30th Chess Olympiad: Manila 1992

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
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1. IM Abdelnabbi, Imed 2395 Egypt 2 EGY 10 1 5 4 35.0 2406 2296 64. 79.
2. Abdul Rahman, Abdullah United Arab Emirates 1 res. UAE 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2383 67.
3. Abdulghafour, Yousef Qatar 1 res. QAT 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 2138 2081 79. 44.
4. Abdulghafour, Zayed Qatar 2 res. QAT 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 2000 79.
5. Abdullah, A. Mohammed Qatar 4 QAT 4 11 3 2 6 36.4 2186 2084 79. 75.
6. FM Abdullah, Mansoor United Arab Emirates 1 UAE 12 3 5 4 45.8 2260 2231 67. 64.
7. Abu Hatib, E. Palestine 2 res. PLE 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
8. Abu Hulayqah, E. Qatar 3 QAT 6 0 3 3 25.0 2187 1994 79.
9. Abu Mialah, N. Palestine 1 res. PLE 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 2026 1833 98. 54.
10. GM Adams, Michael 2620 England 3 ENG 11 5 3 3 59.1 2497 2562 10. 20.
11. GM Adorján, András 2535 Hungary 1 res. HUN 4 1 1 2 37.5 2421 2334 17.
12. IM Afifi, Assem 2395 Egypt 3 EGY 5 10 2 6 2 50.0 2361 2361 64. 46.
13. Aguilar Novoa, Juan 2315 Peru 1 res. PER 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2408 2321 26. 48.
14. Ahmed Farhan, Mukhtar Yemen 4 YEM 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 103.
15. Ahmed Zaid, Abdelnour 2225 Algeria 1 res. ALG 7 2 1 4 35.7 2151 2049 66. 52.
16. Ai'io, Mark Papua New Guinea 3 PNG 10 1 1 8 15.0 2073 1777 91. 90.
17. Akintola, Fola Nigeria 4 NGR 11 5 3 3 59.1 2101 2166 76. 32.
18. GM Akopian, Vladimir 2605 Armenia 2 ARM 8 12 5 6 1 66.7 2559 2684 3. 9.
19. Aksoy, H. Turkey 2 res. TUR 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
20. Al-Hadarani, Hatim Yemen 2 YEM 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 103.
21. Al-Kharazi, Khaled Yemen 3 YEM 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 103.
22. IM Al-Modiahki, Mohamad 2290 Qatar 1 QAT 14 8 1 5 60.7 2275 2355 79. 23.
23. FM Alaan, Vince 2385 The Philippines 3 PHI2 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2394 2201 44.
24. Alhousseyni, Hasseye Mali 1 res. MLI 9 4 1 4 50.0 2076 2076 95. 29.
25. IM Alterman, Boris 2515 Israel 3 ISR 12 7 3 2 70.8 2467 2625 11. 5.
26. Amarasinghe, R. T. Sri Lanka 2 res. SRI 7 2 3 2 50.0 2034 2034 68. 35.
27. Amarawickrama, Himanshu Akhila Sri Lanka 3 SRI 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2150 2186 68. 37.
28. GM Anand, Viswanathan 2670 India 1 IND 8 12 4 8 0 66.7 2543 2668 22. 10.
29. IM Anastasian, Ashot 2490 Armenia 2 res. ARM 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 2440 2315 3.
30. GM Andersson, Ulf 2605 Sweden 1 SWE 6 10 2 8 0 60.0 2551 2623 18. 24.
31. Andolo, Humphrey Kenya 3 KEN 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 104.
32. Annageldiev, Orazly 2420 Turkmenistan 2 TKM 14 8 3 3 67.9 2424 2557 30. 7.
33. Annakov, Babakuly 2365 Turkmenistan 3 TKM 14 6 1 7 46.4 2365 2336 30. 55.
34. IM Antonio, Rogelio jr 2500 The Philippines 2 PHI 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 2374 2499 31. 10.
35. IM Antunes, António 2465 Portugal 1 POR 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2432 2345 43.
36. Aparaugo, Thomas Nigeria 1 res. NGR 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 2184 1991 76.
37. IM Arlandi, Ennio 2420 Italy 3 ITA 9 3 3 3 50.0 2484 2441 29. 52.
38. GM Árnason, Jón 2515 Iceland 4 ISL 7 11 4 6 1 63.6 2500 2602 6. 19.
39. IM Asanov, Bolat 2405 Kazakhstan 1 KAZ 10 1 3 6 25.0 2501 2308 45. 92.
40. Assaf, Mansour Lebanon 3 LIB 6 13 5 2 6 46.2 2130 2101 69. 57.
41. IM Atalık, Suat 2455 Turkey 1 TUR 10 14 8 4 2 71.4 2301 2459 37. 6.
42. FM Aturupane, G. H. A. 2340 Sri Lanka 1 SRI 4 10 2 4 4 40.0 2282 2210 68. 76.
43. Atutubo, Rodrigo The Philippines 2 res. PHI 8 3 3 2 56.3 2333 2376 31. 24.
44. GM Azmaiparashvili, Zurab 2610 Georgia 1 GEO 13 6 5 2 65.4 2582 2692 8. 12.
45. Babu, N. Sudhakar 2365 India 2 res. IND 3 5 1 4 0 60.0 2287 2359 22.
46. GM Bagirovs, Vladimirs 2500 Latvia 4 LAT 4 8 1 6 1 50.0 2476 2476 5.
47. FM Bammoune, Abd'Ennacer 2305 Algeria 3 ALG 4 11 2 4 5 36.4 2235 2133 66. 77.
48. IM Barcenilla, Rogelio 2465 The Philippines 3 PHI 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2411 2368 31. 64.
49. IM Barle, Janez 2430 Slovenia 2 SLO 13 3 9 1 57.7 2424 2481 21. 30.
50. GM Barua, Dibyendu 2555 India 2 IND 6 11 2 8 1 54.5 2509 2545 22. 38.
51. Battin, Richard Seychelles 1 SEY 11 2 1 8 22.7 2098 1802 102. 93.
52. Baudot, Denis Luxembourg 2 res. LUX 8 2 1 5 31.3 2201 2060 71. 45.
53. GM Beliavsky, Alexander 2620 Ukraine 2 UKR 12 3 7 2 54.2 2548 2577 9. 41.
54. GM Bellón López, Juan Manuel 2435 Spain 3 ESP 11 4 3 4 50.0 2345 2345 41. 45.
55. Bendaña, Guy Nicaragua 4 NCA 14 4 3 7 39.3 2053 1973 80. 69.
56. GM Benjamin, Joel 2555 United States 2 res. USA 8 4 3 1 68.8 2448 2589 4. 8.
57. FM Bennis, Zakaria 2280 Morocco 3 MAR 10 2 3 5 35.0 2211 2101 77. 79.
58. FM Berend, Fred 2275 Luxembourg 1 LUX 6 14 5 2 7 42.9 2322 2272 71. 68.
59. IM Bern, Ivar 2395 Norway 4 NOR 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 2417 2417 33. 39.
60. Bhowany, Hurrynarain Mauritius 2 res. MRI 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
61. GM Blatný, Pavel 2480 Czechoslovakia 1 res. CSR 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2462 2337 14.
62. GM Bologan, Viorel 2585 Moldova 1 MDA 14 5 3 6 46.4 2439 2410 35. 61.
63. FM Bolzoni, Victor Angel 2300 Belgium 2 res. BEL 9 2 1 6 27.8 2254 2088 50. 47.
64. Borge, Nikolaj 2335 Denmark 2 res. DEN 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2246 2174 48.
65. Borman, Philip Guernsey-Jersey 3 GBG 7 14 6 2 6 50.0 2122 2122 94. 41.
66. Bouah, Lyndon Republic of South Africa 1 res. RSA 10 4 1 5 45.0 2206 2126 63. 36.
67. IM Bouaziz, Slim 2385 Tunisia 1 TUN 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2399 2399 56. 54.
68. IM Boudiba, Mahfoud 2375 Algeria 1 ALG 4 12 2 4 6 33.3 2298 2173 66. 85.
69. Boxall, Graham Guernsey-Jersey 4 GBG 14 4 3 7 39.3 2056 1976 94. 68.
70. Brady, Stephen 2320 Ireland 3 IRL 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2213 2213 82. 48.
71. FM Braga, Cícero 2355 Brazil 1 res. BRA 7 3 1 3 50.0 2241 2241 28. 33.
72. IM Braga, Fernando 2405 Italy 1 res. ITA 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2418 2638 29. 5.
73. IM Bricard, Emmanuel 2430 France 1 res. FRA 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2418 2375 27. 38.
74. Briffel Sobrinho, Francisco 2215 Angola 3 ANG 3 11 1 4 6 27.3 2200 2025 74. 88.
75. Brown, Kevin Jamaica 3 JAM 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2123 2123 93. 44.
76. Brown, Paul Fiji 1 FIJ 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2108 2108 99. 35.
77. IM Brunner, Lucas 2500 Switzerland 2 SUI 7 11 6 2 3 63.6 2429 2531 15. 15.
78. IM Brynell, Stellan 2410 Sweden 2 res. SWE 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2305 2255 18. 38.
79. FM Bryson, Douglas 2335 Scotland 4 SCO 5 1 1 3 30.0 2358 2209 55.
80. Buthali, Dabilani Botswana 3 BOT ½ 6 0 1 5 8.3 2110 1709 86.
81. Camilleri, Stephan Malta 2 MLT 10 3 1 6 35.0 2102 1992 92. 83.
82. GM Cámpora, Daniel Hugo 2550 Argentina 1 ARG 12 3 9 0 62.5 2445 2540 34. 17.
83. IM Campos Moreno, Javier 2505 Chile 1 CHI 14 4 5 5 46.4 2438 2409 57. 62.
84. Cao Sang Vietnam 3 VIE 4 11 3 2 6 36.4 2290 2188 53. 76.
85. IM Castro Rojas, Oscar Humberto 2385 Colombia 4 COL 12 5 5 2 62.5 2345 2440 20. 21.
86. GM Cebalo, Mišo 2515 Croatia 1 CRO 9 2 3 4 38.9 2552 2472 7. 79.
87. Chakurira, Svunurai Zimbabwe 4 ZIM 10 5 1 4 55.0 2062 2098 89. 38.
88. GM Chandler, Murray Graham 2590 England 1 res. ENG 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2473 2401 10.
