unofficial Chess Olympiad: Munich 1936

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Individual statistics

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1. Eliskases, Erich Austria 1 AUT 13½ 20 7 13 0 67.5 7.  
  Becker, Albert Austria 2 AUT 13½ 18 11 5 2 75.0 7. 3.
  Lokvenc, Josef Austria 3 AUT 17 4 9 4 50.0 7.  
  Müller, Hans Austria 4 AUT 12 18 8 8 2 66.7 7.  
  Poschauko, Karl Austria 5 AUT 8 17 4 8 5 47.1 7.  
  Lenner, Leopold Austria 6 AUT 8 17 6 4 7 47.1 7.  
  Palme, Rudolf Austria 7 AUT 9 16 7 4 5 56.3 7.  
  Weil, Wolfgang Austria 8 AUT 12½ 17 10 5 2 73.5 7. 1.
  Krassnig, Otto Austria 1 res. AUT 12 6 3 3 62.5 7.  
  Weiss, Heinrich Austria 2 res. AUT 8 1 3 4 31.3 7.  
11. De Souza Mendes, João Brazil 1 BRA 20 4 7 9 37.5 16.  
  Charlier, Raul Brazil 2 BRA 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 16.  
  Cruz, Walter Brazil 3 BRA 7 20 3 8 9 35.0 16.  
  Da Silva Rocha, Adhemar Brazil 4 BRA 20 3 9 8 37.5 16.  
  Trompowsky, Octávio Brazil 5 BRA 20 6 7 7 47.5 16.  
  Pulcherio, Cauby Brazil 6 BRA 20 7 5 8 47.5 16.  
  Carlos, Heitor Alberto Brazil 7 BRA 8 20 6 4 10 40.0 16.  
  Cruz Filho, Oswaldo Brazil 8 BRA 9 20 6 6 8 45.0 16.  
  Magno da Cruz, Mecenas Brazil 1 res. BRA 2 9 0 4 5 22.2 16.  
20. Geshev, Grigory Bulgaria 1 BUL 5 20 3 4 13 25.0 21.  
  Tsvetkov, Alexandar Bulgaria 2 BUL 4 18 3 2 13 22.2 21.  
  Danchev, Dimitar Bulgaria 3 BUL 19 1 3 15 13.2 21.  
  Kiprov, Alexandar Bulgaria 4 BUL 19 2 3 14 18.4 21.  
  Voinov, Naiden Bulgaria 5 BUL 19 3 1 15 18.4 21.  
  Toshev, Yury Bulgaria 6 BUL 9 19 7 4 8 47.4 21.  
  Frantsez, Zhak Bulgaria 7 BUL 20 2 5 13 22.5 21.  
  Max, Heinrikh Bulgaria 8 BUL 18 3 1 14 19.4 21.  
  Malchev, Andrei Bulgaria 1 res. BUL 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 21.  
  Khoriner, Ferdinand Bulgaria 2 res. BUL 0 0 0 0 0 0.0    
30. Foltys, Jan Czechoslovakia 1 CSR 12½ 19 7 11 1 65.8 5.  
  Rejfíř, Josef Czechoslovakia 2 CSR 16 4 9 3 53.1 5.  
  Zinner, Emil Czechoslovakia 3 CSR 14½ 20 14 1 5 72.5 5. 3.
  Hromádka, Karel Czechoslovakia 4 CSR 14 20 12 4 4 70.0 5. 1.
  Gilg, Karl Czechoslovakia 5 CSR 10½ 16 8 5 3 65.6 5.  
  Pelikán, Jiří Czechoslovakia 6 CSR 11½ 18 10 3 5 63.9 5.  
  Richter, Emil Czechoslovakia 7 CSR 11 17 9 4 4 64.7 5.  
  Pokorný, Amos Czechoslovakia 8 CSR 16 8 3 5 59.4 5.  
  Zíta, František Czechoslovakia 1 res. CSR 11 7 1 3 68.2 5. 1.
  Herman Czechoslovakia 2 res. CSR 7 3 3 1 64.3 5.  
