7th European U18 Team Chess Championship (boys): Subotica 2007

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Basic data

7th European U18 Team Chess Championship (boys)
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 7th - 14th July 2007
City: Subotica, Serbia (autonomous region of Vojvodina)
Venue: Nepker Cultural Center
Chairman of Organizing Committee: Mr. Gabor Nemeš (SRB)
Tournament Director: Mr. Vladimir Šakotić (SRB)
Chief Arbiter: IA Sava Kizova (SRB)
Teams participating: 12 (incl. 3 Serbian teams and the home team Spartak Subotica)
Open to players born after 1.1.1989
Players participating: 56 (incl. 5 IMs and 3 FMs)
Games played: 168
Competition format: Four board seven round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Match points; 2. Game points; 3. Buchholz; 4. Berger
Time control: 40 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for the rest of the game, 30 sec. increment after each move
Official logo: SUBOTICA 2007
Website: http://www.spartakchess.com (cached)
Downloadable game file: 07eurotch-b.zip

Tournament review

The victorous Hungarian teamThere were just 12 teams willing to enter this competition including four domestic sides. Neither Russia, the titleholders, nor Germany, bronze medal winners from 2006, arrived to Serbia. The championship drew six IMs and no GM and the top player was Prohászka of Hungary (Elo 2486). Hungary were certain of gold. Potential podium position winners list included Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Slovakia. As it happened, the underestimated Turkish team, who appeared after four year long gap, creeped between the big wigs to grab silver medals behind Hungary to keep Croatia back in third. The Turks took 10 match points out of possible 14 despite very poor start (one draw and one loss). Hungary took easy win even though they lost 3-1 to Bulgaria on day three.

Hungary's success relied mostly on Bánusz's excellent performance at top board (5½/6, Elo 2712) to compensate excepionaly bad shape of IM Bérczes (2450) at board #3 (1/4, Elo performed 1940!). Other notable individual results were scored by FM Roganović (Serbia), Yılmazyerli (Turkey) and Räisänen (Finland) - 6/7 each, interestingly all of them were put at board #3.

Curiously, top two teams, Hungary and Turkey did not meet each other although as much as 7 rounds were played in a twelve team Swiss. Also, none of 28 games played by Slovak juniors ended up with a draw.

Individual medals

1st Board
no. name code pts gms %
1. IM Bánusz, Tamás HUN 6 91.7
2. IM Šarić, Ivan CRO 7 78.6
3. Farkas, Gábor SVK 5 7 71.4

2nd Board
no. name code pts gms %
1. IM Szabó, Krisztián HUN 5 7 71.4
2. Hrabuša, Matej SVK 5 7 71.4
3. Enchev, Ivajlo BUL 7 64.3

3rd Board
no. name code pts gms %
1. FM Roganović, Miloš SRB 6 7 85.7
2. Yılmazyerli, Mert TUR 6 7 85.7
3. Räisänen, Kim FIN 6 7 85.7

Interesting games

White making history: he beat a guy rated 441 Elo higher than himself!
Moreover, he made brilliant sac of a Rook.
Vlashki, Nino (BUL) - Bérczes, Dávid (HUN) 1 - 0

As it turned, Nxh2 was not correct, but Black was lost anyway.
Bánusz, Tamás (HUN) - Šarić, Ivan (CRO) 1 - 0

Never, just never allow white Knight to settle at d6!
Prohászka, Péter (HUN) - Gabrić, Goran (SRB3) 1 - 0

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