantebre Martínez, Benet Andorra 2 res. AND 2 9 1 2 6 22.2 53.  
214. GM Parma, Bruno Yugoslavia 1 res. YUG 5 8 2 6 0 62.5 2.  
215.   Peev, Peicho Bulgaria 2 res. BUL 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 3.  
216. IM Penrose, Jonathan England 1 ENG 12½ 15 10 5 0 83.3 16. 2.
217.   Pereira, Renato Portugal 1 res. POR 5 13 4 2 7 38.5 35. 22.
218.   Peretz, Malkiel Israel 2 res. ISR 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 18.  
219.   Petersen, Finn Denmark 1 res. DEN 7 0 3 4 21.4 12.  
220. GM Petrosian, Tigran Soviet Union 1 URS 10½ 12 9 3 0 87.5 1. 1.
221. IM Pfleger, Helmut Germany 4 GER 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 5. 7.
222.   Philippe, Georges Luxembourg 2 LUX 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 39.  
223. GM Pietzsch, Wolfgang East Germany 2 GDR 13 4 5 4 50.0 10. 20.
224.   Pinto Paiva, José Brazil 2 res. BRA 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 25.  
225. GM Polugaevsky, Lev Soviet Union 1 res. URS 10½ 13 8 5 0 80.8 1. 2.
226. GM Pomar Salamanca, Arturo Spain 1 ESP 9 15 4 10 1 60.0 19. 14.
227. IM Porath, Yosef Israel 2 ISR 6 13 2 8 3 46.2 18. 28.
228. GM Portisch, Lajos Hungary 1 HUN 11 15 8 6 1 73.3 6. 4.
229.   Potter, Adolphe Virgin Islands 1 res. VIR 1 10 1 0 9 10.0 52.  
230.   Prameshuber, Alexander Austria 2 AUT 10 17 7 6 4 58.8 17. 15.
231.   Primavera, Giuseppe Italy 4 ITA 11 3 3 5 40.9 31.  
232. IM Prins, Lodewijk Netherlands 2 res. NED 9 12 8 2 2 75.0 15. 3.
233.   Purevzhav, S. Mongolia 2 res. MGL 6 1 3 2 41.7 27.  
234.   Quesada, Roberto Costa Rica 1 res. CRC 2 9 1 2 6 22.2 49.  
235. IM Radulov, Ivan Bulgaria 1 res. BUL 10½ 14 8 5 1 75.0 3. 3.
236.   Recalde, Eleuterio Paraguay 2 PAR 13 3 7 3 50.0 45. 20.
237. IM Ree, Hans Netherlands 2 NED 14 5 7 2 60.7 15. 11.
238.   Reilly, Brian Patrick Ireland 3 IRL 12 3 3 6 37.5 38. 34.
239.   Reissmann, Paul Puerto Rico 4 PUR 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 40. 21.
240. GM Reshevsky, Samuel Herman United States 1 USA 8 13 5 6 2 61.5 4. 12.
241.   Reyes, Roumel The Philippines 1 PHI 11 1 1 9 13.6 14.  
242.   Riego Prieto, Victorio Paraguay 3 PAR 11 15 10 2 3 73.3 45. 6.
243.   Rizk, John Lebanon 4 LIB 13 1 3 9 19.2 50. 38.
244.   Rizopoulos, Georgios Greece 2 res. GRE 8 13 7 2 4 61.5 34. 7.
245.   Robles, Javier Venezuela 2 res. VEN 7 1 3 3 35.7 32.  
246.   Rocha, Antônio Cavilhas Brazil 4 BRA 15 5 7 3 56.7 25. 20.
247.   Rodríguez Gonzáles, Jesús Cuba 4 CUB 8 14 5 6 3 57.1 20. 19.
248.   Rodríguez, Ruben The Philippines 2 res. PHI 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 14.  
249.   Roebuck, Ector Virgin Islands 3 VIR 2 10 2 0 8 20.0 52.  
250.   Rojas, José Joaquín Costa Rica 4 CRC ½ 9 0 1 8 5.6 49.  
251.   Romani, Elio Italy 2 res. ITA 10 5 1 4 55.0 31.  
252.   Rooze, Jan Belgium 3 BEL 15 5 5 5 50.0 26. 21.
253. GM Rossetto, Héctor Decio Argentina 4 ARG 8 12 6 4 2 66.7 7. 9.
254.   Rovira Mas, Jorge Costa Rica 1 CRC 7 15 5 4 6 46.7 49. 32.
255.   Rubinetti, Jorge Alberto Argentina 1 res. ARG 5 8 4 2 2 62.5 7.  
256.   Sacarello, Félix Puerto Rico 1 res. PUR 5 13 4 2 7 38.5 40. 22.
257.   Salameh, Charles Lebanon 1 LIB 3 15 1 4 10 20.0 50. 48.
258. IM Sanguineti, Raúl Argentina 3 ARG 11½ 16 7 9 0 71.9 7. 8.
259.   Santos, Júlio Portugal 4 POR 12 3 3 6 37.5 35. 32.
260.   Sardinha, Hélder Portugal 2 POR 15 4 5 6 43.3 35. 31.
261.   Schammo, Jean Luxembourg 1 res. LUX 6 13 3 6 4 46.2 39. 18.
262. GM Schmid, Lothar Germany 2 GER 9 12 6 6 0 75.0 5. 2.
263.   Schmidt, Włodzimierz Poland 4 POL 14 4 9 1 60.7 11. 13.
