12th European Team Chess Championship: Batumi 1999

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Individual medals | Interesting games ]

Basic data

12th European Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 27th November - 8th December 1999
City: Batumi, Georgia
Venue: N/A
Tournament Director: N/A
Chief Arbiter: N/A
Teams participating: 36 (incl. Georgia "B")
Players participating: 175 (incl. 100 GMs, 50 IMs and 8 FMs)
Games played: 648
Competition format: Four board nine round Swiss.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Buchholz; 3. Match points
Time control: probably 40 moves in 2 hours, then each next 20 moves in one hour
Official logo: Batumi 1999
Downloadable game file: 99etch.zip

Tournament review


Individual medals

Best Rating Performance
no. name flag code ELOp
1. GM Topalov, Veselin Bulgaria BUL 2778
2. GM Lékó, Péter Hungary HUN 2774
3. GM Krasenkow, Michał Poland POL 2773

1st Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Shirov, Alexei Spain ESP 6 8 75.0
2. GM Krasenkow, Michał Poland POL 9 72.2
3. GM Atalık, Suat Turkey TUR 8 68.8

2nd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Georgiev, Kiril Bulgaria BUL 9 72.2
2. GM Polgár, Judit Hungary HUN 9 72.2
3. GM Palac, Mladen Croatia CRO 9 72.2

3rd Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Anastasian, Ashot Armenia ARM 9 72.2
2. GM Miezis, Normunds Latvia LAT 9 72.2
3. GM Yrjölä, Jouni Finland FIN 5 7 71.4

4th Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Psakhis, Lev Israel ISR 7 78.6
2. GM Kempiński, Robert Poland POL 5 7 71.4
3. IM Oral, Tomáš Czech Republic CZE 5 7 71.4

1st Reserve Board
no. name flag code pts gms %
1. GM Reinderman, Dimitri Netherlands NED 6 8 75.0
2. Erdoğan, Hakan Turkey TUR 6 75.0
3. GM Chandler, Murray Graham England ENG 5 7 71.4

Interesting games


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