89. Charlette, R. Seychelles 2 res. SEY 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2000 102.
90. Chau Sau Ming Hong Kong 3 HKG 12 4 1 7 37.5 2091 2026 85. 74.
91. Cheah Woon Leng, Eric 2275 Malaysia 1 MAS 7 13 6 2 5 53.8 2262 2291 78. 43.
92. Chinasamy, Devarajen Mauritius 2 MRI 5 14 3 4 7 35.7 2083 1981 84. 78.
93. Chorfi, Khaled Morocco 1 res. MAR 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2086 1999 77. 51.
94. GM Christiansen, Larry 2595 United States 4 USA 9 3 5 1 61.1 2475 2555 4. 25.
95. Chudleigh, Nigel Bermuda 2 BER 9 1 1 7 16.7 2086 1835 100. 94.
96. Clarke, Thomas 2225 Ireland 2 res. IRL 4 8 4 0 4 50.0 2118 2118 82. 32.
97. Cochrane, John Miles 2205 Zimbabwe 2 ZIM 4 12 2 4 6 33.3 2264 2139 89. 84.
98. IM Cooper, John Grantley 2360 Wales 1 WLS 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2367 2424 75. 26.
99. IM Costa, Jean Luc 2425 Switzerland 1 res. SUI 10 5 3 2 65.0 2382 2492 15. 14.
100. GM Cramling, Pia 2530 Sweden 4 SWE 10 6 3 1 75.0 2391 2584 18. 4.
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101. GM Cvitan, Ognjen 2505 Croatia 2 res. CRO 8 10 6 4 0 80.0 2397 2637 7. 1.
102. IM D'Amore, Carlo 2405 Italy 2 res. ITA 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2390 2485 29. 16.
103. Dada, Adebola 2205 Nigeria 1 NGR 3 10 2 2 6 30.0 2266 2117 76. 89.
104. Daly, Colm 2225 Ireland 2 IRL 11 5 1 5 50.0 2249 2249 82. 53.
105. IM Dâmaso, Rui 2450 Portugal 3 POR 3 10 2 2 6 30.0 2393 2244 43. 84.
106. Dambrauskas, Virginijus 2310 Lithuania 1 res. LTU 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2227 2102 24.
107. IM Danielsen, Henrik 2390 Denmark 1 res. DEN 11 4 5 2 59.1 2356 2421 48. 18.
108. IM Davidovic, Aleksander 2410 Australia 2 res. AUS 9 3 5 1 61.1 2258 2338 46. 20.
109. Dávila, Edmundo 2260 Nicaragua 1 NCA 6 14 5 2 7 42.9 2140 2111 80. 69.
110. IM Day, Lawrence 2395 Canada 1 res. CAN 1 6 0 2 4 16.7 2405 2132 54.
111. De Asa, Jay Jay Fiji 2 res. FIJ 4 7 4 0 3 57.1 2000 2125 99. 22.
112. De Asa, Virgilio Fiji 3 FIJ 3 10 2 2 6 30.0 2073 1924 99. 86.
113. IM De Guzman, Ricardo 2390 The Philippines 4 PHI 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2344 2257 31.
114. De Villiers, Charles Republic of South Africa 2 RSA 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2320 2356 63. 28.
115. Deo, Satendra Fiji 2 FIJ 11 2 1 8 22.7 2134 1838 99. 92.
116. Diallo, R. Mali 1 MLI 4 10 4 0 6 40.0 2123 2080 95. 77.
117. GM Dizdar, Goran 2495 Croatia 1 res. CRO 9 5 3 1 72.2 2469 2635 7. 8.
118. GM Dizdarević, Emir 2505 Bosnia & Herzegovina 4 BIH 9 14 6 6 2 64.3 2460 2562 12. 18.
119. IM Djurhuus, Rune 2420 Norway 3 NOR 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 2427 2568 33. 7.
120. Doghri, Nabil 2300 Tunisia 4 TUN 9 13 8 2 3 69.2 2229 2370 56. 10.
121. GM Dolmatov, Sergei 2595 Russia 3 RUS 6 9 3 6 0 66.7 2564 2689 1. 8.
122. Donguines, Fernie 2435 The Philippines 3 PHI3 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2331 2331 42.
123. Dpore, D. Kenya 1 res. KEN 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 104.
124. GM Dreev, Alexei 2580 Russia 4 RUS 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2518 2475 1. 64.
125. Dreyer, Martin 2235 New Zealand 1 res. NZL 9 6 1 2 72.2 2153 2319 61. 9.
126. Dridi, Ali 2205 Tunisia 1 res. TUN 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2262 2212 56. 43.
127. Dür, Werner 2275 Austria 2 res. AUT 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2321 2470 47. 6.
128. FM Dutreeuw, Marc 2425 Belgium 2 BEL 9 5 3 1 72.2 2466 2607 50. 4.
129. -- empty board -- 3 res. ESA 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 101.
130. -- empty board -- 2 res. ISV 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2000 97.
131. Echeikh Mohamed, K. Tunisia 2 res. TUN 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2000 56.
132. Egger Mancilla, Jorge 2355 Chile 3 CHI 10 4 3 3 55.0 2323 2359 57. 34.
133. GM Ehlvest, Jaan 2615 Estonia 1 EST 12 2 9 1 54.2 2529 2558 25. 38.
134. GM Eingorn, Vyacheslav 2580 Ukraine 4 UKR 10 3 5 2 55.0 2459 2495 9. 36.
135. El-Khatib, M. Palestine 3 PLE 4 13 3 2 8 30.8 2096 1955 98. 82.
136. El-Khoury, A. Lebanon 1 res. LIB 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2127 1887 69.
137. IM El-Taher, Fouad 2400 Egypt 1 EGY 11 3 5 3 50.0 2406 2406 64. 57.
138. Elbilia, Jacques 2220 Morocco 2 MAR 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 2258 2186 77. 74.
139. Elkuch, Harald Liechtenstein 2 LIE 7 13 7 0 6 53.8 2115 2115 90. 46.
140. Enhbat, Cendragchaa 2300 Mongolia 2 MGL 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2366 2279 58.
141. Enhbat, Tegshsuren 2205 Mongolia 1 MGL 5 12 3 4 5 41.7 2415 2358 58. 71.
142. Erigayama, S. Sri Lanka 1 res. SRI 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2126 2126 68. 32.
143. GM Ermenkov, Evgeny 2505 Bulgaria 3 BUL 9 1 7 1 50.0 2462 2462 19. 51.
144. GM Ernst, Thomas 2535 Sweden 2 SWE 10 3 5 2 55.0 2464 2500 18. 34.
145. IM Espinosa Flores, Rafael 2430 Mexico 4 MEX 11 4 7 0 68.2 2225 2358 51. 12.
146. Fairclough, Neil 2220 Jamaica 1 JAM 12 3 3 6 37.5 2251 2164 93. 81.
147. Fancy, Stuart 2205 Papua New Guinea 2 PNG 8 10 8 0 2 80.0 2085 2325 91. 2.
148. Feger, D. Liechtenstein 1 res. LIE 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 2083 1890 90.
149. IM Fernandes, António 2440 Portugal 2 POR 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2392 2612 43. 3.
150. GM Fernández García, José Luís 2465 Spain 1 res. ESP 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2282 2332 41. 19.