40. Andersen, Erik Denmark 1 DEN 9 19 6 6 7 47.4 9.  
  Norman-Hansen, Holger Denmark 2 DEN 10½ 19 8 5 6 55.3 9.  
  Nielsen, Bjørn Denmark 3 DEN 11½ 15 10 3 2 76.7 9. 1.
  Hage, Poul Denmark 4 DEN 10 19 6 8 5 52.6 9.  
  Nielsen, Julius Denmark 5 DEN 10½ 19 7 7 5 55.3 9.  
  Sørensen, Ernst Denmark 6 DEN 18 5 5 8 41.7 9.  
  Christensen, Alfred Denmark 7 DEN 13 19 11 4 4 68.4 9. 2.
  Petersen, Johannes Denmark 8 DEN 12 18 10 4 4 66.7 9.  
  Poulsen, Christian Denmark 1 res. DEN 9 4 3 2 61.1 9.  
  Nielsen, Hartvig Denmark 2 res. DEN 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 9.  
50. Keres, Paul Estonia 1 EST 15½ 20 12 7 1 77.5 10. 1.
  Raud, Ilmar Estonia 2 EST 20 7 5 8 47.5 10.  
  Friedemann, Gunnar Estonia 3 EST 12 20 9 6 5 60.0 10.  
  Türn, Johannes Estonia 4 EST 11½ 19 8 7 4 60.5 10.  
  Laurine, Leho Estonia 5 EST 15 5 3 7 43.3 10.  
  Villard, Feliks Estonia 6 EST 13 19 11 4 4 68.4 10. 3.
  Uulberg, Viktor Estonia 7 EST 10 19 7 6 6 52.6 10.  
  Tšernov, N. Estonia 8 EST 2 10 1 2 7 20.0 10.  
  Sepp, Leopold Estonia 1 res. EST 10 18 8 4 6 55.6 10.  
  Waldemann Estonia 2 res. EST 0 0 0 0 0 0.0    
60. Böök, Eero Finland 1 FIN 19 6 7 6 50.0 12.  
  Krogius, Ragnar Finland 2 FIN 18 5 5 8 41.7 12.  
  Solin, Ilmari Finland 3 FIN 19 5 9 5 50.0 12.  
  Salo, Toivo Finland 4 FIN 17 5 7 5 50.0 12.  
  Heilimo, Eino Finland 5 FIN 13 0 3 10 11.5 12.  
  Ojanen, Kaarle Finland 6 FIN 16 3 11 2 53.1 12.  
  Kaila, Osmo Finland 7 FIN 13 20 10 6 4 65.0 12.  
  Candolin, Allan Finland 8 FIN 10 19 6 8 5 52.6 12.  
  Breider, Bruno Finland 1 res. FIN 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 12.  
  Colliander, L. Finland 2 res. FIN 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 12.  
70. Betbeder Matibet, Louis France 1 FRA 17 4 9 4 50.0 20.  
  Gibaud, Amédée France 2 FRA 17 2 3 12 20.6 20.  
  Crépeaux, Robert France 3 FRA 5 17 4 2 11 29.4 20.  
  Jung France 4 FRA 17 2 7 8 32.4 20.  
  Rometti, Barbatto France 5 FRA 4 16 3 2 11 25.0 20.  
  Gotti, Massimiliano France 6 FRA 8 17 5 6 6 47.1 20.  
  Penel France 7 FRA 1 17 0 2 15 5.9 20.  
  Bary France 8 FRA 17 2 5 10 26.5 20.  
  Anglares, Emille France 1 res. FRA 14 1 3 10 17.9 20.  
  Courte France 2 res. FRA 1 11 1 0 10 9.1 20.  
80. Richter, Kurt Germany 1 GER 12 18 8 8 2 66.7 3.  
  Ahues, Carl Germany 2 GER 10 17 4 12 1 58.8 3.  
  Engels, Ludwig Germany 3 GER 10½ 17 9 3 5 61.8 3.  
  Carls, Carl Germany 4 GER 10 17 5 10 2 58.8 3.  
  Rellstab, Ludwig Germany 5 GER 12 17 8 8 1 70.6 3. 3.
