15th Asian Team Chess Championship: Visakhapatnam 2008

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Basic data

15th Asian Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 2nd - 9th January 2008
Note! The event was labelled as 2007 team championship
City: Visakhapatnam, India
Venue: Swarna Bharathi A/C Indoor Stadium
Tournament Director: Mr. K. V. V. Sarma (IND)
Chief Arbiter: IA Casto Abundo (PHI)
Teams participating: 8 (incl. India "A" a.k.a. "India Reds" and India "B" a.k.a. "India Blues")
Players participating: 39 (incl. 20 GMs and 8 IMs)
Games played: 112
Competition format: Four board round robin.
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Game points
Time control: 40 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game, 30 sec. increment after each move
Website: http://www.vizagchess.net (cached)
Tournament logo: VISAKHAPATNAM 2008
Downloadable game file: 08asiatch.zip

Tournament review

ISAKHAPATNAM: The Asian team chess championship, with eight teams each contesting in both the open and women sections, commenced here on Wednesday. Both the championships would be held under round robin format. While China, with two rated players Wang Yue and Bu Xaingzhi, with a team average of 2,661 leads among the contestants, India Reds team with team average of 2,584 is seeded next to the leaders. The top board Indian player Sasikiran has a rating of 2,677 in the newly released rating list. Four times National Champion Surya Shekar Ganguly is also playing on the second board followed by GM Abijit Kunte, GM G N Gopal and GM elect Abhijit Gupta. Vietnam and Uzbekistan with average ratings of 2,533 and 2,528, respectively, are seeded third and fourth while Iran is rated fifth. Having beaten China in the rapid version of Asian Indoor Games, Macau and Asian Games, Doha the Indians are expected to repeat it in their homeland also. Former Asian Junior Champion Deepan Chakaravarthy is captaining India. On the distaff side also, China tops the field with an average rating of 2,491, followed by India Reds with 2,427. The 13-year-old prodigy and the top most junior player Hou Yifan of China with 2,527 leads the field. In the absence of world number two Koneru Humpy, Dronavalli Harika captains India Reds. The other players in the team are Nisha Mohota, Asian women Champion Tania Sachdev and former under-18 World Champion Aarthie Ramaswamy. Additional Commissioner of Income Tax B Jayakuamar inaugurated the event, for which Deputy President of Asian Chess Federation Mc Casto Abundo is the chief arbiter.

Individual medals

1st Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Nguyễn Ngọc Trường Sơn Vietnam VIE 5 7 71.4
2. GM Sasikiran, Krishnan India IND 5 70.0
3. GM Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan Iran IRI 4 6 66.7

2nd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Lê Quang Liêm Vietnam VIE 7 78.6
2. GM Ganguly, Surya Shekhar India IND 7 78.6
3. GM Bu Xiangzhi China CHN 7 78.6

3rd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Wang Hao China CHN 5 6 83.3
2. GM Nguyễn Anh Dũng Vietnam VIE 5 7 71.4
3. GM Kunte, Abhijit India IND 3 5 60.0

4th Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. IM Gopal, Geetha Narayanan India IND 4 5 80.0
2. GM Dzhumaev, Marat Uzbekistan UZB 5 7 71.4
3. GM Đào Thiên Hải Vietnam VIE 7 50.0

Reserve Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Zhou Jianchao China CHN 5 6 83.3
2. IM Gupta, Abhijeet India IND 6 58.3
3. Nasri, Amin Iran IRI 2 4 50.0

Interesting games


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