151. Fossan, Erik 2315 Norway 1 res. NOR 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2417 1617 33.
152. IM Franzoni, Giancarlo 2440 Switzerland 4 SUI 9 3 3 3 50.0 2412 2412 15. 54.
153. Frick, Renato 2210 Liechtenstein 1 LIE 9 14 8 2 4 64.3 2101 2188 90. 14.
154. IM Fróis, António 2380 Portugal 1 res. POR 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2398 2355 43. 39.
155. GM Ftáčnik, Ľubomír 2550 Czechoslovakia 1 CSR 8 14 3 10 1 57.1 2511 2561 14. 32.
156. Fufuengmongkolkij, Kiart 2205 Thailand 1 THA 13 6 1 6 50.0 2278 2278 73. 51.
157. Gadhi, Hamaid Yemen 1 YEM 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 103.
158. FM Galego, Luís 2405 Portugal 4 POR 8 11 6 4 1 72.7 2375 2550 43. 6.
159. Gallego Martínez, Ruben 2260 Andorra 2 AND 8 13 7 2 4 61.5 2248 2335 59. 22.
160. Gamboa, Nelson 2405 Colombia 3 COL 10 4 1 5 45.0 2421 2341 20. 63.
161. Garbett, Paul Anthony 2305 New Zealand 4 NZL 4 10 4 0 6 40.0 2308 2236 61. 67.
162. García Núñez, Albert Andorra 1 res. AND 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 2131 2256 59. 11.
163. GM García Palermo, Carlos 2465 Italy 1 ITA 11 5 1 5 50.0 2530 2494 29. 56.
164. García Paolicchi, Raül 2270 Andorra 1 AND 12 5 3 4 54.2 2287 2316 59. 41.
165. IM García, Gildardo 2485 Colombia 2 COL 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2518 2554 20. 37.
166. Garma, Chito 2330 The Philippines 2 PHI3 11 3 3 5 40.9 2410 2345 42. 73.
167. Garméndez González, Florentino 2325 Mexico 1 res. MEX 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 2228 2156 51.
168. IM Gausel, Einar 2445 Norway 1 NOR 13 4 5 4 50.0 2526 2555 33. 49.
169. GM Gavrikov, Viktor 2560 Lithuania 2 LTU 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
170. IM Gdański, Jacek 2435 Poland 3 POL 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 2397 2433 32. 35.
171. FM Geenen, Marc 2340 Belgium 4 BEL 4 10 1 6 3 40.0 2338 2266 50. 66.
172. Georgiadis, G. Cyprus 2 CYP 10 3 1 6 35.0 2236 2126 88. 81.
173. GM Georgiev, Kiril 2605 Bulgaria 1 BUL 13 6 5 2 65.4 2544 2654 19. 13.
174. GM Georgiev, Krum 2505 Bulgaria 4 BUL 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 2457 2529 19. 28.
175. Gillani, Tunveer Pakistan 1 PAK 12 6 1 5 54.2 2337 2366 70. 40.
176. IM Ginting, Nasib 2430 Indonesia 2 INA 13 4 5 4 50.0 2386 2386 40. 48.
177. IM Giorgadze, Giorgi 2525 Georgia 4 GEO 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 2448 2535 8. 23.
178. Gloria, Eric 2235 The Philippines 1 res. PHI2 6 7 6 0 1 85.7 2199 2508 44. 2.
179. Gluckman, David Republic of South Africa 3 RSA 12 5 3 4 54.2 2268 2268 63. 38.
180. IM Godena, Michele 2425 Italy 2 ITA 9 2 3 4 38.9 2504 2363 29. 75.
181. IM Gofshtein, Leonid 2485 Israel 4 ISR 9 4 3 2 61.1 2481 2561 11. 24.
182. Goh Yoon Wah Malaysia 2 res. MAS 9 5 1 3 61.1 2121 2201 78. 21.
183. IM Gómez Esteban, Juan Mario 2425 Spain 2 res. ESP 9 3 3 3 50.0 2289 2289 41. 29.
184. Gómez, J. Nicaragua 3 NCA 14 6 3 5 53.6 2108 2137 80. 40.
185. González, Sergio 2305 Colombia 2 res. COL 6 2 3 1 58.3 2267 2324 20.
186. IM Gostiša, Leon 2430 Slovenia 4 SLO 11 6 5 0 77.3 2315 2526 21. 3.
187. GM Granda Zuñiga, Julio 2615 Peru 1 PER 12 6 5 1 70.8 2483 2641 26. 7.
188. Grassi, Enrico 2205 San Marino 1 res. SMR 13 8 3 2 73.1 2077 2252 81. 7.
189. IM Grivas, Efstratios 2465 Greece 3 GRE 13 3 7 3 50.0 2411 2411 39. 42.
190. Grønn, Atle 2310 Norway 2 res. NOR 3 0 3 0 50.0 2280 2280 33.
191. IM Grosar, Aljoša 2455 Slovenia 1 SLO 14 5 5 4 53.6 2467 2496 21. 46.
192. GM Grünfeld, Yehuda 2510 Israel 1 res. ISR 6 9 4 4 1 66.7 2422 2547 11. 12.
193. Guerra, Caesar U.S. Virgin Islands 4 ISV 14 1 3 10 17.9 2043 1707 97. 80.
194. FM Guido Martines, René Nicaragua 1 res. NCA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
195. GM Gulko, Boris 2560 United States 1 res. USA 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2459 2679 4. 4.
196. GM Gurevich, Mikhail 2635 Belgium 1 BEL 10 5 5 0 75.0 2495 2688 50. 5.
197. IM Gutiérrez, José Antonio 2330 Colombia 1 res. COL 3 4 3 0 1 75.0 2242 2367 20.
198. Gutiérrez, Óscar Nicaragua 2 NCA 14 6 1 7 46.4 2119 2119 80. 58.
199. FM Haas, Georges 2285 Luxembourg 2 LUX 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 2263 2350 71. 21.
200. Hadjittofis, Yianakis Cyprus 4 CYP 9 2 5 2 50.0 2172 2172 88. 57.
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201. Hadjiyiannis, Constantinos Cyprus 3 CYP 9 3 3 3 50.0 2197 2197 88. 53.
