1st World Junior Team Chess Championship: Rio de Janeiro 1998

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[ Basic data | Tournament review | Best board results | Interesting games ]

Basic data

1st World Junior Team Chess Championship
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 24th - 31st August 1998
City: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Venue: Sesc Copacabana Hotel
Tournament Director: N/A
Chief Arbiter: N/A
Teams participating: 11 from 8 countries
Players participating: 33 (incl. 3 IMs, 2 WGMs and 1 WIM)
Each team comprised of 2 boys and 1 girl.
Games played: 105
Competition format: Two stage four board round robin.
Results from preliminaries were carried over.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Match points
Time control: N/A
Website: http://www.fexerj.com.br/iwjtcc.htm
Downloadable game file: 98junwtch.zip

Tournament review

The game hall.The premier edition of the World U20 Team Championship took place in Copacabana (the district of Rio de Janeiro) famous from its 4 kilometer long beach. Boys and girls played in one group: each team consisted of three players. The starting list was not very impressive. Only two non-South American teams, namely Poland and Hungary, arrived. Poland had Bartosz Soćko at top board followed by two top Polish junior female players while Hungary was led by Nóra Medvegy. All of top South American teams came to Rio, including Brazil with Vescovi at top board (2525 Elo, top rated player of the event) and Peralta of Argentina. Poland were top seeds ahead of Brazil and Hungary.

Winning teams receive their trophies.The game system was split info two stages. There were two preliminary groups counting six and five teams respectively. Top two teams of each group went to the championship final while the rest were relegated into consecutive final groups. The results from preliminaries were carried over to the finals, so only two rounds were scheduled in the final phase. Poland easily won group 1 dropping just three fractions ahead of Argentina who outplayed Venezuela. Brazil "A" came first in group 2 winning 11 games and losing one, fortunately they lost to Peruvian player and the result was deleted since Peru did not qualify to the top four, losing to Hungary. Brazil were a fraction ahead of Poland in the beginning of the games of the final group thanks to 3-0 vs Hungary scored in the preliminaries. The two met on the next day and tied after fierce battle. Hungary beat Argentina in an unofficial bronze medal match. On the last round Brazil managed to hold Poland and retain the lead defeating 2-1 Argentina. Poland took second position and Hungary came third. Venezuela won consolation group to take fifth position. Joanna Dworakowska of Poland (women's board) shot a perfect ten with 7/7 record. Giovanni Vescovi was best male player scoring 5½/6 at top board.

Best board results

1st Board
no. name flag code fin. pts gms %
1. IM Vescovi, Giovanni Brazil BRA A 6 91.7
2. IM Soćko, Bartosz Poland POL A 7 78.6
3. IM Peralta, Fernando Argentina ARG A 5 7 71.4

2nd Board
no. name flag code fin. pts gms %
1. Blanco, Cristobal Venezuela VEN B 7 78.6
2. Tóth, András Hungary HUN A 6 75.0
3. Benares de Sá Leitão, Ricardo Brazil BRA A 4 6 66.7

3rd Board
no. name flag code fin. pts gms %
1. WGM Dworakowska, Joanna Poland POL A 7 7 100.0
2. WIM Ratcu, Tatiana Brazil BRA A 5 6 83.3
3. Ubaldo, María Venezuela VEN B 5 7 71.4

Interesting games

The horror game scored decisive point for Brazil.
Ratcu, Tatiana (BRA) - Maggiolo, Elisa (ARG) 1 - 0

A very good Kingside attack - a refutation of the Sicilian.
Benares de Sá Leitão, Ricardo (BRA) - Tóth, András (HUN) 1 - 0

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