FIDE Women's World Chess Championship cycle 1969-1972 |
[ Competition summary || European zonal 1 | European zonal 2 | Soviet zonal | US zonal | South American zonal || Interzonal || Candidates SF | Candidates F || WCh match ]
South American zonal :: Mar del Plata 1969 |
<< [ Crosstable || Information ] >>
South American zonal |
Dates: |
30th March - 9th April 1969 |
City: |
Mar del Plata (Argentina) |
Venue: |
Organizers: |
Chief Arbiter: |
Players participating: |
6 (incl. 1 WIM) |
Games played: |
30 |
Competition format: |
Double Round Robin |
Tie-breaks: |
none |
Time control: |
PGN game file: |
wwc1972-zonalsam.pgn |
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