202. FM Hakulinen, Esko Matti 2310 Finland 2 res. FIN 7 0 7 0 50.0 2276 2276 49. 34.
203. IM Hamdouchi, Hichem 2435 Morocco 1 MAR 11 7 1 3 68.2 2261 2394 77. 9.
204. WIM Hamid, Rani 2105 Bangladesh 2 BAN 12 2 5 5 37.5 2260 2173 60. 76.
205. Han, Hakan 2270 Turkey 1 res. TUR 4 6 3 2 1 66.7 2218 2343 37.
206. IM Handoko, Edhi 2390 Indonesia 3 INA 10 14 8 4 2 71.4 2347 2505 40. 4.
207. Hansen, Jens Christian 2245 Faroe Islands 3 FAI 3 10 1 4 5 30.0 2276 2127 65. 85.
208. Haque, Nazmul Bangladesh 2 res. BAN 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2000 60.
209. Hasan, Kayes Bangladesh 1 res. BAN 2 5 0 4 1 40.0 2260 2188 60.
210. Hashim, Ali Abdulrazak Qatar 2 QAT 12 4 3 5 45.8 2242 2213 79. 61.
211. Hassan, Sayed Barakat Egypt 2 res. EGY 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2134 2134 64. 31.
212. Hatanbaatar, Bazar Mongolia 2 res. MGL 8 11 7 2 2 72.7 2111 2286 58. 3.
213. Hawes, Jonathan Guernsey-Jersey 1 GBG 13 3 3 7 34.6 2171 2061 94. 84.
214. GM Hector, Jonny 2535 Sweden 3 SWE 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2419 2476 18. 24.
215. IM Hergott, Deen 2410 Canada 3 CAN 10 5 1 4 55.0 2364 2364 54. 33.
216. Hernández Ducos, Juan Chile 2 res. CHI 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
217. IM Hernández, Gilberto 2495 Mexico 1 MEX 3 10 1 4 5 30.0 2364 2215 51. 88.
218. Herndl, Harald R. Austria 1 res. AUT 3 6 1 4 1 50.0 2345 2345 47.
219. GM Hertneck, Gerald 2530 Germany 3 GER 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 2498 2555 13. 23.
220. Hesketh, B. Papua New Guinea 2 res. PNG 1 8 0 2 6 12.5 2077 1755 91. 50.
221. Himdan, Maher 2360 Egypt 4 EGY 6 1 3 2 41.7 2225 2168 64.
222. Hj Edin, L. Brunei 1 BRU 3 10 3 0 7 30.0 2078 1929 96. 91.
223. Hj Kura, Hj Abu Nipah Brunei 4 BRU 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2082 2082 96. 42.
224. Hj Matnor, H. Brunei 3 BRU 5 1 1 3 30.0 2220 2071 96.
225. Hj Mohktar, Mohd Saleh Brunei 2 BRU 11 1 1 9 13.6 2143 1834 96. 96.
226. GM Hjartarson, Jóhann 2580 Iceland 1 ISL 12 3 7 2 54.2 2598 2627 6. 37.
227. IM Hmadi, Slaheddine 2330 Tunisia 3 TUN 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2252 2216 56. 60.
228. Hồ Văn Huỳnh 2360 Vietnam 1 VIE 12 3 3 6 37.5 2345 2258 53. 80.
229. GM Hodgson, Julian Michael 2580 England 2 res. ENG 6 8 5 2 1 75.0 2392 2585 10. 2.
230. Hodgson, Lizette U.S. Virgin Islands 1 res. ISV 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2000 97.
231. IM Høi, Carsten 2430 Denmark 3 DEN 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2370 2283 48.
232. Holmes, Donald 2310 Scotland 2 res. SCO 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2291 2219 55.
233. Hook, William 2215 U.S. Virgin Islands 1 ISV 14 7 1 6 53.6 2084 2113 97. 47.
234. GM Hort, Vlastimil 2560 Germany 4 GER 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2366 2515 13. 9.
235. GM Horváth, József 2480 Hungary 2 res. HUN 7 2 3 2 50.0 2456 2456 17. 33.
236. Houna, Mohamed Mali 2 MLI 9 2 1 6 27.8 2128 1987 95. 89.
237. IM Hráček, Zbyněk 2460 Czechoslovakia 2 res. CSR 7 3 3 1 64.3 2418 2520 14. 13.
238. FM Hsu Li Yang 2290 Singapore 4 SIN 10 3 3 4 45.0 2215 2179 52. 62.
239. GM Hübner, Robert 2615 Germany 1 GER 8 1 5 2 43.8 2482 2439 13.
240. GM Hulak, Krunoslav 2515 Croatia 2 CRO 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2521 2557 7. 36.
241. Hurelbaatar, Chultemjamc 2320 Mongolia 1 res. MGL 9 4 1 4 50.0 2246 2246 58. 28.
242. Hutcheson, John 2235 Botswana 1 BOT 8 14 7 2 5 57.1 2186 2236 86. 34.
243. Hynes, Kilian 2245 Ireland 4 IRL 9 1 5 3 38.9 2151 2071 82. 71.
244. Ilham, Abd Hamid Brunei 1 res. BRU 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2230 1430 96.
245. Ilinsky, Vladimir 2340 Kyrgyzstan 2 res. KGZ 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2400 2400 38. 27.
246. Imanaliev, Taalaibek 2355 Kyrgyzstan 4 KGZ 9 3 3 3 50.0 2419 2419 38. 53.
247. IM Ionescu, Constantin 2465 Romania 3 ROM 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2385 2442 36. 25.
248. İpek, Ali 2255 Turkey 4 TUR 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2155 1962 37.
249. Irzhanov, Ruslan Kazakhstan 2 res. KAZ 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2252 2377 45.
250. FM Istrătescu, Andrei 2430 Romania 4 ROM 9 5 1 3 61.1 2366 2446 36. 26.
251. Iuldachev, Saidali 2355 Uzbekistan 2 res. UZB 4 2 1 1 62.5 2341 2436 2.
252. GM Ivanchuk, Vasyl 2720 Ukraine 1 UKR 13 6 5 2 65.4 2589 2699 9. 11.
253. Jackson, Roy U.S. Virgin Islands 2 ISV 12 8 1 3 70.8 2049 2207 97. 6.
254. James, David 2275 Wales 4 WLS 9 2 5 2 50.0 2251 2251 75. 55.
255. IM Janjgava, Lasha 2485 Georgia 2 res. GEO 2 4 0 4 0 50.0 2546 2546 8.
256. Jensen, Chris 2015 Bermuda 2 res. BER 2 7 2 0 5 28.6 2043 1885 100. 46.
257. Jiravorasuk, Banjuab Thailand 2 THA 10 2 3 5 35.0 2250 2140 73. 80.
258. Jobe, Mopati Botswana 2 res. BOT 4 7 2 4 1 57.1 2031 2081 86. 23.
259. IM Johansen, Darryl 2485 Australia 2 AUS 12 3 7 2 54.2 2482 2482 46. 43.
260. Jones, Iolo 2285 Wales 2 res. WLS 7 3 3 1 64.3 2138 2240 75. 14.
261. Jooty, A. Mauritius 4 MRI 13 7 1 5 57.7 2077 2077 84. 35.
262. IM Kaabi, Mejdi 2310 Tunisia 2 TUN 5 12 2 6 4 41.7 2325 2268 56. 71.
263. Kabuye, Emmanuel 2310 Uganda 2 res. UGA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
264. Kakageldiev, Amanmurad 2350 Turkmenistan 1 TKM 8 14 4 8 2 57.1 2464 2514 30. 33.
265. GM Kamsky, Gata 2655 United States 1 USA 13 4 7 2 57.7 2527 2584 4. 27.
266. Kamuhangire, Silver 2215 Uganda 3 UGA 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2118 2068 83. 65.
267. Kanengoni, Arnold Zimbabwe 3 ZIM 12 5 1 6 45.8 2200 2171 89. 58.
268. IM Kantsler, Boris 2445 Kyrgyzstan 2 KGZ 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 2460 2460 38. 49.
269. Kanyingi, Joseph Kenya 2 KEN 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 104.
270. GM Kasparov, Garry 2780 Russia 1 RUS 10 7 3 0 85.0 2612 2908 1. 2. + 1.
271. Kast, Harry Bermuda 1 BER 1 9 0 2 7 11.1 2053 1702 100. 95.
272. Kaufmann, Patrick Liechtenstein 2 res. LIE ½ 4 0 1 3 12.5 2051 1729 90.
273. Keen, Eric 2205 Bermuda 3 BER 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 2028 1941 100. 72.
274. GM Ķeņģis, Edvīns 2575 Latvia 2 LAT 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2503 2467 5. 62.
275. GM Khalifman, Alexander 2625 Russia 2 RUS 6 10 2 8 0 60.0 2585 2657 1. 24.
276. Khechen, Nabil 2230 Lebanon 1 LIB 11 4 1 6 40.9 2215 2150 69. 73.
277. Kiernan, Mark 2215 Hong Kong 4 HKG 4 8 2 4 2 50.0 2114 2114 85.
278. Kiik, Kalle 2395 Estonia 1 res. EST 3 4 2 2 0 75.0 2400 2593 25.
279. Kimende, Ralph Gerald Seychelles 1 res. SEY 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 2020 1845 102. 55.
280. IM Klovāns, Jānis 2410 Latvia 2 res. LAT 1 2 0 2 0 50.0 2335 5.
281. Kobese, Watu 2255 Republic of South Africa 4 RSA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
282. IM Koch, Jean-René 2460 France 2 res. FRA 4 9 1 6 2 44.4 2388 2345 27. 36.
283. IM Kolev, Atanas 2445 Bulgaria 1 res. BUL 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2388 2316 19.
284. IM Komliakov, Viktor 2415 Moldova 4 MDA 7 14 5 4 5 50.0 2322 2322 35. 44.
285. GM Kortschnoj, Viktor 2585 Switzerland 1 SUI 5 8 2 6 0 62.5 2501 2596 15.
286. GM Kotronias, Vasilios 2560 Greece 1 GRE 13 4 7 2 57.7 2512 2569 39. 28.
287. GM Kouatly, Bachar 2515 France 3 FRA 8 3 3 2 56.3 2434 2477 27.
288. GM Kovačević, Vlatko 2545 Croatia 4 CRO 6 1 3 2 41.7 2424 2367 7.
289. GM Kožul, Zdenko 2545 Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 res. BIH 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
290. FM Kramnik, Vladimir 2590 Russia 1 res. RUS 9 8 1 0 94.4 2514 2958 1. 1. + 1.
291. IM Kuczyński, Robert 2500 Poland 2 POL 12 3 7 2 54.2 2461 2490 32. 42.
292. Kumar, L. Fiji 1 res. FIJ 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 2082 2010 99. 45.
293. Kuo Tso Chi Hong Kong 2 res. HKG 7 0 3 4 21.4 2040 1847 85. 48.
294. GM Kurajica, Bojan 2585 Bosnia & Herzegovina 3 BIH 14 4 5 5 46.4 2471 2442 12. 54.
295. Kuwaza, Charles Zimbabwe 1 res. ZIM 10 5 3 2 65.0 2135 2245 89. 15.
296. IM Kveinys, Aloyzas 2485 Lithuania 4 LTU 7 14 4 6 4 50.0 2468 2468 24. 43.
297. GM Lalić, Bogdan 2515 Croatia 3 CRO 7 11 3 8 0 63.6 2465 2567 7. 10.
298. IM Landenbergue, Claude 2410 Switzerland 2 res. SUI 8 1 5 2 43.8 2391 2348 15. 37.
299. IM Lanka, Zigurds 2490 Latvia 1 res. LAT 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2483 2632 5. 10.
300. Lantsias, Costas Cyprus 2 res. CYP 9 2 3 4 38.9 2141 2061 88. 40.
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301. GM Lautier, Joël 2580 France 1 FRA 9 12 8 2 2 75.0 2509 2684 27. 4.
