20th World Student Team Chess Championship: Teesside 1974

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Individual statistics

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no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
1. GM Adorján, András 2515 Hungary 1 HUN 11 2 7 2 50.0 2325 2325 3.
2. Agur, Elieser Israel 3 ISR 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2239 2196 14.
3. Al-Ataki, Farooq Iraq 1 res. IRQ 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2200 28.
4. Al-Junid, F. Iraq 3 IRQ 4 12 3 2 7 33.3 2200 2075 28.
5. Albano, Marco Italy 4 ITA 10 4 5 1 65.0 2255 2365 15.
6. Ambrož, Jan Czechoslovakia 2 res. CSR 5 3 1 1 70.0 2304 2453 7.
7. Angantýsson, Haukur Iceland 2 ISL 11 7 1 3 68.2 2270 2403 13.
8. Aral, S. Turkey 3 TUR 8 3 3 2 56.3 2242 2285 25.
9. Babula, Milan Czechoslovakia 1 res. CSR 12 6 1 5 54.2 2253 2282 7.
10. GM Balashov, Yury 2540 Soviet Union 2 URS 3 7 1 4 2 42.9 2292 2242 1.
11. Baljon, Christofoor 2210 Netherlands 1 res. NED 5 11 5 0 6 45.5 2251 2215 9.
12. Balshan, Amikam 2435 Israel 2 ISR 12 6 3 3 62.5 2253 2348 14.
13. Barkan, Özdal Turkey 2 res. TUR 5 7 3 4 0 71.4 2200 2358 25.
14. Barrington, C. Ireland 2 res. IRL 7 1 1 5 21.4 2214 1984 20.
15. Beil, Zdeněk 2310 Czechoslovakia 3 CSR 7 11 6 2 3 63.6 2306 2408 7.
16. IM Beliavsky, Alexander 2460 Soviet Union 3 URS 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2261 2481 1.
17. Bernstein, David Israel 2 res. ISR 3 5 2 2 1 60.0 2227 2299 14.
18. Bessenay, Maurice 2400 France 2 FRA 8 11 7 2 2 72.7 2222 2397 21.
19. Birnboim, Nathan Israel 4 ISR 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2236 2308 14.
20. Boersma, Paulus 2335 Netherlands 4 NED 11 6 3 2 68.2 2263 2396 9.
21. Borngässer, René 2365 Germany 2 GER 7 12 6 2 4 58.3 2349 2406 6.
22. Buchal, Stephan 2290 Germany 4 GER 10 2 3 5 35.0 2311 2201 6.
23. Büyükgökçesu, Sami Turkey 1 TUR 9 3 3 3 50.0 2304 2304 25.
24. Camatón, Carlos Ecuador 2 ECU 4 9 1 6 2 44.4 2256 2213 18.
25. Carrión, C. Dominican Republic 3 DOM 4 12 3 2 7 33.3 2230 2105 22.
26. Carrión, Marcelo Dominican Republic 2 DOM 4 12 3 2 7 33.3 2255 2130 22.
27. Chellstorp, Craig 2380 United States 1 USA 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 2315 2372 2.
28. Cox, David 2325 Ireland 1 IRL 3 12 1 4 7 25.0 2295 2102 20.
29. Cummins, John Ireland 1 res. IRL 4 6 4 0 2 66.7 2236 2361 20.
30. De Jonghe, Bruno Belgium 1 res. BEL 4 7 3 2 2 57.1 2219 2269 24.
31. Defize, Alain Belgium 3 BEL 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2246 2159 24.
32. Delgado, Alberto Dominican Republic 1 DOM 8 12 7 2 3 66.7 2249 2374 22.
33. Díaz, Joaquín Carlos 2345 Cuba 3 CUB 12 7 5 0 79.2 2256 2486 11. 1.
34. Dillon, Miguel Ecuador 3 ECU 14 5 3 6 46.4 2243 2243 18.
35. Dogantug, İsmail Turkey 2 TUR 2 9 1 2 6 22.2 2267 2047 25.
36. -- empty board -- 2 res. IRQ 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2200 1400 28.