264.   Schorr, León Venezuela 4 VEN 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 32.  
265.   Schulman, Mark Canada 2 res. CAN 4 8 2 4 2 50.0 13.  
266.   Shaw, Terrey Ian Australia 2 res. AUS 12 14 11 2 1 85.7 29. 2.
267. IM Siaperas, Triantafyllos Greece 2 GRE 9 15 7 4 4 60.0 34. 12.
268.   Sigurjónsson, Guðmundur Iceland 2 ISL 9 15 7 4 4 60.0 22. 12.
269.   Silva, Raúl Paraguay 1 PAR 6 14 3 6 5 42.9 45. 36.
270.   Sköld, Kristian Sweden 2 res. SWE 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 24. 9.
271.   Smejkal, Jan Czechoslovakia 3 CSR 13 7 1 5 57.7 9. 16.
272. GM Smyslov, Vassily Soviet Union 2 res. URS 11 12 10 2 0 91.7 1. 1.
273.   Soler, Joan Andorra 1 res. AND ½ 10 0 1 9 5.0 53.  
274. IM Soós, Bela Romania 1 res. ROM 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 8.  
275.   Soussi, Mohamed Morocco 1 res. MAR 1 8 0 2 6 12.5 41.  
276. GM Spassky, Boris Soviet Union 2 URS 10 14 6 8 0 71.4 1. 3.
277.   Stoppel, Franz Austria 3 AUT 12 3 7 2 54.2 17. 18.
278.   Stull, Norbert Luxembourg 2 res. LUX 12 1 3 8 20.8 39. 11.
279.   Süer, Nevzat Turkey 1 TUR 8 17 5 6 6 47.1 33. 28.
280. IM Suttles, Duncan Canada 2 CAN 11½ 17 7 9 1 67.6 13. 4.
281.   Svedenborg, Paul Norway 3 NOR 13 4 5 4 50.0 30. 21.
282. GM Szabó, László Hungary 2 HUN 10 1 5 4 35.0 6.  
283.   Tan Lian Ann Singapore 1 SIN 14 8 3 3 67.9 43. 5.
284.   Tan Lian Seng Singapore 3 SIN 7 14 6 2 6 50.0 43. 21.
285.   Terrazas, Filiberto Mexico 2 res. MEX 4 1 1 2 37.5 46.  
286.   Thiellement, André France 1 res. FRA 9 3 5 1 61.1 44.  
287. IM Torán Albero, Román Spain 3 ESP 10 15 6 8 1 66.7 19. 10.
288.   Þorsteinsson, Björn Iceland 1 res. ISL 12 2 7 3 45.8 22. 19.
289.   Trikaliotis, Georgios Greece 3 GRE 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 34.  
290. GM Tringov, Georgi Bulgaria 2 BUL 11 14 8 6 0 78.6 3. 1.
291. GM Uhlmann, Wolfgang East Germany 1 GDR 10 16 5 10 1 62.5 10. 10.
292. IM Ujtumen, Tudev Mongolia 1 MGL 8 17 6 4 7 47.1 27. 28.
293.   Ungureanu, Emil Romania 2 res. ROM 10 3 5 2 55.0 8.  
294. GM Unzicker, Wolfgang Germany 1 GER 8 17 2 12 3 47.1 5. 28.
295.   Uzman, Cavit Turkey 3 TUR 4 11 3 2 6 36.4 33.  
296.   Van der Laat Ulloa, Jorge Costa Rica 2 CRC 4 15 2 4 9 26.7 49. 41.
297.   Venäläinen, Unto Finland 2 res. FIN 10 1 3 6 25.0 23.  
298.   Villarroel, Géber Venezuela 2 VEN 14 3 5 6 39.3 32. 36.
299.   Viner, Phillip Australia 1 res. AUS 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 29.  
300.   Visier Segovia, Fernando Spain 4 ESP 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 19.  
no. ttl name flag bd code pts gms + = - % position
tea ind
301. IM Vizantiadis, Lazaros Greece 1 GRE 14 3 5 6 39.3 34. 40.
302.   Walther, Edgar Switzerland 1 res. SUI 10 4 1 5 45.0 21.  
303.   Wantz, Fernand Luxembourg 3 LUX 1 9 0 2 7 11.1 39.  
304.   Weiss, Fernando Monaco 2 MNC 18 3 7 8 36.1 42. 40.
305. IM Westerinen, Heikki Finland 1 FIN 11 18 7 8 3 61.1 23. 13.
306.   Wibe, Terje Norway 1 res. NOR 14 8 1 5 60.7 30. 12.
307.   Winter Gallegos, Willy de Mexico 2 MEX 8 16 5 6 5 50.0 46. 20.
308.   Wyss, Roberto Costa Rica 3 CRC 2 10 2 0 8 20.0 49.  
309.   Yabra, Federico Dominican Republic 1 res. DOM 7 15 6 2 7 46.7 47. 17.
310. GM Yanofsky, Daniel Abraham Canada 1 CAN 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 13. 36.
311.   Zichichi, Alvise Italy 3 ITA 12 16 9 6 1 75.0 31. 4.
312. IM Zinn, Lothar East Germany 3 GDR 10 4 3 3 55.0 10.  
313.   Zorigt, Damdzinhav Mongolia 4 MGL 4 13 1 6 6 30.8 27. 34.
314.   Zwaig, Arne Norway 4 NOR 12 16 11 2 3 75.0 30. 4.

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