302. Lawen, Greg Seychelles 2 SEY 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 2084 1844 102. 91.
303. IM Leow, Leslie 2455 Singapore 1 SIN 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2353 2266 52.
304. FM Lesiege, Alexandre 2375 Canada 2 CAN 7 12 6 2 4 58.3 2386 2422 54. 27.
305. FM Lhagva, Jambaldoo 2310 Mongolia 4 MGL 3 6 3 0 3 50.0 2310 2382 58.
306. FM Lhagvasuren, Cedendemberel 2335 Mongolia 3 MGL 4 10 2 4 4 40.0 2295 2223 58. 70.
307. Li Ying, Patrick 2205 Mauritius 1 MRI 6 14 4 4 6 42.9 2122 2072 84. 70.
308. IM Liang Jinrong 2465 China 1 res. CHN 8 3 3 2 56.3 2298 2341 16. 23.
309. FM Lim Hoon Cheng 2325 Singapore 1 res. SIN 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2322 2322 52. 30.
310. IM Lima, Darcy 2440 Brazil 3 BRA 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 2423 2423 28. 43.
311. IM Lin Weiguo 2495 China 2 res. CHN 7 10 5 4 1 70.0 2292 2441 16. 7.
312. GM Lobron, Eric 2575 Germany 2 GER 12 4 7 1 62.5 2560 2655 13. 16.
313. IM Lodhi, Mahmood 2425 Pakistan 2 PAK 8 13 7 2 4 61.5 2279 2366 70. 20.
314. GM Loginov, Valery 2540 Uzbekistan 1 UZB 4 13 1 6 6 30.8 2584 2443 2. 87.
315. López Aragón, René 2250 El Salvador 1 res. ESA 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 101.
316. GM Lputian, Smbat 2560 Armenia 3 ARM 11 14 9 4 1 78.6 2522 2752 3. 3. + 2.
317. Luga, Allan Papua New Guinea 4 PNG 1 7 0 2 5 14.3 2070 1797 91.
318. GM Lutz, Christopher 2540 Germany 2 res. GER 4 8 2 4 2 50.0 2437 2437 13. 30.
319. Ly, Amadou Mali 3 MLI 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2047 2090 95. 49.
320. Maccapani, Massimiliano San Marino 3 SMR 10 1 5 4 35.0 2117 2007 81. 80.
321. Maduekwe, Chiedu Nigeria 2 res. NGR 5 8 4 2 2 62.5 2158 2253 76. 17.
322. Maduro, Sherman Netherlands Antilles 1 res. AHO 5 11 5 0 6 45.5 2088 2016 87. 34.
323. Maga, Mirabeau 2350 The Philippines 4 PHI3 11 4 5 2 59.1 2332 2397 42. 30.
324. Magai, Vladimir Kyrgyzstan 1 res. KGZ 3 1 1 1 50.0 2350 2350 38.
325. Majid, Ali 2240 United Arab Emirates 3 UAE 12 6 3 3 62.5 2143 2238 67. 15.
326. IM Mališauskas, Vidmantas 2490 Lithuania 3 LTU 14 5 7 2 60.7 2480 2560 24. 16.
327. Mamombe, Kudzanai Zimbabwe 1 ZIM 2 12 2 0 10 16.7 2332 2059 89. 94.
328. FM Manninen, Marko 2450 Finland 3 FIN 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2329 2365 49. 36.
329. IM Mannion, Stephen 2390 Scotland 3 SCO 12 4 7 1 62.5 2341 2436 55. 13.
330. Mansour, Sameer Mauritius 1 res. MRI 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 2095 1970 84.
331. IM Marin, Mihail 2525 Romania 2 ROM 13 5 5 3 57.7 2411 2468 36. 32.
332. Marko, Helmut 2205 Papua New Guinea 1 res. PNG 9 5 1 3 61.1 2108 2188 91. 17.
333. Marry, A. Palestine 4 PLE 8 1 1 6 18.8 2061 1660 98.
334. IM Martín del Campo, Roberto 2410 Mexico 3 MEX 14 6 5 3 60.7 2290 2370 51. 17.
335. FM Martin, Benjamin 2320 New Zealand 1 NZL 11 5 1 5 50.0 2357 2357 61. 58.
336. IM Mascariñas, Rico 2450 The Philippines 1 PHI2 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2370 2334 44. 66.
337. Massana, Jorge 2255 Puerto Rico 4 PUR 9 3 3 3 50.0 2192 2192 62. 56.
338. IM Mateus, Manuel 2255 Angola 2 ANG 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2127 2127 74. 50.
339. Matsuo, Tomohiko Japan 1 res. JPN 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2204 2254 72. 21.
340. Matsuura, T. Japan 2 res. JPN 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2166 1366 72.
341. McDermott, Mary Guernsey-Jersey 1 res. GBG 1 1 1 0 0 100.0 94.
342. IM McNab, Colin Anderson 2475 Scotland 2 SCO 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 2402 2373 55. 59.
343. IM Meduna, Eduard 2500 Czechoslovakia 4 CSR 6 3 1 2 58.3 2443 2500 14.
344. Merino, Maximiliano El Salvador 3 ESA 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2063 2063 101. 50.
345. IM Michel Yunis, Christian 2355 Chile 1 res. CHI 4 8 3 2 3 50.0 2243 2243 57. 31.
346. Midjord, Jóan Pætur Faroe Islands 1 res. FAI 10 3 3 4 45.0 2143 2107 65. 37.
347. Mifsud, Francis Malta 2 res. MLT 1 2 1 0 1 50.0 2000 92.
348. Mifsud, Timothy Malta 4 MLT 7 14 5 4 5 50.0 2101 2101 92. 47.
349. Miheso, Clement Kenya 4 KEN 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 104.
350. Miller, Bobby 2330 Bermuda 1 res. BER ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 2107 1685 100. 56.
351. GM Milos, Gilberto 2515 Brazil 1 BRA 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2531 2531 28. 60.
352. FM Milu, Romeo Sorin 2400 Romania 2 res. ROM 6 2 3 1 58.3 2298 2355 36.
353. IM Minasian, Artashes 2545 Armenia 4 ARM 12 6 3 3 62.5 2463 2558 3. 20.
354. IM Mirza, Shahzad Pakistan 1 res. PAK 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2132 2045 70. 50.
355. Moatlhodi, Kgosmore 2205 Botswana 4 BOT 5 12 2 6 4 41.7 2140 2083 86. 65.
356. Mohd Kamal, Abdullah 2205 Malaysia 3 MAS 11 2 3 6 31.8 2258 2125 78. 81.
357. IM Mohr, Georg 2440 Slovenia 3 SLO 10 5 3 2 65.0 2373 2483 21. 9.
358. Mok Tze Meng Malaysia 2 MAS 2 7 1 2 4 28.6 2233 2075 78.
359. GM Mokrý, Karel 2535 Czechoslovakia 3 CSR 13 6 3 4 57.7 2464 2493 14. 28.
360. Montes, Valerio El Salvador 2 res. ESA 1 7 0 2 5 14.3 2000 101. 49.
361. Morris, Charles F. 2225 Wales 3 WLS 10 3 1 6 35.0 2242 2132 75. 78.
362. IM Mortensen, Erling 2430 Denmark 1 DEN 12 4 5 3 54.2 2470 2499 48. 39.
363. Mossong, Hubert 2265 Luxembourg 4 LUX 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2277 2277 71. 51.
364. IM Motwani, Paul 2455 Scotland 1 SCO 13 3 7 3 50.0 2519 2519 55. 50.
365. Mounib, Abdelaziz 2205 Morocco 2 res. MAR 7 2 1 4 35.7 2206 2104 77. 43.
366. Moussa, Alaa-Eddine Palestine 1 PLE 10½ 13 10 1 2 80.8 2080 2331 98. 3.
367. Moussa, Othman United Arab Emirates 4 UAE 7 14 6 2 6 50.0 2185 2185 67. 45.
368. Moussa, Taleb United Arab Emirates 2 res. UAE 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2205 67.
369. IM Moutousis, Konstantinos 2405 Greece 4 GRE 12 8 1 3 70.8 2354 2512 39. 8.
370. IM Muir, Andrew 2375 Scotland 1 res. SCO 8 2 5 1 56.3 2261 2304 55. 24.
371. Mukabi, John Kenya 1 KEN 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 104.
372. Mündle, Kurt Liechtenstein 3 LIE 12 2 5 5 37.5 2063 1976 90. 75.
373. Muratkuliev, Shohrat Turkmenistan 2 res. TKM 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
374. GM Mykhalchyshyn, Adrian 2530 Ukraine 2 res. UKR 4 0 3 1 37.5 2475 2388 9.
375. NN 3 res. BRU 4 4 4 0 0 100.0 96.
376. NN 1 res. YEM 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 103.
377. Naarden, Amindo Netherlands Antilles 4 AHO 11 2 3 6 31.8 2096 1930 87. 76.
378. Nadera, Barlo 2390 The Philippines 2 PHI2 11 6 1 4 59.1 2367 2432 44. 26.
379. Naimanye, Andrew 2205 Uganda 1 UGA 14 5 1 8 39.3 2165 2085 83. 78.
380. Nainapalert, Tanin Thailand 2 res. THA 3 8 3 0 5 37.5 2167 2080 73. 41.
381. Najjar, Ahmad Lebanon 4 LIB 14 9 1 4 67.9 2136 2269 69. 13.
382. IM Nascimento, Alexandre 2295 Angola 1 ANG 11 3 1 7 31.8 2144 2011 74. 86.
383. Nassr, Nacer Algeria 2 res. ALG 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2062 1990 66.
384. Nasybullin, Vladislav 2330 Kazakhstan 1 res. KAZ 8 3 3 2 56.3 2308 2351 45. 22.
385. FM Navarro, Roberto 2310 Mexico 2 res. MEX 2 4 2 0 2 50.0 2290 2290 51.
386. FM Navrotescu, Cătălin 2360 Romania 1 res. ROM ½ 3 0 1 2 16.7 2358 2085 36.
387. Nelson, Abiodun Jamaica 1 res. JAM 4 7 2 4 1 57.1 2205 2255 93. 20.
388. IM Nenashev, Alexander 2515 Uzbekistan 3 UZB 12 7 5 0 79.2 2506 2736 2. 1.
389. Nevednicii, Vladislav 2470 Moldova 3 MDA 8 14 5 6 3 57.1 2338 2388 35. 29.
390. Ng Ek Teong 2205 Malaysia 4 MAS 10 3 3 4 45.0 2203 2167 78. 63.
391. Nguyễn Anh Dũng 2205 Vietnam 4 VIE 10 7 1 2 75.0 2256 2449 53. 5.
392. Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân Vietnam 2 res. VIE 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
393. IM Nikolić, Nebojša 2445 Bosnia & Herzegovina 2 res. BIH 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
394. GM Nikolić, Predrag 2635 Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 BIH 8 14 5 6 3 57.1 2576 2626 12. 30.
