1st Chess Olympiad: London 1927

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Basic data

1st Tournament of Nations (Chess Olympiad)
(see all-time tournament summary)
Date: 18th - 30th July 1927
City: London, United Kingdom
Venue: Westminster Central Hall
Tournament Director: N/A
Chief Arbiter: Mr. Hardcastle (UK)
Teams participating: 16
Players participating: 70
Games played: 480
Competition format: Four board round robin.
Final order decided by: 1. Game points; 2. Match points (perhaps)
There are some controversies over tied teams' placing. Most sources put Austria in front of Germany though obviously Germany's record is superior by virtue of match points (Finland vs Belgium is another example).
Time control: 30 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for each next 10 moves
Downloadable game file: 27olm.zip

Tournament review


Chess Olympiads for the Hamilton Russell Cup, held every other year, are among the most popular of chess events, and this is where it all began.

During its inaugural congress at Paris in 1924 the Federation Internationale des Echecs (FIDE) ran a number of tournaments. Perhaps because all of this happened in the same city and at the same time as the Olympic Games, the results were also calculated by nationality to produce a kind of league table of the nations. It was meaningless as a competition. There were between one and four players from each country, and they could be pitted against their own nationals. In any case, most of them were there as negotiating delegates rather than players. Even so, there was a lively response. Some of the lower-placed nations stressed that their teams' were without any official status, other countries protested at being excluded. Germany and Austria were not invited, perhaps because it was too soon after the end of the First World War. The USSR was not there either, but two exiles played as Russians. FIDE was formally constituted at Zurich in 1925, and at its next congress, Budapest 1926, ran a team tournament, over four boards, between four countries. It was announced that the Hon. F.G. Hamilton Russell had donated a cup for the international team tournament to be held the following year in London.

Sixteen nations were represented at Central Hall, Westminster, for the first Olympiad (a name that became official only in 1952). The event attracted much interest throughout the world, although the games were often squeezed out of the chess press in order to give detailed coverage of the World Championship match between Capablanca and Alekhine (it was to be many years before FIDE took a hand in that supreme competition). Even so, there were moans from those who thought that the British Chess Federation should have spent its money on a 'proper' tournament like the grandmaster event held in London in 1922. Countries joined FIDE so that they could play in the Olympiads, and the erratic formation of a national body in the USA was jolted forward by its players' wish to take part. The affiliation of that country, and also those of Latvia, Poland, Portugal, and Uruguay were accepted here.

The status of the Olympiads became firmly established in the 1930s when the competition was dominated by the superb American team. Even Hitler's attempt to run a chess Olympics in Munich 1936 failed to shake FIDE's hold. The competition for the Hamilton Russell Cup is undoubtedly the most popular activity of those controlled by FIDE, especially among those countries where chess players have few other contacts with great players.

A number of features which are standard in Olympiads today were absent in the first event. Most teams had just four players. Those with a fifth varied in their policies. Some used the reserve only in emergency, while Austria used theirs as a full member, rotating their five players fairly evenly. Playing sessions began at 2.30, but 15 rounds had to be played in 11 days (there could be no question of playing on a Sunday), so on four days there was an extra round, played at 9.30 in the morning. Unfinished games were completed the following morning. A player with an adjourned game after the morning session would be greatly helped if his side had a reserve player who could step in for the afternoon match.

Teams did not have to play in order of strength. The records in this book are given in the team sequences most commonly found. Many teams played in a fixed order throughout. Some appear to have tried to rotate the side so that everyone had a go on first board. Some seem to have applied more cunning in an attempt to maximise the team's score. A weak player is sacrificed on the first board in order to give the other three players better chances. A reserve might be used as now, that is below the "regular" players, or used on the board of the player who was absent. That could be inevitable. For example, in the second round, a morning start, Yates failed to appear and so, with ten minutes to go, Spencer was thrown in as reserve. Unfortunately for him, he thought he had to play 20 moves in 10 minutes (actually 30 in 40 minutes) and blundered on his 19th move.

