FIDE Women's World Chess Championship cycle 1978-1981

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|| Interzonal Rio de Janeiro | Interzonal Alicante | Interzonal play-off || Candidates QF | Candidates SF | Candidates F || WCh match ]

South American zonal :: Brasília 1978

<< [ Crosstable || 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th || Information ] >>


pos. name Elo flag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pts Berger + = -
1. WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna   CHI ½ 1 1 0 1 0 1 15.25 4 1 2
2. Soppe, Edith 1920 ARG ½ ½ ½ 0 1 1 1 13.75 3 3 1
3. WIM Cardoso, Ruth   BRA 0 ½ 1 1 ½ 0 1 4 13.00 3 2 2
4. Vásquez, Alicia   ARG 0 ½ 0 1 1 + w/o ½ 4 12.50 3 2 2
5. Simonsen, Iluska   BRA 1 1 0 0 0 ½ 1 11.75 3 1 3
6. Arias, Julia 1980 ARG 0 0 ½ 0 1 1 1 9.50 3 1 3
7. Moysés, Ivone   BRA 1 0 1 - w/o ½ 0 - w/o 10.25 2 1 4
8. De los Santos, Isabel   URU 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 + w/o 4.50 1 1 5

Possibly 3rd qualifying spot was decided by Sonneborn-Berger and there was no play-off.

Round by round results

1st round
Moysés, Ivone BRA 1 - 0 BRA WIM Cardoso, Ruth
Simonsen, Iluska BRA 1 - 0 URU De los Santos, Isabel
WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna CHI 1 - 0 ARG Vásquez, Alicia
Soppe, Edith ARG 1920 1 - 0 1980 ARG Arias, Julia
1.-4. Carrasco Araya, Soppe, Simonsen, Moysés — 1; 5.-8. Cardoso, Vásquez, Arias, De los Santos — 0;

2nd round
De los Santos, Isabel URU 0 - 1 CHI WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna
Moysés, Ivone BRA ½ - ½ BRA Simonsen, Iluska
WIM Cardoso, Ruth BRA ½ - ½ 1980 ARG Arias, Julia
Vásquez, Alicia ARG ½ - ½ 1920 ARG Soppe, Edith
1. Carrasco Araya — 2; 2.-4. Soppe, Simonsen, Moysés — 1½; 5.-7. Cardoso, Vásquez, Arias — ½; 8. De los Santos — 0;

3rd round
Soppe, Edith ARG 1920 1 - 0 URU De los Santos, Isabel
Simonsen, Iluska BRA 0 - 1 BRA WIM Cardoso, Ruth
Arias, Julia ARG 1980 0 - 1 ARG Vásquez, Alicia
WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna CHI 0 - 1 BRA Moysés, Ivone
1.-2. Soppe, Moysés — 2½; 3. Carrasco Araya — 2; 4.-6. Cardoso, Vásquez, Simonsen — 1½; 7. Arias — ½; 8. De los Santos — 0;

4th round
Moysés, Ivone BRA 0 - 1 1920 ARG Soppe, Edith
De los Santos, Isabel URU 0 - 1 1980 ARG Arias, Julia
WIM Cardoso, Ruth BRA 1 - 0 ARG Vásquez, Alicia
Simonsen, Iluska BRA 1 - 0 CHI WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna
1. Soppe — 3½; 2.-4. Cardoso, Simonsen, Moysés — 2½; 5. Carrasco Araya — 2; 6.-7. Vásquez, Arias — 1½; 8. De los Santos — 0;

5th round
Vásquez, Alicia ARG ½ - ½ URU De los Santos, Isabel
Soppe, Edith ARG 1920 0 - 1 BRA Simonsen, Iluska
Arias, Julia ARG 1980 1 - 0 BRA Moysés, Ivone
WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna CHI 1 - 0 BRA WIM Cardoso, Ruth
1.-2. Soppe, Simonsen — 3½; 3. Carrasco Araya — 3; 4.-6. Cardoso, Arias, Moysés — 2½; 7. Vásquez — 2; 8. De los Santos — ½;

6th round
Moysés, Ivone BRA - w/o + ARG Vásquez, Alicia
Simonsen, Iluska BRA 0 - 1 1980 ARG Arias, Julia
WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna CHI ½ - ½ 1920 ARG Soppe, Edith
WIM Cardoso, Ruth BRA 1 - 0 URU De los Santos, Isabel
1. Soppe — 4; 2.-5. Carrasco Araya, Cardoso, Simonsen, Arias — 3½; 6. Vásquez — 3; 7. Moysés — 2½; 8. De los Santos — ½;

7th round
De los Santos, Isabel URU + w/o - BRA Moysés, Ivone
Vásquez, Alicia ARG 1 - 0 BRA Simonsen, Iluska
Soppe, Edith ARG 1920 ½ - ½ BRA WIM Cardoso, Ruth
Arias, Julia ARG 1980 0 - 1 CHI WIM Carrasco Araya, Berna
1.-2. Carrasco Araya, Soppe — 4½; 3.-4. Cardoso, Vásquez — 4; 5.-6. Simonsen, Arias — 3½; 7. Moysés — 2½; 8. De los Santos — 1½;


South American zonal
Dates: 13th - 30th May 1978
City: Brasília (Brazil)
Chief Arbiter:
Players participating: 8 (incl. 2 WIMs)
Games played: 28 (2 games were forfeited)
Competition format: Round Robin
Tie-breaks: 1. Sonnerborn-Berger
Time control:
PGN game file: wwc1981-zonalsam.pgn

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