395. Nishimura, Hiroyuki Japan 1 JPN 12 6 3 3 62.5 2265 2360 72. 19.
396. Nkunda, Pius Botswana 1 res. BOT 1 5 1 0 4 20.0 2092 1852 86.
397. Nolte, Rolando The Philippines 2 res. PHI2 10 6 1 3 65.0 2165 2275 44. 11.
398. Norazmi, Md Nor Malaysia 1 res. MAS 3 6 2 2 2 50.0 2128 2128 78.
399. FM Norri, Joose 2395 Finland 4 FIN 11 5 3 3 59.1 2283 2348 49. 31.
400. GM Novikov, Ihor 2580 Ukraine 1 res. UKR 6 3 3 0 75.0 2487 2680 9.
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401. GM Nunn, John Denis Martin 2615 England 4 ENG 10 5 3 2 65.0 2450 2560 10. 17.
402. Nurmamedov, Mammed Turkmenistan 1 res. TKM 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
403. FM O'Donnell, Tom 2390 Canada 4 CAN 9 3 5 1 61.1 2210 2253 54. 27.
404. Oblitas Guerrero, Carlomagno 2425 Peru 4 PER 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 2318 2390 26. 29.
405. Odeh, Kenneth Nigeria 2 NGR 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 2195 2020 76. 90.
406. Okoth, Joachim 2210 Uganda 4 UGA 7 14 4 6 4 50.0 2123 2123 83. 46.
407. GM Ólafsson, Helgi 2525 Iceland 3 ISL 5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2516 2559 6. 30.
408. GM Oll, Lembit 2600 Estonia 2 EST 10 14 7 6 1 71.4 2502 2643 25. 5.
409. Olsen, Heini 2245 Faroe Islands 2 FAI 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 2251 2308 65. 29.
410. IM Orr, Mark 2380 Ireland 1 IRL 10 2 3 5 35.0 2307 2197 82. 82.
411. Osimin, S. Moldova 2 res. MDA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
412. Ottaviani, Walter San Marino 1 SMR 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2120 1320 81.
413. Owosina, Tolani Nigeria 3 NGR 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2160 2217 76. 27.
414. Pacis, Adrian 2305 The Philippines 2 res. PHI3 2 5 1 2 2 40.0 2265 2193 42.
415. GM Panno, Oscar 2465 Argentina 2 ARG 4 7 1 6 0 57.1 2477 2527 34.
416. Pantebre Martínez, José Antonio Andorra 4 AND ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 2196 1774 59.
417. IM Pędzich, Dominik 2385 Poland 1 res. POL 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2418 32.
418. Pena, Emilio Puerto Rico 1 res. PUR 1 6 0 2 4 16.7 2168 1895 62.
419. FM Pergericht, Daniel 2295 Belgium 1 res. BEL 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2208 2121 50. 49.
420. Pesantes Carbajal, Carlos 2335 Peru 2 res. PER 5 1 1 3 30.0 2345 2196 26.
421. IM Petrosian, Arshak 2470 Armenia 1 res. ARM 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2508 2383 3.
422. GM Pétursson, Margeir 2555 Iceland 2 ISL 10 2 7 1 55.0 2536 2572 6. 33.
423. Pg Omar Baki, Pg Hj Jaafar Brunei 2 res. BRU 6 12 5 2 5 50.0 2084 2048 96. 26.
424. Phan Đặng Triều Vietnam 1 res. VIE 10 4 1 5 45.0 2255 2219 53. 35.
425. IM Piasetski, Leon David 2370 Canada 2 res. CAN 6 1 1 4 25.0 2282 2089 54.
426. GM Piket, Jeroen 2615 Netherlands 2 NED 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 2549 2578 23. 44.
427. Pineau, Jacques 2280 Japan 2 JPN 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2285 2321 72. 40.
428. Pineda, Boris 2240 El Salvador 1 ESA 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 101.
429. GM Pintér, József 2580 Hungary 4 HUN 8 13 4 8 1 61.5 2473 2560 17. 22.
430. IM Podlesnik, Bogdan 2370 Slovenia 1 res. SLO 2 6 1 2 3 33.3 2414 2289 21.
431. Poha, Hendrik Indonesia 2 res. INA 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2430 40.
432. IM Polaczek, Richard 2415 Belgium 3 BEL 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2379 2336 50. 47.
433. IM Popchev, Milko 2465 Bulgaria 2 res. BUL 9 4 5 0 72.2 2409 2575 19. 4.
434. GM Portisch, Lajos 2575 Hungary 2 HUN 9 3 3 3 50.0 2570 2570 17. 54.
435. Pothin, Victor Seychelles 3 SEY ½ 7 0 1 6 7.1 2048 1626 102.
436. Poulsen, P. Faroe Islands 2 res. FAI 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
437. Powell, David Japan 4 JPN 12 3 3 6 37.5 2151 2064 72. 73.
438. Powell, John Jamaica 2 res. JAM ½ 5 0 1 4 10.0 2060 1694 93.
439. IM Prasad, Devaki 2415 India 1 res. IND 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2369 2369 22. 27.
440. GM Psakhis, Lev 2605 Israel 1 ISR 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 2587 2587 11. 53.
441. IM Pyhälä, Antti 2365 Finland 1 res. FIN 0 4 0 0 4 0.0 2479 1679 49.
442. Quaderer, Hansjörg Liechtenstein 4 LIE 9 1 1 7 16.7 2073 1800 90. 81.
443. Quek Suan Shiau Singapore 2 res. SIN 5 2 1 2 50.0 2067 2067 52.
444. FM Rahman, Jamilur Bangladesh 3 BAN 5 11 4 2 5 45.5 2222 2186 60. 61.
445. FM Rahman, Tahmidur 2265 Bangladesh 4 BAN 6 9 4 4 1 66.7 2206 2331 60. 15.
446. FM Rahman, Ziaur 2360 Bangladesh 1 BAN 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 2326 2413 60. 21.
447. Ramos, Aristóteles Angola 1 res. ANG 6 9 6 0 3 66.7 2032 2157 74. 13.
448. IM Rasmussen, Karsten 2450 Denmark 4 DEN 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2284 2320 48. 40.
449. IM Ravi, Lanka 2370 India 4 IND 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2383 2333 22.
450. Rayner, Francis 2270 Wales 2 WLS 3 9 0 6 3 33.3 2299 2174 75. 86.
451. GM Renet, Olivier 2495 France 2 FRA 7 11 3 8 0 63.6 2437 2539 27. 14.
452. IM Reyes, Juan 2415 Peru 3 PER 10 6 3 1 75.0 2420 2613 26. 3.
453. Ribera Baztán, Josep 2290 Andorra 2 res. AND 7 2 1 4 35.7 2071 1969 59. 44.
454. GM Ribli, Zoltán 2595 Hungary 3 HUN 12 4 7 1 62.5 2516 2611 17. 11.
455. IM Ricardi, Pablo 2465 Argentina 1 res. ARG 9 2 3 4 38.9 2341 2261 34. 46.
456. Richmond, Peter 2210 Wales 1 res. WLS 3 9 3 0 6 33.3 2170 2045 75. 53.
457. Righi, Ezio 2205 San Marino 4 SMR 8 12 5 6 1 66.7 2062 2187 81. 14.
458. GM Rivas Pastor, Manuel 2520 Spain 1 ESP 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2536 2500 41. 65.
459. GM Robatsch, Karl 2410 Austria 1 AUT 4 10 1 6 3 40.0 2428 2356 47. 75.
460. Roca, Petronio 2370 The Philippines 4 PHI2 9 3 1 5 38.9 2285 2205 44. 70.
461. IM Rødgaard, John 2360 Faroe Islands 1 FAI 8 13 4 8 1 61.5 2315 2402 65. 22.
462. GM Rodríguez Vargas, Orestes 2455 Spain 4 ESP 9 4 5 0 72.2 2394 2560 41. 7.
463. IM Rodríguez, Ruben The Philippines 1 PHI3 12 6 3 3 62.5 2453 2548 42. 16.
464. GM Rogers, Ian 2550 Australia 1 AUS 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2504 2561 46. 25.
465. Rojprapayont, Viroj Thailand 3 THA 12 6 1 5 54.2 2141 2170 73. 39.
466. GM Romanyshyn, Oleh 2595 Ukraine 3 UKR 11 4 5 2 59.1 2501 2566 9. 19.
467. IM Romero Holmes, Alfonso 2490 Spain 2 ESP 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2488 2445 41. 68.
468. Rõtšagov, Mihhail 2420 Estonia 4 EST 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2462 2390 25. 60.
469. GM Rozentalis, Eduardas 2585 Lithuania 1 LTU 14 3 9 2 53.6 2544 2573 24. 44.
470. IM Rubinetti, Jorge Alberto 2450 Argentina 3 ARG 5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2453 2496 34. 32.