37. Eales, Richard Geoffrey England 2 res. ENG 6 3 1 2 58.3 2200 2257 4.
38. Eidinger, Helmut Switzerland 2 res. SUI 4 9 2 4 3 44.4 2216 2173 16.
39. Elibol, C. Turkey 4 TUR 8 2 1 5 31.3 2200 2059 25.
40. Enigl, Karl Austria 4 AUT 11 3 1 7 31.8 2268 2135 10.
41. Ervin, Roy United States 1 res. USA 7 3 3 1 64.3 2253 2355 2.
42. Eslon, Jaan 2335 Sweden 4 SWE 13 7 3 3 65.4 2244 2354 12.
43. IM Estevez Morales, Guillermo 2330 Cuba 2 CUB 3 8 1 4 3 37.5 2240 2153 11.
44. Fabbri, Mario Italy 1 ITA 4 10 2 4 4 40.0 2344 2272 15.
45. Fedder, Steen 2315 Denmark 2 DEN 9 13 6 6 1 69.2 2305 2446 5.
46. Findlay, David John Scotland 2 SCO 4 12 2 4 6 33.3 2262 2137 19.
47. Freitag, Roland Austria 2 res. AUT 0 3 0 0 3 0.0 2253 1453 10.
48. Friðjónsson, Júlíus 2310 Iceland 1 res. ISL 6 1 1 4 25.0 2268 2075 13.
49. Galarza, Polo Ecuador 4 ECU 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 2235 2264 18.
50. García Gonzáles, Guillermo 2450 Cuba 1 CUB 9 3 5 1 61.1 2323 2403 11.
51. Giffard, Nicolas France 4 FRA 12 6 5 1 70.8 2212 2370 21.
52. Gíslason, M. Iceland 2 res. ISL 1 4 0 2 2 25.0 2265 2072 13.
53. Giulian, Philip Scotland 4 SCO 2 8 0 4 4 25.0 2249 2056 19.
54. Goormachtigh, Johan Belgium 2 BEL 2 8 1 2 5 25.0 2241 2048 24.
55. Grinza, Andrea Italy 1 res. ITA 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2217 2312 15.
56. Guðmundsson, Kristján 2225 Iceland 3 ISL 5 10 3 4 3 50.0 2228 2228 13.
57. Haïk, Aldo 2280 France 1 FRA 7 11 6 2 3 63.6 2238 2340 21.
58. Hälg, Adrian Switzerland 2 SUI 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2281 2281 16.
59. Halldórsson, Bragi 2295 Iceland 4 ISL 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2228 2353 13.
60. Hammer, Peter Switzerland 3 SUI 5 9 4 2 3 55.6 2254 2297 16.
61. Harestad, Thor Geir Norway 1 NOR 5 11 1 8 2 45.5 2243 2207 23.
62. Hauge, Tor Arne Norway 3 NOR 4 9 3 2 4 44.4 2208 2165 23.
63. Hazai, László 2420 Hungary 4 HUN 5 2 3 0 70.0 2200 2349 3.
64. Hjertenes, Øystein Norway 2 NOR 11 2 7 2 50.0 2248 2248 23.
65. Holloway, Nigel John England 1 res. ENG 5 2 3 0 70.0 2200 2349 4.
66. Horváth, Tamás Hungary 2 res. HUN 7 5 1 1 78.6 2223 2453 3.
67. GM Hübner, Robert 2615 Germany 1 GER 4 5 4 0 1 80.0 2291 3091 6.
68. Huss, Andreas 2360 Switzerland 1 SUI 11 4 3 4 50.0 2323 2287 16.
69. Ito, M. Japan 2 res. JPN 7 0 3 4 21.4 2239 2009 27.
70. Jacobs, John United States 2 res. USA 6 9 5 2 2 66.7 2239 2364 2.
71. James, David Wales 1 WLS 5 13 3 4 6 38.5 2334 2209 17.
72. Jhunjhnuwala, Krishan Hong Kong 2 HKG 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2244 2244 26.