  Sämisch, Friedrich Germany 6 GER 9 14 6 6 2 64.3 3.  
  Rödl, Ludwig Germany 7 GER 11 16 8 6 2 68.8 3. 1.
  Heinicke, Herbert Germany 8 GER 13 18 8 10 0 72.2 3. 2.
  Ernst, Wilhelm Germany 1 res. GER 14 8 3 3 67.9 3. 2.
  Michel, Paul Germany 2 res. GER 12 8 3 1 79.2 3. 2.
90. Maróczy, Géza Hungary 1 HUN 6 11 2 8 1 54.5 1.  
  Steiner, Lajos Hungary 2 HUN 15½ 20 13 5 2 77.5 1. 2.
  Steiner, Endre Hungary 3 HUN 11½ 18 11 1 6 63.9 1.  
  Havasi, Kornél Hungary 4 HUN 10 16 4 12 0 62.5 1.  
  Szabó, László Hungary 5 HUN 16½ 19 14 5 0 86.8 1. 1.
  Barcza, Gedeon Hungary 6 HUN 10½ 16 7 7 2 65.6 1.  
  Vajda, Árpád Hungary 7 HUN 10 15 5 10 0 66.7 1.  
  Gereben, Ernő Hungary 8 HUN 13 19 9 8 2 68.4 1.  
  Balogh, János Hungary 1 res. HUN 13 5 7 1 65.4 1. 3.
  Kóródy Keresztély, Imre Hungary 2 res. HUN 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 1.  
100. Gilfer, Eggert Iceland 1 ISL 7 19 4 6 9 36.8 19.  
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101. Ásgeirsson, Ásmundur Iceland 2 ISL 19 3 7 9 34.2 19.  
  Þorvaldsson, Einar Iceland 3 ISL 19 4 5 10 34.2 19.  
  Möller, Baldur Iceland 4 ISL 19 4 7 8 39.5 19.  
  Snævarr, A. Iceland 5 ISL 19 5 7 7 44.7 19.  
  Guðmundsson, Stefán Iceland 6 ISL 6 19 4 4 11 31.6 19.  
  Arnlaugsson, Guðmundur Iceland 7 ISL 8 19 5 6 8 42.1 19.  
  Jónsson, Sigurður Iceland 8 ISL 19 2 7 10 28.9 19.  
  Guðmundsson, Ari Iceland 1 res. ISL 1 6 0 2 4 16.7 19.  
  Þorsteinsson, Garðar Iceland 2 res. ISL 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 19.  
110. Romi, Massimiliano Italy 1 ITA 20 6 3 11 37.5 18.  
  Rosselli del Turco, Stefano Italy 2 ITA 17 2 5 10 26.5 18.  
  Monticelli, Mario Italy 3 ITA 8 19 5 6 8 42.1 18.  
  Norcia, Federico Italy 4 ITA 17 4 5 8 38.2 18.  
  Napolitano, Mario Italy 5 ITA 17 5 3 9 38.2 18.  
  Campolongo, Alberto Italy 6 ITA 15 4 1 10 30.0 18.  
  Rastrelli, Alberto Italy 7 ITA 4 16 1 6 9 25.0 18.  
  Stalda, Giuseppe Italy 8 ITA 7 18 4 6 8 38.9 18.  
  Staldi, Cherubino Italy 1 res. ITA 13 5 3 5 50.0 18.  
  Hellmann, Ernesto Italy 2 res. ITA 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 18.  
120. Petrovs, Vladimirs Latvia 1 LAT 13½ 20 10 7 3 67.5 6.  
  Apšenieks, Fricis Latvia 2 LAT 10 18 7 6 5 55.6 6.  
  Feigins, Movsas Latvia 3 LAT 14½ 19 12 5 2 76.3 6. 2.
  Krūmiņš, Alfrēds Latvia 4 LAT 8 16 5 6 5 50.0 6.  
  Hasenfuss, Volfgangs Latvia 5 LAT 17 7 3 7 50.0 6.  
  Mežgailis, Voldemārs Latvia 6 LAT 11 19 6 10 3 57.9 6.  