471. Rudin, Hamdani Indonesia 1 res. INA 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2245 1445 40.
472. Ruželė, Darius 2340 Lithuania 2 res. LTU 7 11 4 6 1 63.6 2458 2560 24. 15.
473. Ryan, Joseph 2300 Ireland 1 res. IRL 8 3 1 4 43.8 2057 2057 82. 41.
474. Sa-ngadsup, Prakob Thailand 4 THA 4 2 1 1 62.5 2200 2295 73.
475. GM Šabalovs, Aleksandrs 2535 Latvia 3 LAT 12 7 1 4 62.5 2460 2555 5. 12.
476. IM Salazar Jacob, Hernán 2380 Chile 2 CHI 11 3 5 3 50.0 2399 2399 57. 52.
477. IM Saltaev, Mikhail 2460 Uzbekistan 1 res. UZB 2 3 2 0 1 66.7 2498 2623 2.
478. Sammut Briffa, Peter Malta 1 MLT 3 10 3 0 7 30.0 2174 2025 92. 90.
479. Sammut, Ronals Malta 3 MLT 4 13 3 2 8 30.8 2066 1925 92. 83.
480. Santa Torres, Juan 2225 Puerto Rico 1 PUR 10 2 3 5 35.0 2249 2139 62. 83.
481. Santa Torres, Luís 2240 Puerto Rico 3 PUR 12 6 3 3 62.5 2155 2250 62. 14.
482. Santamaría Mas, Vicens 2220 Andorra 3 AND 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2282 2210 59.
483. Santana, Orlando 2260 Puerto Rico 2 PUR 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2277 2234 62. 69.
484. IM Santo-Roman, Marc 2495 France 4 FRA 7 2 1 4 35.7 2381 2279 27.
485. FM Santos, José Pereira 2380 Portugal 2 res. POR 9 2 5 2 50.0 2344 2344 43. 28.
486. IM Sarapu, Ortvin 2350 New Zealand 2 res. NZL 8 4 3 1 68.8 2151 2292 61. 9.
487. FM Sarfati, Jonathan 2305 New Zealand 3 NZL 9 1 3 5 27.8 2332 2166 61. 87.
488. Sarwar, Tauseef Pakistan 3 PAK 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 2332 2260 70. 69.
489. Sasaki, Katsumi 2205 Japan 3 JPN 4 10 3 2 5 40.0 2158 2086 72. 71.
490. Savva, Panikos 2205 Cyprus 1 res. CYP 9 3 1 5 38.9 2139 2059 88. 47.
491. GM Sax, Gyula 2600 Hungary 1 HUN 7 11 3 8 0 63.6 2564 2666 17. 15.
492. IM Schandorff, Lars 2435 Denmark 2 DEN 9 3 3 3 50.0 2358 2358 48. 55.
493. Schepel, Kaarlo 2250 Hong Kong 2 HKG 11 2 3 6 31.8 2162 2029 85. 88.
494. Schinis, Marios 2210 Cyprus 1 CYP 10 1 7 2 45.0 2188 2152 88. 67.
495. FM Schuh, Franz 2310 Austria 4 AUT 11 6 3 2 68.2 2325 2458 47. 11.
496. IM Sebih, Kamel 2310 Algeria 2 ALG 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 2252 2377 66. 11.
497. Seegolam, Pradeep Mauritius 3 MRI 11 3 3 5 40.9 2076 2011 84. 68.
498. GM Seirawan, Yasser 2600 United States 3 USA 7 1 3 3 35.7 2511 2409 4.
499. Senador, Emmanuel The Philippines 1 res. PHI3 5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2349 2392 42. 25.
500. Sepp, Olav 2335 Estonia 2 res. EST 2 4 1 2 1 50.0 2436 2436 25.
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501. Seredenko, Vladimir 2335 Kazakhstan 4 KAZ 7 12 6 2 4 58.3 2337 2394 45. 33.
502. IM Serper, Grigory 2540 Uzbekistan 2 UZB 13 6 5 2 65.4 2554 2664 2. 12.
503. IM Sevillano, Enrico 2345 The Philippines 1 res. PHI 7 9 6 2 1 77.8 2281 2501 31. 6.
504. GM Short, Nigel David 2685 England 1 ENG 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 2561 2597 10. 36.
505. Sicobo, James France Seychelles 4 SEY 2 10 1 2 7 20.0 2031 1791 102. 79.
506. Sidi, Mokhtar T. Mali 2 res. MLI 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 2115 1922 95.
507. Silva Lillo, Sebastián 2355 Chile 4 CHI 6 13 3 6 4 46.2 2313 2284 57. 59.
508. Simonenko, Sergei Turkmenistan 4 TKM 14 4 5 5 46.4 2268 2239 30. 58.
509. Simpson, Anthony Bermuda 4 BER 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2000 1957 100. 52.
510. Sinclair, Devlin Jamaica 4 JAM 3 8 3 0 5 37.5 2093 2006 93.
511. Singh, Ajay 2205 Fiji 4 FIJ 2 9 1 2 6 22.2 2078 1885 99. 78.
512. GM Širovs, Aleksejs 2655 Latvia 1 LAT 9 13 8 2 3 69.2 2582 2723 5. 8.
513. IM Sisniega, Marcel 2525 Mexico 2 MEX 12 3 5 4 45.8 2296 2267 51. 60.
514. FM Sitanggang, Salor 2390 Indonesia 4 INA 6 11 5 2 4 54.5 2297 2297 40. 41.
515. GM Skembris, Spyridon 2530 Greece 2 GRE 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2430 2466 39. 39.
516. IM Small, Vernon 2390 New Zealand 2 NZL 3 9 1 4 4 33.3 2317 2192 61. 85.
517. GM Smirin, Ilia 2545 Israel 2 ISR 10 3 3 4 45.0 2512 2476 11. 66.
518. Smith, Alvin Louis Netherlands Antilles 1 AHO 11 2 7 2 50.0 2133 2133 87. 59.
519. GM Sokolov, Ivan 2630 Bosnia & Herzegovina 2 BIH 9 14 6 6 2 64.3 2538 2640 12. 13.
520. Solomon, Maxwell Republic of South Africa 2 res. RSA 11 3 3 5 40.9 2196 2086 63. 39.
521. IM Solomon, Stephen 2445 Australia 3 AUS 10 3 3 4 45.0 2448 2368 46. 62.
522. Solomons, Deon Republic of South Africa 1 RSA 11 4 1 6 40.9 2396 2331 63. 72.
523. Solonari, Ion Moldova 1 res. MDA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
524. IM Soppe, Guillermo 2430 Argentina 4 ARG 10 2 5 3 45.0 2326 2290 34. 61.
525. Sosa, Luis 2240 Puerto Rico 2 res. PUR 10 4 5 1 65.0 2140 2250 62. 12.
526. GM Sosonko, Gennadi 2530 Netherlands 4 NED 6 2 3 1 58.3 2496 2553 23.
527. Sousa, Armindo 2285 Angola 4 ANG 13 6 3 4 57.7 2076 2133 74. 34.
528. FM Soylu, Suat 2335 Turkey 3 TUR 14 5 3 6 46.4 2244 2215 37. 56.
529. GM Spasov, Vasil 2550 Bulgaria 2 BUL 10 2 5 3 45.0 2499 2463 19. 67.
530. GM Speelman, Jonathan Simon 2630 England 2 ENG 6 11 2 8 1 54.5 2522 2558 10. 35.
531. GM Spraggett, Kevin 2545 Canada 1 CAN 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 2425 2482 54. 20.
532. Ssentongo, Edward 2275 Uganda 1 res. UGA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
533. IM Stefánsson, Hannes Hlífar 2455 Iceland 1 res. ISL 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2461 2681 6. 3.
534. GM Štohl, Igor 2560 Czechoslovakia 2 CSR 8 13 4 8 1 61.5 2463 2550 14. 18.
535. Strating, H. Netherlands Antilles 3 AHO 12 3 5 4 45.8 2104 2039 87. 59.
536. Stull, Norbert 2225 Luxembourg 3 LUX 11 4 1 6 40.9 2230 2165 71. 67.
537. GM Sturua, Zurab 2545 Georgia 3 GEO 7 12 2 10 0 58.3 2508 2565 8. 22.
538. GM Şubă, Mihai 2520 Romania 1 ROM 6 13 3 6 4 46.2 2487 2458 36. 63.
539. FM Sunthornpongsathorn, Veraphol 2340 Thailand 1 res. THA 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2110 2067 73. 40.