73. Jhunjhnuwala, Naresh Hong Kong 3 HKG 2 12 1 2 9 16.7 2223 1950 26.
74. Jhunjhnuwala, Ramesh Hong Kong 4 HKG 4 12 1 6 5 33.3 2201 2076 26.
75. Jhunjhnuwala, Suresh Hong Kong 1 HKG 2 12 0 4 8 16.7 2285 2012 26.
76. Kernan, Bernard Francis Ireland 2 IRL 4 12 2 4 6 33.3 2301 2176 20.
77. Kiffmeyer, Constanz 2330 Germany 3 GER 5 11 2 6 3 45.5 2316 2280 6.
78. Kristiansen, Jens 2370 Denmark 1 DEN 13 6 5 2 65.4 2339 2449 5.
79. Kupreichik, Viktor 2460 Soviet Union 1 res. URS 8 6 1 1 81.3 2246 2497 1.
80. Lanč, Alois Czechoslovakia 2 CSR 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2347 2347 7.
81. Lehtimäki, Anssi Finland 2 res. FIN 0 1 0 0 1 0.0 2200 8.
82. Lekander, Rolf 2345 Sweden 3 SWE 8 13 4 8 1 61.5 2232 2319 12.
83. Liljedahl, Lennart 2330 Sweden 2 SWE 6 13 4 4 5 46.2 2253 2224 12.
84. Majid, Mohd K. Iraq 2 IRQ ½ 12 0 1 11 4.2 2245 1744 28.
85. Mäkinen, Ilkka Finland 1 res. FIN 1 4 1 0 3 25.0 2268 2075 8.
86. Marcus, Joost 2395 Netherlands 2 NED 4 11 3 2 6 36.4 2308 2206 9.
87. Matera, Salvatore 2385 United States 2 USA 10 6 3 1 75.0 2335 2528 2. 1.
88. McCarthy, Moss Wales 2 WLS 13 1 5 7 26.9 2267 2037 17.
89. Mestel, Andrew Jonathan 2270 England 4 ENG 9 4 3 2 61.1 2283 2363 4.
90. Meulders, Richard Belgium 1 BEL 9 5 1 3 61.1 2269 2349 24.
91. Meyer, Eugene 2340 United States 4 USA 8 10 7 2 1 80.0 2254 2494 2.
92. Michalet, Guy France 1 res. FRA 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2220 2256 21.
93. Miles, Anthony John 2410 England 1 ENG 6 12 2 8 2 50.0 2298 2298 4.
94. Miles, Richard J. Wales 4 WLS 6 13 5 2 6 46.2 2256 2227 17.
95. Munir, S. Iraq 1 IRQ 12 0 7 5 29.2 2224 2066 28.
96. Nakatani, N. Japan 2 JPN 1 8 0 2 6 12.5 2268 1946 27.
97. Nakayama, K. Japan 3 JPN 8 1 1 6 18.8 2236 1985 27.
98. Neckář, Lubomír Czechoslovakia 1 CSR 13 3 3 7 34.6 2335 2225 7.
99. Nehmert, Ulrich Germany 1 res. GER 7 10 6 2 2 70.0 2242 2391 6.
100. Neumann, Avraham Israel 1 res. ISR 8 4 3 1 68.8 2248 2389 14.
no. ttl name Elo flag bd code pts gms + = - % Eloav Elop position
tea ind
101. Nishimura, Hiroyuki Japan 4 JPN 2 5 2 0 3 40.0 2219 2147 27.
102. Nordal, T. Norway 1 res. NOR 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2200 2295 23.
103. Nunn, John Denis Martin 2395 England 3 ENG 8 12 6 4 2 66.7 2315 2440 4.
104. O'Brien, P. Ireland 4 IRL 3 9 2 2 5 33.3 2247 2122 20.
105. Önder, T. Turkey 1 res. TUR 1 7 1 0 6 14.3 2201 1892 25.
106. Ornstein, Axel 2430 Sweden 1 SWE 10 13 8 4 1 76.9 2304 2515 12.
107. Øst-Hansen, Jacob 2350 Denmark 4 DEN 12 6 3 3 62.5 2256 2351 5.
