1st Polish Team Chess Championship: Królewska Huta 1929

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[ Basic data | Tournament review ]

Basic data

1st Polish Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 5th - 7th April 199
City: Królewska Huta (Chorzów), Poland
Venue: "Hrabia Reden" Hotel
Organizing Body: Silesian Chess Federation (Śląski Związek Szachowy)
Chief Arbiter: Mr. David Przepiórka (POL)
Teams participating: 6 (only cities and regions could participate)
Players participating: 43
Games played: 90
Competition format: Six board round robin.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points
Time control: N/A
Downloadable game file: 29poland.zip (only 8 games are available!)

Tournament review

The idea of all-Polish team tournament was raised in late 1928 when delegates of Silesian Chess Association, while attending the general assembly of Polish Chess Federation, came forward with the offer to raise enough funds to hold top-class tournament. There were six cities and regions teams with decent line-ups; most of top class players arrived but there were no elite: Rubinstein and Tartakower lived outside Poland, Przepiórka was prominent figure of Polish Chess Federation and focused on his organizational duties and Makarczyk, Poland's top board from 1928 Olympiad, was absent.

Of the six participating teams Łódź seemed to be strong (Regedziński, Daniuszewski) as well as Kraków (Chwojnik) and Warsaw (Frydman, Blass, Pogorieły). Kraków were the ones to show disappointing shape (losing to Warsaw by ½-5½) while Lwów achieved decent results (ca. 50%) but no more. It was all about Warsaw and Łódź. With last day to come, Warsaw were in 1½ point lead facing the challengers in round 5. Warsaw took comfortable win 4-2 and sealed the tournament win. Dawid Daniuszewski (Łódź) scored 5 out of 5 as the only player.

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