FIDE Women's World Chess Championship cycle 1981-1984

[ Competition summary || West European zonal 1 | West European zonal 2 | East European zonal | Soviet zonal | US zonal | Canadian zonal | Central American zonal | South American zonal | West Asian zonal | Asian Pacific zonal | Mediterranean-African zonal ||
|| Interzonal Tbilisi | Interzonal Bad Kissingen || Candidates QF | Candidates SF | Candidates F || WCh match ]

Asian Pacific zonal :: Baguio City 1981



pos. name Elo flag pts
1. Liu Shilan 2105 CHN 14
2. An Yangfeng 1930 CHN 11½
3. Fontanilla, Girmie   PHI
4. Takahashi, Naoko   JPN 9
5. Wu Xiaoying   CHN
6. Liew Oi Wah 1875 SIN 8
7.-8. Martin, Anne   AUS 7
7.-8. Mott, Marion 2015 AUS 7
9. Padrigo, Glenda 1835 PHI
10. Slavotinek, Anne   AUS 6
11. Tamin, Darmayanti   INA
12.-13. Alvarez, Carmelita 1860 PHI
12.-13. Tan Hong Leng   SIN
14. Lim Swee Hong   SIN 3
15. Sievey, Jackie   NZL


Asian Pacific zonal
Dates: 14th - 30th November 1981
City: Baguio City (The Philippines)
Chief Arbiter:
Players participating: 15
Games played: 105
Competition format: Round Robin
Tie-breaks: none
Time control:
PGN game file: none

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