38th Chess Olympiad: Dresden 2008

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Basic data

38th Chess Olympiad
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 13th - 25th November 2008
City: Dresden, Germany
Venue: International Congress Center
President of Organizing Committee: Mr. Winfried Lehmann (GER)
Tournament Director: Mr. Horst Metzing (GER)
Chief Arbiter: IA Ignatius Leong (SIN)
Teams participating: 146 (incl. three German teams)
Players participating: 729 (incl. 243 GMs, 132 IMs, 1 WGM, 81 FMs, 22 CMs, 1 WFM and 1 WCM)
Games played: 3204 (109 games were forfeited)
Competition format: Four board eleven round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Deducted Berger; 3. Deducted sum of match points; 4. Game points (see explanations)
Time control: 40 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game; 30 sec. increment from move 1
No player was not able to offer a draw before the 30th move played.
Website: http://www.38chessolympiad.com
Other websites: ...
Downloadable game file: 08olm.zip

Tournament review


Individual medals

1st Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Lékó, Péter Hungary HUN 2834
2. GM Gelfand, Boris Israel ISR 2833
3. GM Topalov, Veselin Bulgaria BUL 2821

2nd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Akopian, Vladimir Armenia ARM 2813
2. GM Vallejo Pons, Francisco Spain ESP 2807
3. GM Kotronias, Vasilios Greece GRE 2781

3rd Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Sargissian, Gabriel Armenia ARM 2869
2. GM Gashimov, Vugar Azerbaijan AZE 2765
3. GM Hillarp Persson, Tiger Sweden SWE 2762

4th Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Blagojević, Dragiša Montenegro MNE 2792
2. GM Delchev, Alexander Bulgaria BUL 2788
3. GM Fridman, Daniel Germany GER 2741

1st Reserve Board
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Yakovenko, Dmitry Russia RUS 2794
2. GM Rodshtein, Maxim Israel ISR 2776
3. GM Berkes, Ferenc Hungary HUN 2696

Nona Gaprindashvili International Trophy
no. country ∑ MP ∑ dSB ∑ dSMP ∑ pts
1. Ukraine 35 755.0 309 55½
2. Armenia 35 753.5 297 59
3. United States 34 752.5 290 59½
4. Georgia 34 732.5 286 59
5. Russia 33 742.0 300 56½
6. Israel 33 702.5 286 55½

This trophy is awarded to the country with biggest sum
of game points scored by men and women.

Category Prizes
cat. seed range country MP dSB
A 1-29* Ukraine 17 348.5
B 30-58 Vietnam 16 340.0
C 59-87 Paraguay 13 220.5
D 88-116 Luxembourg 11 177.5
E 117-146 Pakistan 11 234.5

Category prizes are awarded in separate categories
for best teams within selected seeding numbers.
*Medal winners do not apply.

Interesting games

Shortest decisive game.
() - () 1 - 0

Longest game.
() - () 1 - 0


Trivium 1: ...


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