108. Palatnik, Semon 2470 Soviet Union 2 res. URS 8 7 1 0 93.8 2211 2655 1. 1.
109. Passerotti, Pierluigi Italy 3 ITA 10 6 1 3 65.0 2278 2388 15.
110. Pearce, Gareth David Wales 3 WLS 7 13 4 6 3 53.8 2251 2280 17.
111. Pedersen, Svend Denmark 3 DEN 9 3 3 3 50.0 2280 2280 5.
112. Pichardo, José Dominican Republic 4 DOM 12 4 5 3 54.2 2222 2251 22.
113. Pinal Borges, Nelson 2315 Cuba 2 res. CUB 5 7 4 2 1 71.4 2200 2358 11.
114. Pintér, József 2410 Hungary 1 res. HUN 10 9 1 0 95.0 2269 2739 3. 1.
115. Pollet, Gervijn Belgium 4 BEL 6 1 1 4 25.0 2235 2042 24.
116. Poulsen, Allan 2280 Denmark 1 res. DEN 9 2 1 6 27.8 2254 2088 5.
117. Poutiainen, Pertti Finland 1 FIN 7 13 5 4 4 53.8 2353 2382 8.
118. Preissmann, Emmanuel 2280 France 3 FRA 1 3 0 2 1 33.3 2280 2155 21.
119. Quigley, Colm Ireland 3 IRL 2 10 1 2 7 20.0 2255 2015 20.
120. Raaste, Eero Finland 2 FIN 6 12 6 0 6 50.0 2313 2313 8.
121. Radashkovich, Itchak 2425 Israel 1 ISR 7 12 4 6 2 58.3 2336 2393 14.
122. Riedel, Wolfgang Germany 2 res. GER 8 3 3 2 56.3 2236 2279 6.
123. Ristoja, Thomas Finland 4 FIN 5 12 4 2 6 41.7 2292 2235 8.
124. Rodríguez Céspedes, Amador 2450 Cuba 1 res. CUB 7 9 5 4 0 77.8 2226 2446 11.
125. Roletschek, H. Austria 1 res. AUT 4 1 1 2 37.5 2301 2214 10.
126. IM Romanishin, Oleg 2470 Soviet Union 4 URS 8 9 7 2 0 88.9 2276 2627 1. 1.
127. Roth, Peter Austria 3 AUT 11 4 3 4 50.0 2319 2319 10.
128. Saariluoma, Pertti Finland 3 FIN 6 10 5 2 3 60.0 2273 2345 8.
129. Sabah, A. Iraq 4 IRQ ½ 8 0 1 7 6.3 2200 1778 28.
130. IM Sax, Gyula 2505 Hungary 2 HUN 5 10 4 2 4 50.0 2302 2302 3.
131. Scheichel, Herbert Austria 2 AUT 6 11 4 4 3 54.5 2340 2376 10.
132. Seiler, Werner Switzerland 4 SUI 9 3 3 3 50.0 2238 2238 16.
133. IM Sigurjónsson, Guðmundur 2480 Iceland 1 ISL 9 12 7 4 1 75.0 2300 2493 13.
134. Sinclair, Iain Scotland 1 SCO 12 2 5 5 37.5 2300 2213 19.
135. Stean, Michael Francis 2345 England 2 ENG 9 12 7 4 1 75.0 2306 2499 4. 1.
136. Steigum, Erling Norway 4 NOR 5 9 3 4 2 55.6 2216 2259 23.
137. Stoutenborough, Ross United States 3 USA 5 8 3 4 1 62.5 2261 2356 2.
138. Swanson, Stephen Scotland 3 SCO 3 11 2 2 7 27.3 2267 2092 19.
139. Takemoto, Hiroshi Japan 1 JPN 9 1 3 5 27.8 2278 2112 27.
140. Thomann, Rudolf Switzerland 1 res. SUI 8 1 1 6 18.8 2243 1992 16.
141. Timman, Anton 2385 Netherlands 3 NED 5 11 3 4 4 45.5 2307 2271 9.
142. Tudhope, Douglas Scotland 1 res. SCO 9 1 5 3 38.9 2228 2148 19.
143. Vadász, László 2460 Hungary 3 HUN 9 4 5 0 72.2 2301 2467 3.
144. GM Vaganian, Rafael 2540 Soviet Union 1 URS 10 11 9 2 0 90.9 2338 2721 1. 1.
145. Valdez, A. Ecuador 1 res. ECU 9 2 3 4 38.9 2213 2133 18.
146. Valenti, Giuseppe Italy 2 ITA 10 1 5 4 35.0 2248 2138 15.
147. Van Dop, Arend 2340 Netherlands 1 NED 6 12 4 4 4 50.0 2340 2340 9.
148. Van Emmelo, John Belgium 2 res. BEL 6 1 5 0 58.3 2200 2257 24.
149. Verduga, R. Ecuador 1 ECU 11 1 5 5 31.8 2344 2234 18.
150. Vilela, José Luís 2335 Cuba 4 CUB 7 11 5 4 2 63.6 2223 2325 11.
151. Vrabec, Miloš Czechoslovakia 4 CSR 1 3 1 0 2 33.3 2290 2165 7.
152. Wittmann, Walter Austria 1 AUT 12 2 5 5 37.5 2363 2276 10.
153. Yoneda, T. Japan 1 res. JPN 7 0 3 4 21.4 2200 1970 27.
154. Zambon, Antonio Italy 2 res. ITA 2 7 1 2 4 28.6 2210 2052 15.

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