  Endzelīns, Lūcijs Latvia 7 LAT 11 18 10 2 6 61.1 6.  
  Ozols, Kārlis Latvia 8 LAT 10½ 15 7 7 1 70.0 6. 3.
  Melngailis, Tenis Latvia 1 res. LAT 10 4 1 5 45.0 6.  
  Kalniņš, Arvīds Latvia 2 res. LAT 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 6.  
130. Mikėnas, Vladas Lithuania 1 LTU 9 20 5 8 7 45.0 11.  
  Vistaneckis, Isakas Lithuania 2 LTU 12½ 20 9 7 4 62.5 11.  
  Vaitonis, Povilas Lithuania 3 LTU 13 20 12 2 6 65.0 11.  
  Luckis, Markas Lithuania 4 LTU 13½ 20 9 9 2 67.5 11. 2.
  Abramavičius, Leonardas Lithuania 5 LTU 9 20 6 6 8 45.0 11.  
  Arlauskas, Roman Lithuania 6 LTU 18 4 7 7 41.7 11.  
  Skema Lithuania 7 LTU 14 3 3 8 32.1 11.  
  Tautvaišas, Povilas Lithuania 8 LTU 5 14 4 2 8 35.7 11.  
  Skibiniauskas Lithuania 1 res. LTU ½ 5 0 1 4 10.0 11.  
  Baikovičius Lithuania 2 res. LTU 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 11.  
140. Van Doesburgh, Gerrit Netherlands 1 NED 3 18 1 4 13 16.7 13.  
  Prins, Lodewijk Netherlands 2 NED 8 19 5 6 8 42.1 13.  
  Felderhof, William Netherlands 3 NED 5 17 3 4 10 29.4 13.  
  Van Scheltinga, Theodore Netherlands 4 NED 10½ 19 5 11 3 55.3 13.  
  Hamming, Adolf Willem Netherlands 5 NED 7 17 4 6 7 41.2 13.  
  Muehring, Willem Netherlands 6 NED 17 4 9 4 50.0 13.  
  De Groot, Adrianus Netherlands 7 NED 10½ 18 7 7 4 58.3 13.  
  Cortlever, Nicolaas Netherlands 8 NED 18 4 9 5 47.2 13.  
  Koomen, Wim Netherlands 1 res. NED 10½ 17 9 3 5 61.8 13.  
149. Christoffersen, H. Norway 1 NOR 3 14 1 4 9 21.4 15.  
  Kavlie-Jørgensen, Oluf Norway 2 NOR 4 17 2 4 11 23.5 15.  
  Herseth, Storm Norway 3 NOR 8 17 5 6 6 47.1 15.  
  Rasmussen Norway 4 NOR 5 16 2 6 8 31.3 15.  
  Gulbrandsen, Andreas Norway 5 NOR 8 17 6 4 7 47.1 15.  
  Marthinsen, G. Norway 6 NOR 10½ 17 7 7 3 61.8 15.  
  Sauren, J. Norway 7 NOR 5 14 4 2 8 35.7 15.  
  Håve, Einar Norway 8 NOR 16 5 3 8 40.6 15.  
  Salbu, K. Norway 1 res. NOR 9 17 7 4 6 52.9 15.  
  Olsen, R. Norway 2 res. NOR 15 3 5 7 36.7 15.  
159. Frydman, Paulin Poland 1 POL 13 20 9 8 3 65.0 2.  
  Najdorf, Mieczysław Poland 2 POL 16 20 14 4 2 80.0 2. 1.
  Regedziński, Teodor Poland 3 POL 12½ 18 9 7 2 69.4 2.  
  Makarczyk, Kazimierz Poland 4 POL 18 6 5 7 47.2 2.  
  Friedmann, Henryk Poland 5 POL 15½ 20 11 9 0 77.5 2. 2.
  Kremer, Leon Poland 6 POL 15 20 14 2 4 75.0 2. 2.
  Pogorieły, Henryk Poland 7 POL 13½ 20 10 7 3 67.5 2. 3.
  Wojciechowski, Antoni Poland 8 POL 14 7 5 2 67.9 2.  