540. GM Sunyé Neto, Jaime 2510 Brazil 2 BRA 8 10 7 2 1 80.0 2443 2683 28. 1.
541. IM Sznapik, Aleksander 2460 Poland 4 POL 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2356 2356 32. 49.
542. Tabarini, Ivan San Marino 2 res. SMR 3 8 2 2 4 37.5 2026 1939 81. 42.
543. IM Tan Lian Ann 2370 Singapore 3 SIN 7 12 5 4 3 58.3 2327 2384 52. 26.
544. IM Tatai, Stefano 2410 Italy 4 ITA 5 10 2 6 2 50.0 2452 2409 29. 48.
545. Tawbeh, Mounir 2215 Lebanon 2 LIB 13 4 3 6 42.3 2232 2175 69. 70.
546. Tayeb, Suhail United Arab Emirates 2 UAE 14 6 1 7 46.4 2236 2207 67. 56.
547. Temirbaev, Serik 2435 Kazakhstan 2 KAZ 14 6 7 1 67.9 2416 2549 45. 8.
548. IM Thipsay, Praveen Mahadeo 2485 India 3 IND 11 4 5 2 59.1 2431 2496 22. 21.
549. Thomsen, Torbjørn 2215 Faroe Islands 4 FAI 4 11 1 6 4 36.4 2207 2105 65. 74.
550. Tia, Rudy jr Papua New Guinea 1 PNG 6 12 5 2 5 50.0 2182 2182 91. 55.
551. Tilmatine, Amar Algeria 4 ALG 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2097 2222 66. 16.
552. GM Timman, Jan 2620 Netherlands 1 NED 7 13 3 8 2 53.8 2580 2609 23. 42.
553. IM Tisdall, Jonathan 2455 Norway 2 NOR 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 2474 2503 33. 45.
554. IM Titov, German 2490 Moldova 2 MDA 14 5 7 2 60.7 2422 2502 35. 23.
555. Tkachiev, Vladislav Kazakhstan 3 KAZ 9 2 3 4 38.9 2373 2293 45. 73.
556. Tonsingh, Orrin 2220 Jamaica 2 JAM 12 3 3 6 37.5 2156 2069 93. 77.
557. IM Þórhallsson, Þröstur 2445 Iceland 2 res. ISL 5 1 3 1 50.0 2494 2407 6.
558. GM Torre, Eugenio 2555 The Philippines 1 PHI 4 10 1 6 3 40.0 2476 2404 31. 74.
559. Toure, Amadou 2205 Mali 4 MLI 3 10 2 2 6 30.0 2052 1927 95. 77.
560. Tratar, Marko 2335 Slovenia 2 res. SLO 0 2 0 0 2 0.0 2295 21.
561. Tseleng, Emmanuel 2205 Botswana 2 BOT 6 12 3 6 3 50.0 2117 2117 86. 51.
562. FM Tsuboi, Edson 2335 Brazil 2 res. BRA 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2294 2337 28. 25.
563. Từ Hoàng Thông 2405 Vietnam 2 VIE 8 13 6 4 3 61.5 2348 2435 53. 19.
564. Tzoumbas, Anastasios 2210 Greece 2 res. GRE 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 2283 2090 39.
565. GM Ubilava, Elizbar 2560 Georgia 2 GEO 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2529 2442 8.
566. Umar, K. Pakistan 4 PAK 12 4 1 7 37.5 2287 2200 70. 72.
567. IM Urban, Klaudiusz 2465 Poland 2 res. POL 5 7 3 4 0 71.4 2317 2475 32. 5.
568. IM Urday Cáceres, Henry 2480 Peru 2 PER 11 3 3 5 40.9 2448 2383 26. 72.
569. GM Utut Adianto 2485 Indonesia 1 INA 7 14 5 4 5 50.0 2450 2450 40. 48.
570. GM Vaganian, Rafael 2590 Armenia 1 ARM 6 12 1 10 1 50.0 2593 2593 3. 52.
571. IM Van Riemsdijk, Herman Claudius 2440 Brazil 4 BRA 8 2 3 3 43.8 2238 2195 28.
572. IM Van Wely, Loek 2560 Netherlands 2 res. NED 9 4 3 2 61.1 2484 2564 23. 18.
573. GM Van der Sterren, Paul 2535 Netherlands 1 res. NED 3 6 1 4 1 50.0 2462 2462 23.
574. GM Van der Wiel, John 2540 Netherlands 3 NED 5 9 2 6 1 55.6 2504 2547 23. 31.
575. IM Veingold, Aleksander 2465 Estonia 3 EST 11 3 3 5 40.9 2465 2400 25. 66.
576. Volpinari, Danilo San Marino 2 SMR 9 1 1 7 16.7 2199 1926 81. 93.
577. Vouldis, Angelos 2230 Greece 1 res. GRE 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2290 1490 39.
578. GM Vyzmanavin, Alexei 2590 Russia 2 res. RUS 6 9 3 6 0 66.7 2486 2611 1. 10.
579. Wach, Markus 2320 Austria 3 AUT 8 1 3 4 31.3 2448 2307 47.
580. GM Wahls, Matthias 2570 Germany 1 res. GER 6 3 1 2 58.3 2344 2401 13.
581. IM Wang Zili 2495 China 4 CHN 2 6 0 4 2 33.3 2445 2320 16.
582. Warlick, John U.S. Virgin Islands 3 ISV 3 14 2 2 10 21.4 2059 1763 97. 89.
583. Weber, Jean-Marie Luxembourg 1 res. LUX 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
584. IM Wedberg, Tom 2465 Sweden 1 res. SWE 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2460 2410 18. 42.
585. IM West, Guy 2405 Australia 4 AUS 3 7 2 2 3 42.9 2409 2359 46.
586. GM Westerinen, Heikki 2430 Finland 2 FIN 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2418 2382 49. 64.
587. Wijesundara, Ravindra Sri Lanka 4 SRI 10 3 5 2 55.0 2122 2158 68. 37.
588. Wijesuriya, Godigamuwage Luxman 2205 Sri Lanka 2 SRI 10 2 3 5 35.0 2221 2111 68. 82.
589. Wilson, Peter Guernsey-Jersey 2 GBG 14 3 3 8 32.1 2104 1971 94. 87.
590. IM Wittmann, Walter 2380 Austria 2 AUT 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2489 2453 47. 63.
591. Wohl, Aleksandar 2280 Australia 1 res. AUS 6 1 3 2 41.7 2283 2226 46.
592. GM Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander 2495 Poland 1 POL 14 2 11 1 53.6 2511 2540 32. 45.
593. Wolf, Rudsel Netherlands Antilles 2 AHO 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2193 2121 87. 65.
594. IM Wong Meng Kong 2415 Singapore 2 SIN 13 7 1 5 57.7 2413 2470 52. 31.
595. Wong Meng Leong 2245 Hong Kong 1 res. HKG 1 6 0 2 4 16.7 2077 1804 85.
596. IM Xu Jun 2535 China 2 CHN 12 5 5 2 62.5 2417 2512 16. 17.
597. Xuereb, Joe Malta 1 res. MLT 7 4 1 2 64.3 2051 2153 92. 16.
598. FM Yang Xian 2385 Hong Kong 1 HKG 10 12 8 4 0 83.3 2170 2443 85. 2.
599. Yaqub, B. Pakistan 2 res. PAK 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2375 70.
600. IM Yassin, Aly 2305 Egypt 1 res. EGY 6 11 3 6 2 54.5 2250 2286 64. 26.
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601. Yassine, B. Palestine 2 PLE 2 13 1 2 10 15.4 2067 1771 98. 95.
602. GM Ye Jiangchuan 2545 China 1 CHN 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2510 2423 16.
603. GM Ye Rongguang 2515 China 3 CHN 12 7 3 2 70.8 2368 2526 16. 6.
604. IM Yermolinsky, Alexander 2595 United States 2 USA 6 10 4 4 2 60.0 2508 2580 4. 25.
605. IM Yilmaz, Turhan 2390 Turkey 2 TUR 14 6 3 5 53.6 2323 2352 37. 47.
606. GM Yrjölä, Jouni 2485 Finland 1 FIN 12 5 5 2 62.5 2398 2493 49. 18.
607. IM Yurtaev, Leonid 2515 Kyrgyzstan 1 KGZ 8 14 5 6 3 57.1 2520 2570 38. 31.
608. Zabasajja, Willy 2320 Uganda 2 UGA 14 4 5 5 46.4 2181 2152 83. 57.
609. IM Zagrebelny, Sergei 2440 Uzbekistan 4 UZB 11 7 3 1 77.3 2455 2666 2. 2.
610. GM Zaichik, Gennadi 2470 Georgia 1 res. GEO 6 4 1 1 75.0 2449 2642 8.
611. Zair, Abdelkarim Morocco 4 MAR 5 10 5 0 5 50.0 2303 2303 77. 50.
612. GM Zapata, Alonso 2515 Colombia 1 COL 13 5 5 3 57.7 2502 2559 20. 29.
613. IM Zarnicki, Pablo 2385 Argentina 2 res. ARG 9 3 5 1 61.1 2381 2461 34. 19.
614. Zelaya, Gustavo El Salvador 4 ESA 9 10 8 2 0 90.0 2000 2366 101. 1.
615. Zelaya, Porfirio El Salvador 2 ESA 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 101.
616. IM Zilberman, Nathan 2400 Kyrgyzstan 3 KGZ 8 3 3 2 56.3 2394 2437 38.
617. IM Zilberman, Yaacov 2485 Israel 2 res. ISR 2 4 1 2 1 50.0 2331 2331 11.
618. IM Züger, Beat 2420 Switzerland 3 SUI 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2414 2486 15. 18.

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