Those who resent the use of the word "British" in British Chess Federation may dislike the fact that I have used 'Britain' as the name of the home team in this book. It is a compromise. The team was billed at the time as "British Empire" although all of the members were English.

/By Ken Whyld, "The First Chess Olympiad London 1927", pp. 3-4/


In conjunction with the 3rd FIDE Congress of 1927, representatives from 16 countries assembled in London to participate in the first of a series of international team competitions, which have become known as The World Chess Olympiads. The event attracted much attention from the chess world, yet its importance was overshadowed by the contest for the individual World Championship and Alekhine's memorable victory over Capablanca. The rules of this Olympiad were quite similar to the modern standards, but no fixed board order was required. The playing schedule was demanding and overloaded compared to what we see nowadays. There was no question of playing on Sundays (of course NOT!), and three games were to be played in two days, including morning adjournments. The only major teams missing from the field were the USA and Poland due to their overstepping the invitation deadline. The Polish chess authorities were suspected of having done so on purpose since they weren’t prepared to pay all the participation costs. The professionals were allowed to take part, which meant such players as Tarrasch, Mieses, Maróczy, Réti, and Grünfeld participated. Only six teams included a reserve player in their squad. The young Hungarian team led by the charismatic grandmaster Maróczy was commonly regarded as a top odds favourite. The UK, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Germany were also regarded as front runners. No one would bet a penny on the Danes, who appeared without a reserve and fielded unknown players on their boards.

Tournament in progress The games started on July 18th at 2 pm. Hungary produced a stunning feat at the very outset by sweeping Yugoslavia 4-0. This triumph lent them wings, and a series of convincing victories saw them pull away from the rest. On their heels came a few Central European teams and, most unexpectedly, Argentina and Denmark. Hungary led at the halfway stage by a 3-point margin. Denmark and the UK were top contenders throughout the event, with Germany, Austria, and Argentina often just behind them. In the later rounds, the teams from distant countries, like Argentina, slowed down the pace and the Hungarians also suffered hard days. Denmark made up lost ground at a tremendous rate. Yet three rounds before the end, Hungary was 2½ points ahead of Denmark and stood to play the poor Finnish team. They were expected to finally sprint away and earn a decisive advantage over the Danes, who were anticipated to struggle vs. the strong Czechoslovak team. Amazingly, team Denmark outdid themselves by crushing Czechoslovakia 3½-½ while Hungary banged their heads against a Finnish wall, winning just a single game and drawing the rest. The penultimate round brought even more fascinating results. Team Holland, desperately struggling for Bronze, defeated the Hungarians, who played too riskily and lost both games with the white pieces. Denmark defeated the faltering Argentinians convincingly and finally managed to draw level with the leaders. Hungary and Denmark were jointly in the lead with 36½ game points, and they were to face teams of equal strength, Spain and Belgium, respectively. However, Denmark’s tiebreak record was superior now, thanks to a higher number of match points. The UK was in bronze medal contention with a narrow lead over Holland, Austria, and Germany. The latter had to beat the host team by not less than 3-1 to sustain their medal dreams. The host UK team secured the bronze medal thanks to Frederick Yates, who beat the elderly Jacques Mieses and contributed significantly to England’s victory over the Germans. The Hungarians took advantage of all their chances and beat Spain (only E. Steiner failed to win and drew with Marin y Llovet). The Danish players lost their cool, and both Krause on the top and Ruben on the bottom board lost. The Gold went to Hungary, team Denmark won the Silver, and the British captured the Bronze.

Hungary was led to victory by Géza Maróczy, who scored 75% on Board 1 and was a true leader to the youngsters. The brave Danes were the dark horse of the event, and their match points record (23) was superior to all, including the winners. Norman-Hansen tied with Sir Thomas for the best individual score in the tournament. England won an excellent 3rd place courtesy of Sir George Thomas, who was so nice to have won 12 points out of 15 games. The rest of the team gave mediocre performances, but it proved enough. Holland, led by future World Champion Dr. Max Euwe, came in 4th. Czechoslovakia ended in a disappointing 5th place despite their incredible final spurt (a perfect 8/8 score in the two last rounds). Germany’s top board Siegbert Tarrasch was already well past his prime and did not show anything more than a solid form. Yugoslavia was expected to have done much better, and Argentina’s finish was pathetic. Team Spain came in last, and a glance at their games easily explains why. Golmayo was their only decent player.