  Sulik, Franciszek Poland 1 res. POL 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2.  
  Jagielski, Jerzy Poland 2 res. POL 3 1 1 1 50.0 2.  
169. Alexandrescu, Gheorghe Romania 1 ROM 7 19 5 4 10 36.8 14.  
  Ichim, Traian Romania 2 ROM 5 19 3 4 12 26.3 14.  
  Denes, I. Romania 3 ROM 8 19 4 8 7 42.1 14.  
  Pichler, Adolf Romania 4 ROM 4 16 2 4 10 25.0 14.  
  Demetriescu, I. Romania 5 ROM ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 14.  
  Popa, Toma Romania 6 ROM 19 7 5 7 50.0 14.  
  Halic, Ivan Romania 7 ROM 12½ 19 10 5 4 65.8 14.  
  Bohosiewicz, P. Romania 8 ROM 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 14.  
  Zelinski, Emil Romania 1 res. ROM 13 20 9 8 3 65.0 14.  
  Raina, C. Romania 2 res. ROM 14 3 1 10 25.0 14.  
179. Naegeli, Oskar Switzerland 1 SUI 17 2 9 6 38.2 17.  
  Johner, Paul Switzerland 2 SUI 7 17 4 6 7 41.2 17.  
  Grob, Henry Switzerland 3 SUI 7 17 4 6 7 41.2 17.  
  Voellmy, Erwin Switzerland 4 SUI 17 5 5 7 44.1 17.  
  Gygli, Fritz Switzerland 5 SUI 10 18 8 4 6 55.6 17.  
  Stähelin, Adolf Switzerland 6 SUI 18 4 5 9 36.1 17.  
  Plüss, A. Switzerland 7 SUI 13 0 3 10 11.5 17.  
  Dikenmann Switzerland 8 SUI 11 1 3 7 22.7 17.  
  Ormond, J. Switzerland 1 res. SUI 15 3 5 7 36.7 17.  
  Strehle, E. Switzerland 2 res. SUI 17 4 7 6 44.1 17.  
189. Ståhlberg, Gideon Sweden 1 SWE 11½ 17 9 5 3 67.6 8. 3.
  Lundin, Erik Sweden 2 SWE 12 18 9 6 3 66.7 8.  
  Stoltz, Gösta Sweden 3 SWE 11½ 19 8 7 4 60.5 8.  
  Danielsson, Gösta Sweden 4 SWE 13½ 20 9 9 2 67.5 8. 2.
  Kinnmark, Olof Sweden 5 SWE 13 4 3 6 42.3 8.  
  Ekenberg, Bengt Sweden 6 SWE 9 16 8 2 6 56.3 8.  
  Larsson, Ernst Sweden 7 SWE 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 8.  
  Bergkvist, Nils Sweden 8 SWE 9 18 6 6 6 50.0 8.  
  Kayser, Ferdinand Sweden 1 res. SWE 11 4 5 2 59.1 8.  
  Sundberg, Bertil Sweden 2 res. SWE 10½ 15 10 1 4 70.0 8. 3.
199. Pirc, Vasja Yugoslavia 1 YUG 12 17 8 8 1 70.6 4. 2.
  Trifunović, Petar Yugoslavia 2 YUG 11 17 8 6 3 64.7 4.  
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201. Schreiber, Mirko Yugoslavia 3 YUG 10 18 8 4 6 55.6 4.  
  Asztalos, Lajos Yugoslavia 4 YUG 9 16 5 8 3 56.3 4.  
  König, Imre Yugoslavia 5 YUG 10½ 18 7 7 4 58.3 4.  
  Kostić, Borislav Yugoslavia 6 YUG 16 19 14 4 1 84.2 4. 1.
  Vuković, Vladan Yugoslavia 7 YUG 13 5 5 3 57.7 4.  
  Bröder, Mirko Yugoslavia 8 YUG 11 17 7 8 2 64.7 4.  
  Tot, Borislav Yugoslavia 1 res. YUG 15 7 5 3 63.3 4.  
  Nedeljković, Ozren Yugoslavia 2 res. YUG 8 10 6 4 0 80.0 4. 1.

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