22nd Polish Team Chess Championship: Warszawa 1966

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Basic data

22nd Polish Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Dates: 25th September - 2nd October 1966
City: Preliminaries: Elbląg, Wrocław, Legnica
Final: Warszawa
Venue: Klub Oficerski
Organizers: Dom Wojska Polskiego
Chief Arbiter: Mr. Stanisław Szeląg
Teams participating: Preliminaries: 21
Final: 12 (including 6 qualifiers from preliminaries)
Players participating: N/A
Games played: Preliminaries: 512
Final: 528
Competition format: Winners of regional championships formed three preliminary groups (eight board round robin).
Top two teams from each preliminary group were joined by six participants of 1965 final group to form 12 team league (eight board round robin).
Teams ranked 1st-6th automatically qualified to next year's championship; teams ranked 7th-12th had to qualify through preliminaries.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Match points
Time control: 40 moves in 2 hours, then 20 moves in each next hour


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no. team code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MP + = -
1. MKS Start Lublin STLU 4 5 4 5 4 7 6 55 17 7 3 1
2. SKS Start Łódź STLD 3 3 4 6 5 7 53½ 15 7 1 3
3. WKSz Legion Warszawa LWAR 5 5 5 5 6 52 18 9 0 2
4. KS Start Katowice STKT 4 5 3 3 5 7 4 50 14 6 2 3
5. KKS Lech Poznań (Q) LECH 3 4 6 6 5 49 13 6 1 4
6. KS Maraton Warszawa MWAR 4 5 4 4 46½ 15 6 3 2
7. KS Konstal Chorzów KNST 3 5 2 4 7 46 13 6 1 4
8. KS Hutnik Howa Huta (Q) HTNH 4 3 3 2 5 6 43½ 9 4 1 6
9. RKS Drukarz Warszawa (Q) DRWA 2 3 3 4 37½ 5 2 1 8
10. MZKS Pocztowiec Poznań (Q) PPOZ 3 3 3 2 4 5 34½ 3 1 1 9
11. KS Anilana Łódź (Q) ANLL 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 4 32½ 6 1 4 6
12. GKS Dąb Katowice (Q) GKSK 2 4 4 1 ½ 4 3 4 28 4 0 4 7



Start Lublin: A.Sydor, Z.Jamroz, K.Pytel, T.Lipski, Z.Wojcieszyn, Słomak, Rapcewicz, A.Jurczyńska, Kołodziejczyk, E.Kowalska
Start Łódź: W.Balcerowski, H.Podolski, W.Matkowski, A.Karnkowski, A.Łuczak, T.Chmielewski, M.Fabianowski, A.Hellwig
Legion Warszawa: A.Filipowicz, K.Plater, J.Adamski, W.Schinzel, A.Pytlakowski, S.Gawlikowski, K.Hordyński, J.Szota, J.Szukszta, R.Marszałek, M.Skipietrow, W.Ufnal, M.Litmanowicz

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