/ Edited by Philip Jurgens (Canada); February 10, 2023 /

Best board results

no. name flag code pts gms %
1. Thomas, George Alan ENG 12 15 80.0
1. Norman-Hansen, Holger DEN 12 15 80.0
3. Réti, Richard CSR 11½ 15 76.7
4. Maróczy, Géza HUN 9 12 75.0
5. Grünfeld, Ernst AUT 13 73.1
6. Euwe, Machgielis NED 10½ 15 70.0

There was no fixed board order and top 6 individual results overall were awarded with a prize.

Best game prizes

Best game prize shared winners:
Yates, Frederick (ENG) - Asztalos, Lajos (YUG) 1 - 0
Grünfeld, Ernst (AUT) - Euwe, Machgielis (NED) 1 - 0


Special beauty prize awarded by Uruguayan chess periodical "Mundial":
Palau, Luis Argentino (ARG) - te Kolsté, Jan Willem (NED) 1 - 0

Interesting games

Historical, first win ever achieved at the Olympiads.
Yates, Frederick (ENG) - Naegeli, Oskar (SUI) 1 - 0

Maróczy on the winning track.
Maróczy, Géza (HUN) - Réti, Richard (CSR) 1 - 0

Tarrasch's tasteful strategy.
Tarrasch, Siegbert (GER) - Rosselli del Turco, Stefano (ITA) 1 - 0

There isn't much stuff like that within chess databases. Ne2 mate!
Weenink, Henri (NED) - Kmoch, Hans (AUT) 1 - 0

One of most famous Olympic oddities. Black king in unwanted voyage.
Palau, Luis Argentino (ARG) - Kalabar, Sadi (YUG) 1 - 0

Beautiful sacrifices and tactical plots but enough only for perpetual check.
Monticelli, Mario (ITA) - Marin y Llovet, Valentín (ESP) ½ - ½

Nice tactics on both sides.
Kmoch, Hans (AUT) - Nilsson, Allan (SWE) 1 - 0

The Spaniard was very close to sensational win but missed easy mate.
Vilardebo Picurena, José (ESP) - Réti, Richard (CSR) 0 - 1

Koltanowski sweeping away Danish hopes...
Koltanowski, George (BEL) - Ruben, Karl (DEN) 1 - 0


The 70 of the 1927 competition is the least number of total players in the history of the Olympiads. As an aside, the unofficial event of 1924 hosted only 19 players.


The original Olympiad trophy is the Hamilton-Russell Cup, named for its donor, Frederick Gustavus Hamilton-Russell, a well-known British attorney and chess sponsor. At the 1927 Olympiad, Géza Maróczy became the first player to lift the Cup for his country. The winning team keeps the Cup until the next event, when it is consigned to the next winner. Hungary relinquished the Cup in 1930 and recaptured it in 1978.


Hungarian Kornél Havasi played not a single of his eight games with the black pieces. The Hungarian captains, not only at the London Olympiad, unusually favoured Havasi when lining up their team’s boards to let him play most of his games with the white pieces. Havasi thereby earned the well-deserved nickname ‘The White Horse’.


Since there was no rule for fixed board orders, the teams were free to choose their policies. Only Germany never altered their lineup. Most reserve players were held back for emergencies, while some countries, like Austria, used to perform everyday rotations of their squad. Holland used a sophisticated strategy of arranging their lineup so that Weenink had the white pieces most times in favour of Kroone, who had to offset it by taking Black. Some teams altered their top board player from time to time. Others ‘sacrificed’ their minor player on the top board to give better chances to the lower boards. The team rosters are presented here in the most common sequences.


The winner of the Bronze medal is recorded as Great Britain, although all of their players were English. No team named England existed until 1937, even though Scotland made their debut in 1933, having played, among others, Great Britain. In London, they were officially called the "British Empire".

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